What is stART therapeutic Art?
Hi I’m Debbie Crouch from Art for Wellness and we lead exclusive groups and memberships to help people who are struggling, feel insignificant, lost or alone.
Who want to come out of the shadows, gain confidence through participating and engaging in creative activities that support wellbeing and mental health.
We do this through creative arts, workshops and our exclusive wellbeing community.
So, if you would like to come together to help each other through creative wellness and art.
Art for Wellness with Debbie Crouch.
Today I want to talk about stART therapeutic Art
Join me in our established online community, where together, we'll explore the transformative power of creativity for a healthier, happier life.
To find out more about the membership check out
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Art for Wellness with Debbie Crouch -facebook.com/groups/artforwellnesswithdebbiecrouch
Art Journaling for beginners
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That's "Create Your Best Life" with me Debbie Crouch.
A Creative Wellness Mentor, artist and author.
Helping people who feel lost and alone discover their true selves through expression of emotions with creativity.
Facebook Group facebook.com/groups/artforwellnesswithdebbiecrouch
Website www.Creativewellnessjourney.co.uk
Instagram www.instagram.com/art_for_wellness_creativity
LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/debbie-crouch-49360730