This week on the Concierge Coaches Show, Wayne has a special guest, Dave Bryant, who authored the books "The Confessions of a Door-to-Door Salesman" and "Welcome to Success." Wayne and Dave discuss the importance of growth and having impactful mentors and leaders to invest in. Dave shares his story about rising sales and how he started at ten and soon began working at a profitable company. He explains how his ego began inflating, and he had to face himself and pursue humility. He shares that turning the focus from him to other people helped him embrace authentic leadership. Close to the halfway point Wayne asks Dave what inspired him to write his books, Dave then spends several minutes exploring his mindset that helped him write his story. This is a very informative episode for salesmen for learning traits of an effective leader, we hope to have Dave on again soon. Dave can be reached through his email: dave@ncsfl.net His book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Door-Salesman-Bruce-Bryant/dp/B0DG6JZT3G Bruce through his cell (214) 431-2032 and https://conciergecoach.net/ Wayne, through email at wayne_515@yahoo.com