Zooming to Webinar Success: The Webinar Guy!

著者: Grant Holmes The Webinar Guy
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  • The Webinar Guy (and team) plans, produces, hosts and moderates virtual meetings all over the world. We look to share our experiences and tips on helping you succeed with great meetings & events!
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The Webinar Guy (and team) plans, produces, hosts and moderates virtual meetings all over the world. We look to share our experiences and tips on helping you succeed with great meetings & events!
  • On Screen Behavior (And expectations!)
    Hey, I’m Grant: My clients call me The Webinar Guy. Welcome to episode thirty-four of  “Zooming to Webinar Success!”Today we’re going to talk about “On Screen Behavior in Webinars And Virtual Meetings. Oh yeah, and Expectations.”Remember you can always catch up on all the episodes on TheWebinarGuy.com I find it a fascinating thing how often in life, we forget where we are or what we’re truly doing. I’ll call it clueless. Yet that really doesn’t fit, because the virtual sessions I manage, moderate or host are with very bright and educated people. They are not clueless. So to make my point, please forgive this next… Have you ever observed someone, say sitting on a park bench or at a food court, wherever. And Mindlessly, yeah we’ll go with mindlessly- they scratch this, or pick that, or well, ya know what I mean?At first, we’re fascinated. Maybe grossed out, mostly surprised that someone would “do that” in public. I know that you and I have never done anything like that, but I digress.In the last week, a speaker did a webinar on his phone. Not bad in and of itself, as it was on a holder. But during the session, he got a message, and we see this huge finger coming to the screen to clear it. Yeah. Twice.Another phone user, a panelist that was walking around their office with their phone. When it was their turn, they stopped, said their piece. But then immediately started walking around again. Talk about distracting!People in noisy places where you can barely hear them, or worse hear everything their co-worker is saying. Stupid things in backgrounds, and on and on.But what to do?! Let me step aside for a moment. I’m the webcast and podcast sponsor, TheWebinarGuy.com! (Yeah, that’s me). When you decide to plan your webinar and are looking for speaker training, or what I call stage craft training, we have many resources and would love to help you! Reach out to: WebinarPro@TheWebinarGuy.com, or visit our website (TheWebinarGuy.com) and use contact form! We’d love to work with you! Thanks for listening to my commercial! So what to do?First, I’m constantly amazed by people that seem to think its no big deal. I’m going to call it the Walmart generation. You know the people that just no longer care how they present themselves in public. The instances I just described aren’t that bad (yet?), but they point to a mindlessness of presentations. Let’s talk about “Brand”. What IS a brand? Businesses spend billions each year defining, establishing, creating, marketing and protecting their brand. Then it comes to a webinar or other virtual event and, “meh, it's no big deal.”Your brand is everything, including the way you dress and present yourself. Including forgetting you are on camera and blowing your nose. Yeah, on camera. Unmuted. Honest.The lady who sat sideways at her desk, but her top was caught on the desk and well, um.. let’s just say she was showing more than she intended. When I have to pause their video and interrupt, it’s embarrassing for all.Maybe the word I was originally looking for was “unconscious”- not clueless.I suppose the overarching point I’m trying to make is to approach your virtual summit or virtual event in a more conscious manner. Your role in the webinar or virtual meeting doesn’t matter. If you’ll be on camera, stop for a moment and think about how you are representing you and your brand.This seems an obvious point. People still do get dressed up for going out, going to church, looking nice at a networking event, a date with a significant other; yet, the moment we get comfortable in front of a camera and no one else is in the room, we kinda forget ourselves.So here’s a checklist for you to consider;One: STOP and remember what you’re doing and say to yourself: I’m about to be on screen in front many people that will tell others about my webinar, or virtual meeting, or my role in it. Overall- how can I best prepare to be “present” in the webinar?Two: What can I do with my background (or set) to best represent myself (and the brand). Are there dumb things in the background (Like that eighties hair-band poster with swimsuit models?). (That was last weeks winner.) And while we’re on this one, check your lighting to ensure its balanced! (Check webinar episodes seventeen, eighteen and nineteen for more on all these!)Three: What wardrobe challenges might you have in that outfit? Take a moment to stand up, sit down, turn in your chair- whatever. Watch yourself in your camera to see what shows and might not work.Four: Ambient Distractions. Really think about your space. Does your office face a windowed hallway where co-workers may wave as they pass and take your attention? (that one was last month). What if you’re facing outside and there’s construction next door, or the park, or… Please eliminate things that will take your eye focus off camera!Five: On screen distractions. Whatever device you are using, do you have...
