Business owner Ryan
Lucia joins our podcast to discuss his transition from the corporate white-collar world to the blue-collar entrepreneurial realm. After building a highly successful software sales organization, the company Ryan works for is acquired. The acquiring company decides to let him go because he doesn't match the academic profile they like their executives to have - Ryan is a self-made high school dropout. Ryan decides to do something entirely out of the box - start a garage door business. Installing garage doors requires you to be good with tools and mechanics, a skill set Ryan does not have. Throughout Ryan's story, he dispels invaluable business and leadership advice.
- Aaron Overhead Doors
- Why Boys Struggle With School
- The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It
- Adam Smith Bio - From Investopedia
- Leadership Lesson - Start With Me (Matthew 26:21-22)
#QuitYourCrappyJob #podcast #selfimprovement #quityourjob #business #downsizing #downsize #entrepreneurlife
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