
  • Wednesday Challenge - Look For Signs

    Feeling frustrated because time seems to be slipping away?

    Trust that God knows the precise nature of your prayers—even the things you can’t fully comprehend.

    Challenge: In your heart, acknowledge that God understands the depths of your requests. Then, surrender your timing to Him.

    Trust in God: Are you willing to completely trust in His wisdom and timing? Speak from your heart, expressing your unwavering faith.

    Continue to Pray: Keep seeking His guidance, knowing that He orchestrates moments in ways we can’t fathom. Expect His influence at the perfect time and place.

    Join us this Friday @ 7pm Pacific, right here on this podcast as we explore the topic ‘Look For Signs’. Bless you.

    #faith #trustGod #prayer #guidance #surrender #hopefulheart

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  • Let’s Discuss - Look For Signs

    Do you ever think to yourself:

    “I wish God would give me a sign”

    I get it. If you are watching this and are feeling frustrated that you dont know what to do about a prayer, please stay encouraged.

    The truth is that if you have prayed, God has heard your prayer. We can pray to God knowing that His response will be one of Yes, No, or do nothing. When we fully place our trust in God we must also trust in His timing. I have personally experienced many situation where the response I wanted did not come until a time that I was ready to act on a response. Be patient, remain prayerful and know that God’s answer to your prayer will come at a time and manner that He knows is best.

    Join us this Friday @ 7pm Pacific, right here on this podcast as we explore the topic “Look for Signs”. Bless you.

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  • Find Quiet Time With God

    There is power in prayer, but what is the value of quiet time with God? 🤔 Let's discuss.

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  • Wednesday Challenge - Find Quiet Time With God

    “Find Quiet Time With God”

    When life overwhelms you, pause and pray. Quiet moments with God can bring clarity amidst life’s storms. #TrustHim #InnerPeace

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  • Let’s Discuss - Find Quiet Time with God

    “Find Quiet Time With God”

    Do you ever think to yourself:

    “I don’t have a problem with praying every once in a while, but quiet time just doesn’t make sense.”

    I get it. First of all, I am glad you are finding prayer an important part of your life. If you can, make time for prayer every day.

    The truth is that God does here your prayers, but making time to be still and quiet can send a strong message to God that you are prioritizing Him over things you could be doing with your time. In prayer, we are speaking and driving the conversation. In quiet time, we decide to be still and yield to God’s influence in the interaction. We are showing God our desire to know and experience His presence in these moments.

    Join us this Friday @ 7pm Pacific, right here on this podcast as we explore the topic “Quiet Time With God”. Bless you.

    #QuietTimeWithGod #SpiritualGrowth #SeekGod #DailyDevotion

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  • Prayer

    How can we use prayer in our walk with God? How does prayer influence our faith? 🤔 Let's discuss.

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  • Wednesday Challenge - Pray


    Seeking a deeper connection with God? Start today by making prayer time a natural part of your life. Whether you’re walking down the street or sitting quietly, share your heart, thoughts, and aspirations with Him. Let’s communicate with the Divine!

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  • Let’s Discuss - Pray


    Do you ever think to yourself:

    “I am way too busy to pray.”

    Ok. I understand if you have been told that prayer requires this or that or only should be done under certain circumstances. Maybe you have been told or taught the only time to pray is on your knees before bed or before a meal. Maybe you felt that these rituals were unnecessary so you stopped praying altogether.

    The truth is that prayer is not a ritual or a procedure, it is a conversation with God. While many do form rituals and processes around prayer, I think God is willing to hear our prayers at any time for any reason. Trust me when I say we all have time for prayer. Have a favorite podcast? Have a favorite show you stream? When was your last text message? All of these activities take up far more time than you taking up a few moments to speak with God in prayer.

    Join us this Friday @ 7pm Pacific, right here on this podcast as we explore the topic “Pray”. Bless you.

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