In this episode, Caleb surprises Andy with the episode topic. He starts a conversation about social media and questions whether the impact of it can be anything other than negative. The two don't come to a final resolution on the issue, but they share their underqualified thoughts along the way.
And more importantly, they aim to model the conversations where you don’t just talk like, "Haha, I’m on social media for 4 hours." And then you laugh about it and move on.
But the conversations where you go, "I’m on social media for 4 hours. Why am I on there for 4 hours? What could I be doing instead? Do I need to completely cut it out? Or do I just need to think about how I’m going to engage? And then put parameters around that so I don’t go past that…
We hope for you viewers that this thought is triggered in you. And that you take that away and positively impact your community around you.