It's always a journey in the early parts of developing new skills. We talk about getting your mindset right and addressing these struggles as you develop and grow. We also explore the balance of ease and flow vs friction and obstacles when manifesting and being on your path.
Work with Zach or Neil 1-on-1 by getting an Akashic Record Reading
- Message @justzachkaufman or email zelikaufman125@gmail.com
- Email neil@neildisy.com
Ask Us A Question -we'll answer on air - TAP HERE TO ASK
Episode Highlights
- The barriers in the early part of new skill development
- Self-judgment and getting battered by waves while learning new skills
- Looking at failure as fleeting moments on the path of development
- Emotions are form, they aren't consciousness
- Learning how to deal with the emotions is part of the development itself
- If its manifestation, should it always be easy?
- Taking away the unnecessary friction to allow you to continually show up
- External obstacles vs internal obstacles
- Observe it, learn from it, and elevate
Music-Max Van Soest