Danielle Terrelonge did strategic planning for a financial arbitration company out of Long Island. She was making great money living in Manhattan, just a block away from Time Square. Yet despite all her success, she wasn't happy. After a few visits home to Jamaica, Danielle decided that she was an island girl at heart and traded her New York job for a corporate job on the island. But she soon realized her happiness was feeling connected to the land and the sea, not working in a cubicle or board room. Danielle then embarks on opening an extremely exclusive restaurant in a cave - her first entrepreneurial attempt and is very successful. This success propels her to start other exclusive business ventures that allow her to maintain the work-life balance she desires.
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• https://travelnoire.com/why-i-left-corporate-america-and-opened-my-dream-restaurant-in-a-cave-in-jamaica
• https://www.facebook.com/HmGrwnandCo/
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