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    10 分
  • The Power Of A Series Of Webinars And Virtual Meetings
    Hey, I’m Grant: My clients call me The Webinar Guy. Welcome to episode thirty-three of  “Zooming to Webinar Success!”Today we’re going to talk about “The Power Of A Series Of Webinars And Virtual Meetings.”Remember you can always catch up on all the episodes on TheWebinarGuy.com It was nineteen-twenty-six. A company was trying to figure out how to increase sales. Something we are all doing most every day. The company’s sales manager, Allan Odell came up with arguably, one of the best, and possibly most memorable marketing ideas of the era.He was inspired by a string of signs leading to a service station in Illinois, each sign promoting a product or service available at the station.A tweak here and there and the Burma Shave sign series was born and almost immediately the company saw a spike in sales. If you’re not familiar with the Burma Shave Signs, do a search. A quick recap; They were “one line” signs in a series of signs, in sequence often found on fence posts along the road. Remember this was before the advent of interstate highway system and back roads kept speeds down a bit. Perfect for the time and conditions.There were usually four or five signs about one hundred feet apart or so. Eventually more than seventy-five hundred sets were in forty-five states! And while they most often were about shaving, they also did some funny signs, and even “public service” signs that had nothing to do with shaving. But in keeping the style and brand common, you knew where they were from.There are many lessons to learn here but first a quick work from our sponsor: Yes, I’m the webcast and podcast sponsor, TheWebinarGuy.com! (Yeah, that’s me). When you decide to plan your webinar and are looking for marketing ideas, we have many resources and would love to help you! Email me: WebinarPro@TheWebinarGuy.com, or visit our website (TheWebinarGuy.com) and use contact form! We’d love to work with you! Thanks for listening to my commercial! Stories like the Burma Shave Signs are fun, but there’s serious marketing stuff going on there. Let’s go back to the title of this episode: The Power Of A Series Of Webinars And Virtual Meetings. I’d like to hope that I’m demonstrating this concept with this series of episodes on Zooming to Webinar Success.Lets look at the lessons:Lesson one: The signs were cohesive; they all pointed to the same goal, brand and purpose. Lesson two: The signs were memorable. Each sign made you want to read the next one. Lesson three: Related to that is that they encouraged people to talk about them. Almost like Super Bowl ads. Imagine them discussing them at work, “Hey did you see the new Burma Shave series on route forty-four?”Lesson four: They were fun. I’m sure families traveling talked about those signs for miles. Lesson five: They were long enough to create interest, but short enough not to bore.Lesson six: They created desire. You were hoping to see another series and see what they’d come up with.Lesson seven: No matter the content, like golden arches, it built brand awareness.Lesson eight: The messages were perfect for the time period and conditions.Lesson nine: Targeting; While they were really targeted to males that shaved, everyone enjoyed them! And when Jane told Sheila about the sign she’d seen, there was a subliminal message. I’m betting Sheila told her husband Mike at dinner that night, and well, that’s pretty good marketing.Lesson ten: They are still talked about and used as a great example of how to create marketing -now nearly one hundred years later!While I hope these “zooming to webinar success” episodes are still around one hundred years from now, I’d be really happy if just a few of you told someone else about our services!Go back and look at the lessons;They were cohesive, to the point and always on brand messageThe signs were memorable. They encouraged conversation.They were fun.Long enough to create interest, but short enough not to bore.They created desire. They built brand awareness.The messages were perfect for the time period and conditions.They were targeted.And Longevity; They are still talked about and used as a great example of how to create marketing!Now think of your next webinar, virtual summit, or virtual meeting. How many of those things can you capture in your marketing of the event? How many can you capture DURING your event?There are so many ways to engage your audience and create memorable content! I’d love to hear your ideas!So back to the title; The Power Of A Series Of Webinars And Virtual Meetings.”Now take all that and string together content that makes people want to come back for more. Don’t give it all away at once. You may wish to use a sequential series that for number two to make sense, someone has to be in on number one. Or like this series, it doesn’t matter which one you watch first, they are all relevant to “Zooming to Webinar Success!” ----- ----- This series is ...
