As we take on another instalment on this subject, I want to zero in on the phrase, 'the breath of the Almighty gives men understanding.' A translation says, the inspiration of the Almighty gives.. It suggests that a lack in inspiration equals a lack in whatever the Holy Spirit supplies. If your life is surrounded by lack, check the measure of inspiration you get daily. Many of us would rather check other indicators but would have nothing on the source of our inspiration.
Divine inspiration is a function of your spiritual connectivity and receptibility. The cordiality and intimate posture of your relationship with God determines the frequency and quality of your inspiration. Your connectivity in the Spirit determines your receiving frequency. Inspiration is God's investments in human endeavours so one can produce great results. God doesn't waste resources. You won't always get inspiration if you do not make use of the ones He sends your way.
Inspiration is the breath of God impacting the life of God into our affairs so that our affairs can take on a life of its own that is powered by the life of God. It is a way of connecting the life of God to flow into and give life to our endeavours so they can come alive. Inspiration impacts ideas and expands our horizon. It reveals our abilities and stretches our capacity. Inspiration is a faith booster, pathfinder and anchor when turbulence sets in. Inspiration lightens our path with the pathways of God. Hallelujah!
Divine inspiration is a function of your spiritual connectivity and receptibility. The cordiality and intimate posture of your relationship with God determines the frequency and quality of your inspiration. Your connectivity in the Spirit determines your receiving frequency. Inspiration is God's investments in human endeavours so one can produce great results. God doesn't waste resources. You won't always get inspiration if you do not make use of the ones He sends your way.
Inspiration is the breath of God impacting the life of God into our affairs so that our affairs can take on a life of its own that is powered by the life of God. It is a way of connecting the life of God to flow into and give life to our endeavours so they can come alive. Inspiration impacts ideas and expands our horizon. It reveals our abilities and stretches our capacity. Inspiration is a faith booster, pathfinder and anchor when turbulence sets in. Inspiration lightens our path with the pathways of God. Hallelujah!