
  • Matthew 1:1-16: Disciples are Blessed 3/2/2025

    Jesus’ sermon on the Mount begins with a radical idea: true blessing comes not from wealth or power but from humility, mercy, and a heart devoted to God. The Beatitudes remind us that God’s kingdom operates differently from the world’s standards. When we are poor in spirit, we recognize our need for Him. When we show mercy, we reflect His love. Even in persecution, we are not forgotten. God’s reward is greater than any earthly struggle!

    Jesus also calls us to be salt and light. Salt preserves and enhances flavor, just as we are to influence the world with Christ’s truth and love. Light drives out darkness, and our actions should shine in a way that points others to God.

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  • John 10:22-39: Jesus Over All 2/23/2025

    In John 10:22-39, Jesus is in the temple during the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) when the Jews ask Him to state plainly whether He is the Messiah. Jesus responds that He has already shown who He is through His works, which testify that He is from the Father. He declares, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30), emphasizing His divine authority. The Jews attempt to stone Him for blasphemy, claiming He is making Himself God. Jesus counters by referencing Psalm 82:6, arguing that if Scripture calls certain individuals “gods,” how much more does He, the one sanctified and sent by the Father, have the right to call Himself the Son of God? Despite their hostility, Jesus continues to emphasize that His works prove His identity, but they reject Him.

    Hebrews 1:1-3 connects to this passage by affirming Jesus’ supreme authority. It declares that God, who previously spoke through prophets, has now spoken through His Son, who is the exact representation of God’s being and upholds all things by His powerful word. This aligns with Jesus’ claim in John 10 that He and the Father are one, reinforcing His divine nature and ultimate authority over all.

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  • Mark 8:1-10: Jesus Over Needs 2/16/2025

    Mark 8:1-10 recounts Jesus’ miracle of feeding the four thousand. A large crowd had gathered to listen to Him, and after three days without food, Jesus had compassion on them. His disciples were unsure how to provide enough food in the wilderness, but Jesus took seven loaves of bread, gave thanks, broke them, and distributed them. He also blessed a few small fish, and everyone ate until they were satisfied. Afterward, seven baskets of leftovers were collected. Jesus then dismissed the crowd and traveled by boat to the region of Dalmanutha.

    This passage highlights Jesus’ compassion, divine provision, and power over physical needs, demonstrating His ability to satisfy both spiritual and physical hunger.

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  • Matthew 9:18-31: Jesus Over Sickness 2/9/25

    InMatthew 9:18-31, Jesus demonstrates His divine authority over sickness and death through miraculous healings.

    A synagogue leader seeks His help to revive his dead daughter. On the way, a woman suffering from chronic bleeding for twelve years touches His cloak in faith and is instantly healed. When Jesus reaches the leader’s house, He takes the girl’s hand, and she is restored to life.

    Later, two blind men plead for healing, acknowledging Jesus as the “Son of David.” Because of their faith, He restores their sight.

    This passage highlights Jesus’ power over all forms of human suffering, showing that faith in Him brings restoration and life.

    It reinforces His role as the ultimate healer, not just physically but spiritually, offering salvation and renewal to those who trust in Him.

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  • Luke 5:17-26: Jesus Over Sin 2/2/2025

    In Luke 5:17-26, Jesus forgives a paralyzed man’s sins before healing his body, showing His ultimate authority over sin. By addressing the man’s spiritual need first, Jesus reveals the deeper purpose of His mission: to restore our relationship with God. Jesus does not stop there; to demonstrate His divine authority, he heals the man physically as well.

    This story calls us to trust in Jesus, who alone has the power to forgive our sins and bring true healing to our hearts. No burden of guilt or shame is too heavy for Him to lift. May this truth encourage you today: Jesus is not only able to heal what is seen but also what is unseen. He offers us forgiveness, hope, and a new life.

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  • Mark 4:35-41: Jesus Over Nature 1/26/2025

    Mark 4:35-41 is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ presence and authority in the storms of life. As the disciples panic amidst the raging sea, Jesus sleeps peacefully, showing His trust in God’s sovereignty. When they cry out to Him, He rebukes the storm with a simple command, “Peace! Be still!” and calm returns.

    In this moment, Jesus demonstrates His divine power and challenges His followers to replace fear with faith. When life feels overwhelming, this passage encourages us to trust that Jesus is always with us, fully capable of bringing peace to our storms.

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  • John 17:14-26: Jesus Prays for Us Part 3 1/19/2025

    In John 17:14-26, Jesus concludes His High Priestly Prayer, expressing His deep love and concern for His disciples and future believers. He desires that believers be one, just as He and the Father are one, so their unity can reveal God’s love to the world. Jesus also prays for eternal fellowship, that His followers will one day see His glory and share in the love of God.

    This oneness reflects the divine relationship within the Trinity and calls believers to live in love and unity, witnessing God’s truth to others.

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  • John 17:9-19: Jesus Prays for Us Part 2: 1/12/2025

    In John 17:9-19, Jesus demonstrates that prayer is intimate communication with the Father. He speaks openly, asking God to protect, unify, and sanctify His disciples. This prayer reveals Jesus’ deep relationship with the Father and His desire for His followers to live in holiness and truth. It shows us that prayer is not just about asking for help but aligning our hearts with God’s will. Like Jesus, we can approach the Father with confidence, knowing He listens and empowers us to glorify Him in the world.

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