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  • How long should a webinar be? Just Right!
    Welcome to episode thirty-two of  “Zooming to Webinar Success!”Hey, I’m Grant: My clients call me The Webinar Guy. Today we’re going to talk about one of my most asked questions “How Long Should my Webinar Be? (As Robert Southey author of Goldilocks might’ve said “Just Right!”)”As you already know (I HOPE you know by now!!), you can always catch up on the first thirty-one episodes on TheWebinarGuy.com Okay, maybe not every day, but almost every day, I get some version of the question, “How long should my webinar be?”I’m sure you’ll not be surprised by my answer. “Long enough”! But as usual, let’s back up a bit. Another thing I tell clients nearly every day is, “Begin with the end in mind”, made famous by Dr. Stephen Covey.I can’t overemphasize how important planning is. It’s really the point of this entire series! And it follows that this single issue is a constant. Every week I get a message, “Are you available to host or moderate a webinar…(wait for it)… tomorrow?Oh sure!When you begin with the end in mind, you know WHY you’re having your webinar or virtual meeting! Back in episode twenty-seven, I asked you to consider WIIFM, or what’s in it for me, or more accurately for your audience (them). So that is one great goal, what IS in it for your audience?But what is it YOU want out of it. The reasons that TheWebinarGuy’s clients have virtual summits, virtual meetings, hybrid events are as varied as the businesses they operate.In episode four I talked about finding the purpose of your webinar. Then in five, the Overall strategy on what you're trying to accomplish. So go listen to those think about the answers.When an audience is being asked to absorb new information, you need to allow the information time to trickle in. We’ve all heard the “learning from a fire-hose” or similar statement. Try that in a webinar and you’ll lose your audience.Generally speaking, my sweet spot is under twenty minutes. Why? That’s a great time length, where it’s long enough to impart the information, leave some time for Q&A and not leave everyone tired, bored or no longer on your webinar!If you’ve been in sales, there’s a constant in how you think of prospects and sales. You may have heard the phrase, 10-6-4-1. You have to get ten prospects, talk to six, four will be interested and you’ll close one.How did that information jump in here? Stay with me for a minute… Like a Realtor would say, “location, location, location” we here at TheWebinarGuy.com say “Planning, planning & planning!”We love to be on your team from the time you first think about doing a webinar!! Yes, I’m the webcast and podcast sponsor, TheWebinarGuy.com! (Yeah, that’s me). When you decide to plan your first webinar or you’re looking to plan a larger, or multi-dimensional virtual summit, and think you need assistance, we have many resources and would love to help you! Hit me at WebinarPro@TheWebinarGuy.com, or visit our website (TheWebinarGuy.com) and use contact form! We’d love to work with you! Thanks for listening to my commercial! Back to the sales rule 10-6-4-1. Look it up on the internet and you’ll see different numbers, but they are all relevant to the point.If you need ten sales from your webinar, you’ll need to fill one hundred seats. One mistake, in my experience, is when people try to have a webinar and try to get two hundred in their virtual sales meeting to get twenty sales right then. That might work. And then they pack every single thing into that first webinar, then they are disappointed that the audience thins out early and the remaining thirty people don’t buy. Most often, they’ve been overwhelmed!Here's a solution; Plan that webinar to be the first part of the funnel. Get one hundred or two hundred in your webinar or virtual summit! But plan to give “Just Enough” information to your audience to get the right number to the next webinar. In other words, every virtual seminar is a break down to the next.Why blow all your time and energy on an audience that isn’t going to buy. Here’s an example. We do a TON of bit coin, binance, and DeFi webinars for clients.They’ll do fifteen minutes on what bit-coin is, and how it relates to ten minutes on how secure block-chain technology is. Then seven minutes on their platform and how great it is. We’re now over thirty minutes. And I sit and watch the participant list drop one by one. And they’ve not gotten to their CTA!And God-forbid you have a boring speaker that drones on and on and those numbers drop like a rock!What could they do? Start with a statement by your webinar moderator from TheWebinarGuy.com that this webinar is a bit advanced and for those that understand bit-coin, block chain and are ready for a better platform! (read: Manage expectations).First touch on both what bit-coin is, then touch on block-chain, maybe two to three minutes tops. Mention another webinar you’ll be ...
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Zooming to Webinar Success: The Webinar Guy!に寄せられたリスナーの声
