
  • You Are NOT What Happen To You!

    In this conversation, We learn that blaming others for past circumstances will never bring healing.

    Only through love and forgiveness will the barriers of pain, hurt and disappointments be broken.

    And only then can we begin to take control of our life.

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  • **YOU ARE**

    This powerful meditative exercise is designed to 

    reset your subconscious mind to Believe and affirm that

     YOU ARE all that God says you are, YOU CAN do all that God says

    you can do, and YOU CAN have all that God says you can have. Listen

    over and over for at least 21  days to create a habit of affirming

    that ALL things are possible for those who believe!

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  • Wounds That Are Picked At Will Never Heal!

    In this conversation we discuss  the causes  of why some  women are jealous 

    of each other,  and to help find ways of coping and solutions  to overcome

     this devastating destructive spirit. 

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  • MEDITATION: A Stress Killer!

    Stress is the leading cause of sickness/diseases and sometimes even death. 

    It can be reversed if you  slow down your life, your thoughts, and your emotions and 

    by becoming more present in the moment.  Meditation is medication if you indulge

    and apply it  to your life on a regular basis.  Meditation is the game changer  for health

    happiness and healing and is a direct killer of stress.  

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  • Reconnection From Rejection

    In this episode we will learn about reconnecting your positive emotions, feelings and self esteem,  after someone has rejected you.

    It's never about you, it is about the negative feelings that a person has towards  themselves that is projected on you.

    It does not matter how a person perceives you,  all that matters is how you perceive,  love, treat and believe what is true about yourself!.

    Sponsorships: on for this episode

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  • "I Am" Board (Positive Spoken affirmations)

     These are life changing positive affirmations designed to reprogram your subconscious mind from negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors,

    to a life of loving, happy and joyful attitudes, environments and mindsets which will draw wonderfully pleasant people, divine appointments 

    and will give you  a  new and beautiful way to see yourself, other people, and your life.  God's plan is "Way Beyond Me"  and you  in  anything 

    we can ask or think.   Speak these affirmations daily over your life and watch the wonderful manifestations start to show up!

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  • Become self aware and Become the best version of yourself.
    Understanding why self awareness is so important in order to change your life. Suggestions and tools to apply that will increase self awareness and self acceptance. When you acknowledge how you see yourself it will change how others see you too. Take control of your life!
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