
  • Are Tall Women Actually Bullied Because of Their Height? | Online Harassment Towards Tall Women
    Today, we are talking about online harassment and bullying towards tall women. Yes, online harassment and bullying.

    With the rise of social media and the Internet, it’s easier than ever for people to communicate with others from all over the world, including complete strangers, in both public and private settings. People are able to leave comments, send messages, make posts, and more and this makes way for cyberbullying and online harassment.

    First, let’s start off with:

    What is Online Harassment?

    According to the Durham University, online harassment is the use of information and communication technologies by an individual or a group to cause harm to another person. This can take various forms, such as derogatory comments, unsolicited advice, stalking, and even sustained harassment.

    So, what are some examples of online harassment towards tall women? Do tall women get bullied because of their height? Tune in to the full episode for more!

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  • Are Tall Women Too Masculine? | The Truth About Tall Girl Stereotypes
    Today we are talking about tall girl stereotypes. You know the comments like “Wow, you must play basketball!” or “Oh my gosh, you’re so intimidating!” or “Are you a man?” That last one lowkey hit a lil different and not in a good way. But I’m sure that if you’re a tall woman you have been stereotyped like this one way or the other. And this episode is for you! We’re gonna be talking about the most common stereotypes of tall women as well as the issues and harsh truths about them.

    Because in some way, shape, or form, if you’re a tall girl, these stereotypes have affected you whether it be confidence, self-image, etc. But first…

    What Is A Stereotype?

    A stereotype is a widely held yet oversimplified and generalized belief or idea about a particular group of people. So essentially, when you see a particular group or a person classified into a particular group, you make an assumption based on that classification. And this can be based on race, gender, profession, or even height. Often, whether good or bad, stereotypes are perpetuated by the media and pop culture. But today, we’re only focusing on the effects on tall women.

    So what are the common tall girl stereotypes? And why are they detrimental to tall women? Tune in to the episode to find out more!

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  • Tall Men vs. Short Men: Which Do Tall Women Prefer?
    This has been an ongoing thing for who knows how many years. Time and time again, there are these public interviews where people are stopped in the streets—whether tall women, average-height women, or even men—and they’re asked what their ideal height in a partner is. I’m assuming this is a way to gather some type of information as to which height is most attractive to people.

    I feel like a very common misconception is that all tall women inherently prefer tall men or view shorter men as less attractive or less capable. Is this the reality? Tune in to the full episode to find out more!

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  • How Tall People Can Improve Their Posture ft. Chiropractor Dr. David Lipman
    We have a very special guest with us today: chiropractor and business owner Dr. David Lipman! Dr. Lipman is the owner of Physical Evidence Chiropractic. Since his youth, he’s been very active and encourages others to be active as well. In his practice, he focuses on identifying the root causes of pain and treating them using a wide range of services. Today, our topic of discussion is posture, and we’ll briefly discuss some of the root causes of pain related to our posture.

    Because, as tall people, one of our major struggles is posture, right? Whether it’s our neck, back, shoulders, or even hips, poor posture can slowly but surely wreck our bodies. And for the most part, it’s not even our fault! Sure, we may slouch over a computer often or sleep incorrectly. But our day-to-day lives also negatively impact our posture. Low sinks and counters. Low desks. Weird car seats. Chairs. Our short friends (no tea, no shade—still love y’all!!). It seems like we can’t escape those pesky pains.

    In this episode, David dives deep into the importance of posture, the reason behind why people have certain types of pains and bodily issues because of their posture, and tips to offset these negative effects. If this is something you’re interested in, be sure to tune into the episode!

    Here are the deets:

    David’s Website: https://physicalevidencechiropractic.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bocaratonchiropractor/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bocaratonchiropractor
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PhysicalEvidenceChiropractic

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  • The Dark Side of Tall Girl Fan Pages | How They Can Ruin The Confidence of Tall Women
    Let's talk about tall girl fan pages! Lol, you're probably like 'what????????'

    Let's start with the basics:

    What Are Tall Girl Fan Pages?

    Tall girl fan pages are social media accounts that showcase and "celebrate" tall women—kinda. These accounts often feature images, videos, and stories of tall women, with height as the main point of attraction. While these pages might appear to provide a sense of community, they can also have a darker side, promoting objectification and unrealistic standards.

    These fan pages are prevalent across platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and even Flickr. Lol, do y’all remember Flickr? I’m telling you, when I was in middle school, Flickr was EVERYTHING. That and VSCO. If you weren’t on those sites, you were not cool, lol.

    ANYWAYS, tall girl fan pages are scattered all over the Internet, and they tend to have a lot of common themes—primarily featuring extremely tall women. This often leads to the misconception that a woman has to be 6’4” and up to be considered tall. But that raises an important question: What is considered tall for a girl? In my opinion, it's not just limited to those who are 6’4” and taller.

    In this episode, I explore how tall girl fan pages can promote unrealistic standards of tall beauty and fuel unhealthy self-comparison. Also, what are these tall girl fan pages really for? Are they meant to support and celebrate tall women, or are they simply catering to the male gaze? I talk about this and more in the full episode!

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    Last week's episode - "Why The Internet Is A Scary Place for Tall Women": https://atallgirlspodcast.com/episode/why-the-internet-is-a-scary-place-for-tall-women
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  • Why The Internet Is A Scary Place for Tall Women…
    As we all know, the Internet is a very dark and creepy place...

    In this episode, I dive deeper into how the Internet is a scary place for tall women. From these dating sites to tall girl fan pages to social media, there are a variety of things online that influence people’s thoughts and assumptions of tall women, leading them to project their assumptions and fantasies (:////) onto us in a very unwarranted way.

    And then, us tall girlies feel very uncomfortable and judged because of our height. The point is to bring awareness to the uncomfy sides of the Internet for tall women and discuss how that can influence people’s thoughts and actions towards us. If this is something of interest to you, feel free to tune in!

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  • Can Being Tall Cause Social Anxiety? | How To Navigate Social Situations As A Tall Person
    Question of the Day:

    Can being tall cause social anxiety?

    Because think about it, we stick out like a sore thumb, sometimes get negative attention, have difficulty existing in physical spaces; surely height can be a contributing factor to social anxiety, right?

    So that we’re on the same page, let’s define social anxiety. Social anxiety is a disorder where everyday interactions cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, and embarrassment. Don’t come for me okay lol; this is essentially the summary of definitions I found on Google.

    And this can happen in different settings like a bar or a school club meeting or even just hanging out with friends, especially when around new or a lot of people. There’s this fear of judgment and humiliation and even worry of embarrassment.

    So what does social anxiety look like in tall people? And how can you navigate social situations as a tall person? Tune in to my full episode for more info!

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  • Tall Girls...Are We Overspending? | Overconsumption in Tall Fashion and More
    Here's my hot take: some of us tall women may be spending too much money on clothes....

    Okay, but before you come for me, hear me out!!!

    This week's episode dives into the hot topic of overconsumption—the excessive purchase of non-essential items. With TikTok trends like "TikTok made me buy it" and the obsession with kitchen organizers, overconsumption is more prevalent than ever.

    Tall fashion creators are particularly affected, often showcasing frequent hauls and try-ons that may seem excessive. But it's not just them—fashion influencers everywhere play a role in promoting this behavior. While their content creation is a job or hobby, it leads the public to believe they need the items showcased.

    In this episode, we discuss overconsumption in the tall girl community and offer tips on how to combat it. Tune in for a thoughtful discussion on finding balance in a consumer-driven world!

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