Jonathan H. Liu, a writer for the GeekDad blog and board game enthusiast, joins Amy and Kevin for a discussion of considerations when starting, playing, and ending a gaming session. We revisit some of the How to Play guidelines gleaned from an interview a decade ago. Jonathan will join us again on Friday, September 6 for a panel discussion on play as part of the upcoming Relational Summit on Playful Connection.
Some resources mentioned in this episode:
Play and Connection (BCC) https://www.bloomingtoncenterforconnection.org/play-and-connection/
The Ultimate Session Zero Checklist (Level 1 Geek) https://www.level1geek.com/blog/dnd-session-0
OT: Alternate Candyland Rules (Baby Center) https://community.babycenter.com/post/a61415299/ot-alternative-candyland-rules
X Card by John Stavropoulos (Google Doc) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SB0jsx34bWHZWbnNIVVuMjhDkrdFGo1_hSC2BWPlI3A/edit
What’s unsettling about Catan: How board games uphold colonial narratives (The Conversation) https://theconversation.com/whats-unsettling-about-catan-how-board-games-uphold-colonial-narratives-220459
The Cultural Background of Ticket to Ride Legacy, pt. 2 - Native Erasure (BoardGame Geek) https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3164652/the-cultural-background-of-ticket-to-ride-legacy-p
Cadre is a podcast that explores concepts from Relational-Cultural Theory (RCT), a psychological theory that started with Jean Baker Miller, and grew through collaboration and connection in places like the Stone Center at Wellesley College. RCT is built on the idea that people grow through and towards relationships, and that those relationships shape and are shaped by the cultures we co-create. Culture often creates challenges to connection through inequity and hierarchies.
Each year, the Bloomington Center for Connection selects a guiding theme for monthly small-group discussions of RCT concepts.
Amy Makice is the founder of Bloomington Center for Connection and a licensed psychotherapist based in Bloomington, Indiana. Amy offers individual therapy and parent support for people in the Bloomington area, workshops for parents and caregivers, and training on Relational Cultural theory.
Kevin Makice is a user experience designer and enthusiastic gamer who has been steeping in RCT for three decades.
Theme music created by Vlad Gluschenko ("Positive Thinking" and "Serpantine") and downloaded from Soundcloud through Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
https://soundcloud.com/vgl9/positive-thinking https://soundcloud.com/vgl9/serpantine https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en