"Why Practice Matters" on Mind the Gap Show - A podcast co-hosted by Sanah Anand and Harmeet Anand
Episode Summary: In this episode, we discuss the role of "Practice" and the ways to remain consistent with practice. Co-hosting this audio show Sanah who is a budding neuroscientist and Harmeet is an established executive coach share from their lives about practices, how to continue on the path to growth, the role of perfectionism, types of perfectionism, reasons why we habitually procrastinate. From their own lives, they share actionable insights on how to break bigger goals down to smaller practices and counter the boredom that comes with practices.
Topics Discussed:
- Different Kinds of Practices
- Procrastination and stress
- Perfectionism - the good and the bad
- Moods conducive for being on the path of success
Resources Mentioned:
- Procrastination in College Students: Longitudinal study of procrastination, performance, stress, and health (Tice and Baumeister, 1997) https://www.amherst.edu/media/view/230062/original/procrastinating.pdf
- Self Oriented vs. Socially Prescribed Perfectionism: Relationship among perfectionism, academic procrastination and life satisfaction of university students (Capan 2010) https://www-sciencedirect-com.ccl.idm.oclc.org/science/article/pii/S1877042810017167?ref=pdf_download&fr=RR-7&rr=8be33b7778b52f03
- Supported by Neuroimaging: The Neural Basis Linking Achievement Motivation With Procrastination: Left Precuneus Connectivity With Right Anterior Cingulate Cortex (Li et al., 2021) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Li-Yuhua-2/publication/354004356_The_Neural_Basis_Linking_Achievement_Motivation_With_Procrastination_Left_Precuneus_Connectivity_With_Right_Anterior_Cingulate_Cortex/links/615f080d50be5507289a74e6/The-Neural-Basis-Linking-Achievement-Motivation-With-Procrastination-Left-Precuneus-Connectivity-With-Right-Anterior-Cingulate-Cortex.pdf
- Instagram handle - mindthegap.show and website www.coach4max.com
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Music by Jay Someday