Today’s episode gives a sampler of what’s behind the Patreon wall (kinda like the Source Wall, but that’s a DC reference and Chris might not like it…). The holidays ran rough-shod over our recording/production schedule, so we’ll have more of that Alpha Flight sweetness you crave in a couple weeks’ time. But for today…
Welcome to the Why Not?! Have A Drink Thanksgiving special. That's right, this is the only Thanksgiving special we will ever make because there can be only one. And that’s also right, we're pulling a Highlander, alternately titled "Swords Do Not Work That Way"!
A few notes to set the stage:
- We say we’re going to circle back to a number of items, which we don’t really. It’s just that kind of episode!
- But! There’s always another bite at that apple with…Highlander 2: The Quickening
- Chris really can do a Sean Connery. It’s impressive. Probably how he won over his wife
- Tom suggests that maybe some of the actors should’ve swapped places. Just saying
- Chris recounts his “sword period”: the pre-social media era was an interesting time to be alive
- Chris makes some very specific comics comparisons (X-Ternals; Ramirez-MacLeod / Xavier-Summers)
- One of those comparisons almost nails the weirdness of Highlander 2…
Produced by Tom Flynn
Assisted by Chris Baker
Music:"Oh, Canada" by Five Iron Frenzy
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