
  • day 302 - what high school did you go to?

    what were ned, phil, rita, and larry like in high school? also, a sort of #TimeLoop of the Week: The Other Side of Yesterday (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hxznZLWzn4&pp=ygUbdGhlIG90aGVyIHNpZGUgb2YgeWVzdGVyZGF5)


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  • minute 11 - like Ned is speaking a language that Phil does not understand and Phil is trying to read his lips

    Minute 11 of #GroundhogDay introduces us to Les Podewell as Old Jensen and Stephen Toblowsky as Ned Ryerson, we also take a brief look at IMDb goofs, plus Hamlet, and #TimeLoop of the Week: Turn Back the Clock (1933).

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  • minute 10 - not that that makes phil any less of an ass

    We welcome new listeners in time for the holiday then we explore Minute 10 of #GroundhogDay, in which Phil interacts with Mrs Lancaster for the first time.

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  • useful to have names or nicknames for just about anybody in the film

    A long sidenote on the names for every character, including the ones you don't know have names, in #GroundhogDay.

    footnote: i found it after releasing this episode... i had managed to read the ER nurse's nametag at some point. It says A. Broadbent, RN.

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  • day 33 - what the hell?

    a blog entry about choices made, moments worth repeating, and maybe the futility of wanting to change things.


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  • but it's not inane

    this is me performing the DJ bits from the movie and from the musical, plus all those versions themselves. enjoy.


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  • minute 9 - the inane chatter definitely noticed but not enjoyed

    Phil wakes himself up with some cold water while DJ and Sidekick do their thing, then Phil meets Man in Hallway and we take a look at the life and career of Ken Hudson Campbell.

    #TimeLoop of the Week: The Lazarus Project


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  • day 173 - who dreams of you at night

    From Benesh to Izod to Jung to Nietzsche, the connection between dreaming and viewing (and reexperiencing) a film. #TimeLoop of the Week: Loop (2019).


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