
  • S3 E8 "Interview w/Ed Vinson", "Love For God and God's Chosen People" part 1

    Invitation to intimacy with God.

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  • S3 E7 "The Unshaken"

    In this episode, I share about the shaking that's coming, and already here. Only the things of God will stand tall and strong. Only the holy, the righteous, the just, and the pure things that are of God are the only things that will remain. All the things of the enemy, the world, and the flesh will crumble and fall.

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    28 分
  • S3 E6 "Glory to The Risen King"
    In this episode I share the importance of knowing and remembering what Jesus did for us by willingly being beaten, shamed, crucified, and then then dying for us. But more importantly, realizing that Jesus didn't just die for us. But that He also arose again, and He is still alive. He ascended to heaven to sit at God the Father's right hand, and to sit on His throne in heaven where He rules and reigns. We must remember that just because Jesus is in heaven, He is still with us in Spirit. Because He sent His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in His people, which is the Spirit of Christ. And His Spirit leads and guides us, His Spirit helps us make right decisions, and His Spirit convicts us of our sin when we do things we shouldn't. His Holy Spirit is what allows Him to be everywhere all at once, all the time.
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    52 分
  • S3 E5 "Interview w/Greg Seay/Greg Seay's Testimony"
    In this episode I have a guest on my podcast. A good friend of mine, and brother in Christ, Greg Seay. I share a little about how Greg and I met, and Greg shares his testimony about when he had his heart attack. And Greg shares about what was going on in his life prior to the heart attack, and how it positively affected his life afterward, and the impact of what he learned had on him after the fact of the heart attack.
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    27 分
  • S3 E4 "Waiting on You"
    In this episode I share about how important it is to wait on the Lord. That we a lot of times are impatient and don't like to wait on things. And we need to think back on all the times we rejected the Lord, and He had to wait on us to wise up and see the error of our ways. We definitely shoudn't have a problem with waiting on the Lord once and a while.
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    45 分
  • S3 E3 "Think on These Things"
    In this episode, I share about how important it is to be yielded to the Holy Spirit. So that way, we will recognize the importance of when we have a defining moment in our life. We don't want to miss the opportunity of a defining moment in our life, because it could be a life changing situation that could make our lives better if we're yielded and surrendered to God.
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    36 分
  • S3 E2 "Podcast Update"
    This episode is intended to be an update of some upcoming changes to my podcast. For some of you this may affect how you listen to my podcast, but for others it may not change anything at all. I share my new email address with the listeners that I specifically created for my podcast. That way people can keep in touch and share how much the podcast means to them.
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    16 分
  • S3 E1 "Let There Be More"
    In this episode I share about how important it is to be able to recognize our brokenness before God, and lean on Him, and call on Him even in the midst of the storm. And also, that when we are experiencing a rough time in our life, as we praise the Lord during these times it will build up our faith in the Lord and the things unseen.
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