Welcome to 2025, Raw Beauty Crew! New Years is one of my favorite holidays - I absolutely love having the opportunity to reflect on where I’ve been, where I am, and where I want to go. In this episode, we’ll be doing just that! Grab a pen and paper, or download the custom PDF I’ve created for you, and join me for a 20 minute guided exercise that will help you reflect on your past year and create a vision for the new year ahead. With this exercise, you’ll set yourself up to begin your year on a strong foundation - one filled with gratitude, self-love, and clear intentions. Download your PDF here. Book your complimentary 20-minute Breakthrough Call with Erin here! Join me inside of the Food Freedom Program! Are you loving the show? We’d be so grateful if you could share the show with a friend, and leave a rating and a review on Apple Podcasts! Connect with Erin and Raw Beauty Talks on Instagram or on our website