Blessings, and welcome. You've stumbled across the podcast of two fundamental opposites who like the same things. Are on a similar journey with different ways of getting through it. This is our very first episode so there is going to be a lot of background noises and weird things happening. I appreciate your patience as we work out the kinks. Essentially the feel we want for our podcast is two friends shooting the shit, chit chatting about things going on whatever it may be.
This weeks episode is about our power and things that cause us to give it away and how to potentially stop doing that. There are a couple books referenced in the show. I will list them below.
This is the list we will be discussing in the episode and thats the website I got it from.
1. You give into guilt trips
2. Your self worth depends on other peoples opinions.
3. You have trouble setting boundaries (Trent Shelton - How to Protect your Peace is a good book on this)
4. Complaining about all the things you HAVE to do
5. You Hold Grudges
6. You change your goals based on other peoples opinions
7. You are hypersensitive to criticism
8. Others have the ability to bring out the worst in you
9. You spend a lot of time talking about people you dont like
10. Other people determine the day you are going to have
Giving away your energy is telling yourself that your feelings and thoughts dont matter. Commit to becoming the driver rather than the passenger. You already know you have the ability to commit to what isnt working for you. What have you got to lose if you commit to yourself now?
Other books referenced in the podcast:
1. Theres a Hole in my Love Cup - Sven Earlandson (sorry for miss pronouncing it.
2. How to Own your Sh!t - Tanya Beauty Coach
Thanks for listening to our podcast. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. If you listened to the whole thing and made it this far. I appreciate you.