where I talk about what's going on with getting the stink sorted, trying to get next constituency appointment with my mla, some nice things like the pumpkin prowl and friendsgiving, how close I am to running out of GoFundMe money and how I'm feeling about Christmas and my birthday coming I can only put one photo as the icon which I chose to be the one that has the QR code that someone help me make, so I'm putting photos of things I'm talking about in the GoFundMe update. so just scroll down to the update to see photos, especially the state of my bathroom fan which gives you a sense of how much worse the ductwork must be and I believe you should be able to download the photo you see as the icon of this episode gfm https://gofund.me/cff39173 here's that study from Quebec about the 37% rate of long covid that they're finding in their medical providers after the third covid infection https://www.inspq.qc.ca/publications/3510