Awake Us Now

著者: Pastor Chris Dodge
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  • Awake Us Now is an online ministry sharing the message of God’s love through Jesus Christ, His Son. We have modeled our ministry after the early Acts Church and meet together in home groups. Using live broadcast and on demand video, we worship together each Sunday as one voice of praise and prayer across America. Through pertinent and vibrant teaching, we grow in faith and are encouraged to live each day in the power of the Holy Spirit that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our ministry has a heart to see revival breakout across America and we look forward to Christ's return.
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Awake Us Now is an online ministry sharing the message of God’s love through Jesus Christ, His Son. We have modeled our ministry after the early Acts Church and meet together in home groups. Using live broadcast and on demand video, we worship together each Sunday as one voice of praise and prayer across America. Through pertinent and vibrant teaching, we grow in faith and are encouraged to live each day in the power of the Holy Spirit that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our ministry has a heart to see revival breakout across America and we look forward to Christ's return.
  • Growing Gracefully: Prepared

    Almost two thousand years ago, John the Baptist called people to repent and prepare for the coming Lord. Today, we are still called to have repentant hearts that receive and extend the forgiveness of the Living God, and to prepare fruit for Him in our lives!

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  • The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 44

    This teaching is from Matthew 28:1-20, 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, 1 Corinthians 15:6

    Today we finish up the Gospel of Matthew. Pastor helps us see the Old Testament Feasts through New Testament eyes showing us some interesting insights.

    The resurrection of Jesus took place on the 1st day of the week, Sunday, which is the first day after the Jewish Sabbath on Saturday. Jesus’ resurrection also happened on the day called The Day of First Fruits which is celebrated on the first day after the Sabbath as part of their week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Day of First Fruits a day to celebrate the harvest and to give back a part of the harvest to God as an offering. Israel has two harvest times. One in the spring - this is the springtime harvest - but there is also a second harvest in the fall. (The second harvest will be at Jesus return.)

    It is no coincidence that Jesus was raised from death on the day of First Fruits. God had a plan from the beginning and Jesus is the fulfillment of that plan, He is the First Fruits of the resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 says, “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.”

    Our story picks up with another earthquake, the guards being frightened and running off as an angel comes down from heaven to the tomb of Jesus and talks to the women that are there. The tomb is open and Jesus is not there and the angels tells them Jesus is risen. The story goes on with the women being the first to meet Jesus and worship Him.

    The runaway guards go to the chief priests to tell them all that’s happened. So the chief priests and elders gather to devise a plan, paying off the guards, they tell them to say that Jesus’ disciples stole Jesus’ body. Verse 15 ends with “And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.”

    There is no record of anyone suggesting the tomb was still occupied, everyone knew the tomb was empty - the only story the priests could come up with was that the disciples stole the body. Yet the truth is - Christ rose!! Victorious over the death and the grave.

    Our story goes on with the disciples going to a mountain in area of Galilee to see Jesus where they worshiped Him. He tells them that all authority of heaven and earth has been given to Him. Jesus is the Lord of the Universe! Jesus is the image of the invisible God, He’s the One through whom everything was created.

    Jesus saying he has all authority is the first part of the Great Commission and explains why He can give the command of the great commission. The Great Commission tells all disciples then and now to make more disciples, not believers, but disciples, meaning those who believe AND follow Christ.

    We are told to baptize them in THE NAME of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “The Name” why not “names” - Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three names. Jesus specifically says, “Name” no “s” - not plural. Because they are ONE.

    Jesus goes on telling us to teach everything He’s commanded us. Ending with the assuring promise that He is always with us.

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    We invite you to join us for our Sunday service every Sunday at 9:30am CT (live or on demand) here:

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  • Growing Gracefully: Holiness

    Holiness is a gift, offered to us in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But once God has made us holy, we are then called to pursue holiness in our lives!

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