Our Future is Kind Podcast is a podcast in search of a kinder future. Here, we interview futurists, artists, politicians, ethicists, corporate leaders, politicians, and others that our audience suggests so that we can
- Generate ideas about what the future should look like, and
- Learn how to exercise our kindness to help build that better, kinder future.
In this episode, Michael is solo. This is a chance to set a benchmark of what a kinder future could look like. This gives our listeners and viewers a chance to agree, disagree, suggest guests for the podcast, and give *their* ideas of what the future should look like and how we can better approach making it so
Keywords kindness, community, podcast, Star Trek, writing, future, connection, compassion
Summary In this episode, Michael is solo, talking about what the future could be like, how we can know it when we see it, and why he prefers Star Trek as a starting point.
Don't keep us a secret! Share with a friend, give a positive rating, subscribe, thus helping us spread the empowerment of building a kinder future. And let's face it - who doesn't want a kinder future, right?
Michael's Essential Information
The Web: https://ourfutureiskind.com
Book a Call!: https://ourfutureiskind.as.me
Press Kit: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AiWrXvllLwR9xXbDg4dpa8d0V1EF?e=ktzM0O
#Podcast #Kindness #Future #Books #Culture #StarTrek