How much do you know about Keptn? Of is a kind of tool that can be used to integrate almost everything in your DevOps pipeline. We welcome our guest Adam Gardner - A prominent member of the Keptn community who has been there ever since the 0.2 release. Here are the questions that Adam answered in the episode.
- A brief history of Keptn, Why it started, and What made developers create Keptn?
- Road to becoming a CNCF incubator
- Are there any other tools like Keptn out there?
- Is Keptn, only about cloud-native DevOps automation?
- How Keptn can help organisations to reduce their MTTR and make monitoring decisions automated?
- Is Keptn difficult to learn and implement in large-scale implementation?
- How best the Keptn is suited to open source monitoring tools like Prometheus? Will Keptn work better with Dynatrace?
- Can users contribute to the Keptn community since it is open source, If so, what are all things they can contribute?
Some Useful Links:
- Check out the Lifecycle Controller! Cloud-native pre-, post-deployment and application health checks.
- A brief history Keptn
- Join us for Kubecon and Keptn Community Day in Detroit! Community booth in the project pavilion, cool demos, main track talks, and a first-ever full-day Keptn event.
- CNCF Road to Incubator Doc
- Slack
- Checkout the episode notes