In this episode, I want to talk to you about identity. It's so easy to find yourself in a place where you're just doing the same things day in and day out, repeatedly taking the same actions and having the same thoughts. Then you find that you're not growing, you're not upleveling and feeling that sense of expansion and transformation either with your business or within yourself. And that's because your identity has such an impact and a huge part to play on the person that you're going to become.
If you are focusing on the things that are not working for you, then that is what you are going to experience. That's why identity is key to becoming the next level version of you. Because if you are focusing on that next stage in your life and business, you are focusing on the woman you are going to become.
Have a listen, and then think about the impact you want to make and what identity you need to be to fulfil that. Email me and let me know.
About Anne-Louise:
Hey I'm Anne-Louise, host of the Purpose within Prosperity podcast. I am an Intuitive Channel and Spiritual Mentor for female coaches and changemakers, spiritually guiding them to unstoppable success.
I have an intuitive ability to access messages and guidance from beyond human consciousness. I tap into your higher self, your future self and your soul and share the wealth of wisdom they have for you. Leading to realisations and opportunities beyond what you thought possible.
To speed up your business growth and success with your own map to clarity.
As your higher self guides you and gives you the confidence to make those scary decisions that take you from playing small to shining in your brilliance.
Step into each week with a spiritually guided plan: https://experiences.annelouiseharbutt.com/divine-wisdom-collective
Learn how to open the channel to your higher self https://annelouiseharbutt.com/channel-higher-self-for-guidance/
Anne-Louise's Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annelouiseharbuttintuitivecoaching/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annelouiseharbutt/
Website: https://annelouiseharbutt.com/