
  • Episode 19

    Do you struggle to have peace in your life? Do you find yourself constantly in a state of anxiety? In this episode of the Weekly Word, we will see what the Bible says about our fears and find the prescription for having peace in this life.

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  • Episode 18 - You Need A Cast

    How do you respond when you find yourself with a broken heart? Today, we'll learn that the path to mending a broken heart is similar to healing a broken bone. Just as a broken bone needs a cast for support and protection, our hearts also need a place of refuge and strength. In the same way that a cast helps a bone mend properly, we must learn to cast our burdens, worries, and pain upon Jesus.

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  • Episode 17 - Proclamations Of Faith

    Do you find yourself constantly making petitions to the Lord? Just as the woman pressed through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus' garment, you too can approach the Lord with confidence, making bold declarations of faith.

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  • Episode 16 - Laodicea

    Are you a lukewarm Christian? Could people look at your life and see Jesus evidently? The church of Laodicea was a great and wealthy city that lacked nothing, except good water. Sometimes, we are like Laodicea. We think we are spiritually ok and lacking nothing, but in reality, we are spiritually bankrupt.

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  • Episode 15 - Pray About Everything

    Take a minute to think about your prayer life. Do you pray only for "the big things" in your life? Do you pray to God about your life's simple and mundane things? This episode of The Weekly Word will challenge you to pray to God about anything and everything.1

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  • Episode 14 - Light Work

    Do the commands of God feel like a burden? God's commands aren't meant to be burdensome. Check out this Weekly Word episode and learn to follow Jesus' commands joyfully.

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  • Episode 13 - Don't Become Sluggish

    Today's Weekly Word is taken from Joshua 18:3, where we read about the Israelites "taking it easy" instead of actively pursuing what God had promised them. This passage prompts us to reflect on our relationship with God. Have we, like the Israelites become complacent, or sluggish, in our relationship with God? Are we simply coasting along, taking it easy, and not striving after growth with God?

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  • Episode 12 - Is Jesus Worth It?

    In this week's episode of the Weekly Word, we will look at Jonah's story and disobedience to God's commands. There is a cost to following Jesus. Is Jesus worth the cost?

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