
  • All About Indiana Property Taxes

    Larry Deboer, Professor and Extension Specialist in Agricultural Economics at Purdue University, who has consulted about taxation of property for decades, describes Indiana's property tax and various issues about it.

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    31 分
  • The State of Podcasting

    Rob Walch describes the podcasting business nation wide. We also learn how to start a podcast, the different types of programs, the three basic formats, plus a number of specifically recommended listening experiences. Rob is Vice President of Podcaster Relations for LIBSYN (Liberated Syndication), which provides the technical services for podcast publication. (Libsyn.com)

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    29 分
  • Semi Conductor Busines in Indiana

    Larry Wallman, a manufacturers' representative and leader in The International Micro Electronics Assembly and Packaging Society, tells us about Indiana's declining position in his industry. Morton calls attention to recent announcements that electronics companies are coming to Indiana.

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    27 分
  • The Mezzo Soprano from Lafayette, Indiana

    Audrey Johnson not only sings. She teaches. John encountered Audrey in this context. She provided both a wonderful musical experience and a history of Jewish American composers, this with the collaboration of pianist Clare Longendyke. More information about Audrey's programs can be found at OFTHEEISING.COM. (Yes: two letter e). In the next year and a half, she will help celebrate the Semiquincentennial of The United States with public and private performances.

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    34 分
  • Safety In The Air Today, with Local Private Pilot Hunter Heath

    A discussion of systems and procedures that make air travel safe.

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    26 分
  • Helping Plants With Winter and Snow

    "Hoosier Gardener" Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp describes how to deal with plants during periods of heavy snow and cold. Plants and trees should be selected and placed to avoid/reduce contact with salt-based deicing compounds. Walking on ice-bound lawns is discouraged. Also, the time is right to try new plants. Cconsidering local ordinances and home owner assiciation rules is important.

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    26 分
  • Morton Describes Economic Status of Indianapolis

    A wide-ranging discuission of costs, wages, economic development, the nature of jobs, and much more, about Indianapolis.

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    25 分
  • Spend Too Much on Entertainment?

    Spoiler Alert: You spend too much on entertainment! (A conversation between podcast hosts John Guy and Morton Marcus.)

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    29 分