What exactly is self-care, and why does it matter?
Are you ready to dive into the world of nurturing your mind, body, and soul?
As you listen to the episode, maybe write yourself a list to help you remember!
Instead of feeling discouraged by setbacks, through practice and patience, learn to embrace them as valuable lessons.
Let's start your journey of learning and growth.
Create Your Best Life Jingle
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That's "Create Your Best Life" with me Debbie Crouch.
A Creative Wellness Mentor, artist and author.
Helping people who feel lost and alone discover their true selves through expression of emotions with creativity.
Facebook Group facebook.com/groups/artforwellnesswithdebbiecrouch
Website www.Creativewellnessjourney.co.uk
Instagram www.instagram.com/art_for_wellness_creativity
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/debbie-crouch-49360730