Acquania Escarne, acclaimed financial coach and entrenpreneur, discusses her journey from learning finances at an unusually early age to her 15-year career in the Foreign Service and how she cleverly funded her own extensive travel experiences. Acquania emphasizes the importance of learning financial literacy no matter your age or circumstances and understanding the role of money as a tool for achieving your sometimes lost or broken dreams. Acquania shares her financial strategies for setting smart, realistic goals and also addresses the challenges women face with money, advocating for transparency and setting boundaries. Acquania encourages survivors of financial abuse to reclaim their financial power and pursue their true selves.
- Parental Influence on Financial Perspective.
- Jump starting your dreams financially.
- Women and fear of money.
- Building generational wealth and education opportunities for descendants.
- Holiday spending and financial boundaries.
- Strategic planning of your money regardless of where you start.
- Financial advise for economic abuse survivors - how to get moving!
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