My name is Carl Peterson and I'm with the AG and Bio systems Engineering department at North Dakota State University and also work with the Extension Service at NDSU, and today what I'm going to talk about is plugging drains in homes to prevent sewage backup. It's a pretty big issue when it comes to times of flooding or even in times the summer. When you get some high rains that can possibly back up sewage systems into homes and what I'm going to talk about today is what could cause it, and where it could come from. Exactly, some areas where you should look for at home where you could add some sewage cleanup backup and also some different techniques of plugging that es where that sewage backup can occur. Start with why this could possibly have? Why you could possibly have a sewage backup in your house? If the sewage treatment plant in the city or even a portion of the city is overwhelmed by water from either flooding or storms, then that could possibly backup that system and it could back up into your house. The potential for that could be sewage in your house and we can imagine why that could be problem damage to the building. It can be smell and clean up and also disease. As a potential when should we plug our drains in a house to prevent that from happening? Well, the wind should be constant, there's a couple of new things. Newer homes are built with backwater or back flow and check valves built into the older homes. We will need to have those plugged and as we go and the main thing is to prepare for that before the flooding even occurs and we'll give a couple of examples. We're here in a basement in a home and I can show you an example right over here. They have built into the home it's called a back flow backwater valve, it's built right in and on it's got a cap on it and what you need to do is to make sure to check these things periodically at least once a year, because you can have a different kind of corrosion in here. Things can get caught behind this flap and here this is the actual flap that sits in the pipe and the floodwater. The sewage from the house comes in and pushes that valve open and heads out to the sewage removal treatment plant, if water starts to back up and it backs up and hits that valve, it sits and it's stuck right there. This cap is actually what holds that valve in place, so if this cap isn't seated in place this flapper can pop right out and stay out. So, you have to make sure this is clean around it and you have to make sure that the cap is seated in there properly and make sure this cap is on correctly and you don't over tighten these because you can break the cap, but just make sure to finger tighten. Check that valve for homes that don't have these systems in it. The main thing and the best thing that you can possibly do is to prepare ahead of time because if a flood is imminent or if a city announces it it's time to plug those drains. You don't want to be scrambling around then trying to find the right size plugs because there's going to be a lot of other people that have already picked those up and you may not have time to get to a hardware store. You want to have those plugs at the drains ready to go and here's a prime example and we've got this plug that's the right size plug for this floor. Drainpipe over here and we've already removed the scrote and the screws from this floor drain but the problem is it doesn't sit in there and it won't seat, so once I tighten it down. It still doesn't stay in that in that drain, so we needed to actually have a deeper plug for this one particular location here and that's just an example of how you want to get these plugs ahead of time and test them to make sure they'll actually fit in there and tighten them up. It sits in there and I can push it in better tighten it down to hand tighten, so it doesn't break and that seats nice and tight and that will hold that possibility for back flow up into that valve right there. Okay, here's another area where the homeowner definitely needs to prepare in advance, and here's a perfect example of that. This homeowner in the last water damage situation, they had here they tried to plug this drain and they couldn't get the properly sized drain plug. To fit in there because of this housing on the outside of this is a typical washing machine hookup got the hot and cold water and then the drain hose coming out. What they actually had to do? What they did here, they cut the pipe off, and then they were able to plug the pipe over here and this way instead. So, these are the situations we needed to check that ahead of time. A lot of times when the best situations are if you glue a cap on there, a threaded cap that threaded cap can be threaded right out of it and can be sitting. You could leave it sitting right in here and all you have to do is pull the drain hose out and thread that cap in and you're good to go. We're obviously in a shower and the shower drain, it can be fairly easier and it can be a...