Colin Grist recorded on 04/09/2024
Colin Grist is the other Co-Founder and the Creative Director at Few and Far.
Few and Far help charities make the world a better place. Proud to work only with charities and do-good organisations in bringing their experience and expertise in digital to a sector in real need of support.
Colin worked for almost 15 years in digital - across design and development - creating award-winning work for organisations such as: WaterAid, The Bank of England, Blue Cross and Mind.
Colin speaks openly about his own mental health experiences both as a founder but also as a creative person and he set up a platform called 'Pressures & Perspectives' to help break the stigma around mental health in the creative industry.
Recently Colin became a Trustee at Leeds Mind and is also a qualified gym instructor & dance instructor, providing dance classes to the local community for over 3 years.
To find out more about Few and Far go to: https://www.fewandfar.co.uk/
Check out 1% For The Planet here: https://www.onepercentfortheplanet.org/
And if you're unfamiliar with B-Corps check their UK website here: https://bcorporation.uk/
You can buy Let My People Go Surfing here: https://www.waterstones.com/book/let-my-people-go-surfing/yvon-chouinard/naomi-klein/9780143109679
Other booksellers are available but my mate works at Waterstones.
You can also check out S04 E19 of Working Hours to hear from Colin's co founder Thomas Nadin.