Today’s guest is one of my soul sisters, Taylor Lorenz! We broke down her entire journey from film school, to traveling the world making full time income as a blogger, to her path into personal development, becoming a yoga teacher and a body positivity hype queen. Plus, per usual, a whooole lot of real and raw chit chat on sex, body love & reaching a point of self-acceptance within yourself (without always thinking you need to work on yourself first).
About Taylor:
Taylor is a travel blogger, yoga teacher, podcast host, and self-acceptance/body confidence advocate. In a culture that deems one must first improve themselves before accepting themselves, Taylor takes a stance by sharing her raw and honest stories about travelling as a solo woman and coming to love her body, boldness, and fierce personality just as she is. She challenges our society's beliefs and calls out the BS around body image, self-improvement, and feminism so that women can feel at home in their bodies and accepting of their vibrant personalities.
Follow Taylor:
Instagram/TikTok: @taylorstracks
Happy Tracks podcast