
著者: Amy and Suzie
  • サマリー

  • Amy and Suzie are sisters that created this podcast to inspire people to laugh, love, grow and evolve. Whiskachick is a term our Nana used to describe anything she didn't want to name specifically. We dedicate this to her. Her mantra was Be True to Yourself.

    © 2025 Whiskachicks
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Amy and Suzie are sisters that created this podcast to inspire people to laugh, love, grow and evolve. Whiskachick is a term our Nana used to describe anything she didn't want to name specifically. We dedicate this to her. Her mantra was Be True to Yourself.

© 2025 Whiskachicks
  • Episode 32 THE MAGIC!!!!

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    Amy and Suzie chat about a book called THE MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne. What is the MAGIC? It is living a life of gratitude. Certainly you have heard of saying the magic words, THANK YOU?! That IS the MAGIC!! This book has changed our lives and with all the amazing manifestations rolling in, we want to share how you too, can live this life. The caveat is, YOU MUST DO THE WORK!!! It is SOOOO worth it, please trust us. Live and commit to the 28 days of this book and watch and live the MAGIC happening for you!!
    Pick up the book here and start the MAGIC!!! Woot!!
    If you would like to throw us a few bucks to help support our life's work, Buy Us A Coffee! Here is the link!

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  • Episode 31 Do Respond and Don't React!!!

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    Are you someone that speaks before you think? Is it normal for you to have a knee-jerk reaction to defend yourself? Are you easily triggered buy things other people say to you? Then this episode is definitely for you! Amy and Suzie chat about the difference between responding and reacting while communicating with others. Trust us when we say responding is the way to go!
    We welcome any support for our podcast, so if you would like to help, copy and paste this link and buy us a coffee!

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  • Episode 30 Our One Year Anniversary!

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    Our hearts are exploding with gratitude and joy! Amy and Suzie chat about one year being on the books for the Whiskachicks Podcast! What started as a random idea has blossomed into something we are so pleased to share with the world...LITERALLY! We share some exciting news with all of you and touch upon the time of year with Halloween/Samhain and also the fact it's time to vote in the United States. Always consistently random with us, but ALWAYS a great time! Join us!!

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