THE DREADED 'SLOP' BUCKET! Where do you get rid of your dirty plaster water bucket at the end of the job? A storm drain in the road? A bush in the front garden? 🙈 This is common problem for plasterers but Mark Huyton has design a unique system for filtering dirty water into clean water that can then be used to mix up or simply poured away without risk of blocking the customers sink ! Get your hands on a FREE Shark bag by joining Trowel Talk community here: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1AQCYa62QB/ Watch the video podcast on YouTube here to get a look at the shark bag: https://youtu.be/Pp5Z1j8o2xM?si=P1FNoVP5vGuhQCv- Join our thriving coaching program and take advantage of the many discounts on tools and training here: www.troweltalk.co.uk