
  • Growing Gracefully: Prepared

    Almost two thousand years ago, John the Baptist called people to repent and prepare for the coming Lord. Today, we are still called to have repentant hearts that receive and extend the forgiveness of the Living God, and to prepare fruit for Him in our lives!

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  • The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 44

    This teaching is from Matthew 28:1-20, 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, 1 Corinthians 15:6

    Today we finish up the Gospel of Matthew. Pastor helps us see the Old Testament Feasts through New Testament eyes showing us some interesting insights.

    The resurrection of Jesus took place on the 1st day of the week, Sunday, which is the first day after the Jewish Sabbath on Saturday. Jesus’ resurrection also happened on the day called The Day of First Fruits which is celebrated on the first day after the Sabbath as part of their week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Day of First Fruits a day to celebrate the harvest and to give back a part of the harvest to God as an offering. Israel has two harvest times. One in the spring - this is the springtime harvest - but there is also a second harvest in the fall. (The second harvest will be at Jesus return.)

    It is no coincidence that Jesus was raised from death on the day of First Fruits. God had a plan from the beginning and Jesus is the fulfillment of that plan, He is the First Fruits of the resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 says, “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.”

    Our story picks up with another earthquake, the guards being frightened and running off as an angel comes down from heaven to the tomb of Jesus and talks to the women that are there. The tomb is open and Jesus is not there and the angels tells them Jesus is risen. The story goes on with the women being the first to meet Jesus and worship Him.

    The runaway guards go to the chief priests to tell them all that’s happened. So the chief priests and elders gather to devise a plan, paying off the guards, they tell them to say that Jesus’ disciples stole Jesus’ body. Verse 15 ends with “And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.”

    There is no record of anyone suggesting the tomb was still occupied, everyone knew the tomb was empty - the only story the priests could come up with was that the disciples stole the body. Yet the truth is - Christ rose!! Victorious over the death and the grave.

    Our story goes on with the disciples going to a mountain in area of Galilee to see Jesus where they worshiped Him. He tells them that all authority of heaven and earth has been given to Him. Jesus is the Lord of the Universe! Jesus is the image of the invisible God, He’s the One through whom everything was created.

    Jesus saying he has all authority is the first part of the Great Commission and explains why He can give the command of the great commission. The Great Commission tells all disciples then and now to make more disciples, not believers, but disciples, meaning those who believe AND follow Christ.

    We are told to baptize them in THE NAME of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “The Name” why not “names” - Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three names. Jesus specifically says, “Name” no “s” - not plural. Because they are ONE.

    Jesus goes on telling us to teach everything He’s commanded us. Ending with the assuring promise that He is always with us.

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  • Growing Gracefully: Holiness

    Holiness is a gift, offered to us in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But once God has made us holy, we are then called to pursue holiness in our lives!

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  • Growing Gracefully: Obedience

    Growing gracefully in obedience is a response to the salvation God has worked in our lives through Christ Jesus. We are called to walk in obedience as a response to our faith in Jesus. Obedience is not necessary for salvation, but obedience is necessary!

    Join us as we explore Growing Gracefully in our relationship with Jesus Christ through obedience to Him and His Word. Obedience does not save, but neither is it optional. God desires not simply outward actions, but inner obedience to His Word.

    Pastor focuses on two important Biblical truths:

    1. Obedience does not save - Jesus saves
    --Grace of God - eternal life - is a gift - it is neither earned nor
    --We cannot be good enough for a holy, perfect God.
    --He is a just God and our sin must be paid for. Therefore, He sent us His Son.
    --Jesus did what we cannot. He lived a life of perfect obedience to the Father’s will. Then, He willingly went to the cross for each one of us, paying for our sins so we don’t have to fear the judgement of God.
    --What Jesus did is available to all through faith.
    --Faith is not mere intellectual assent. It is not simply believing that God exists. The devil knows that God exists!
    --Faith means trusting in Jesus as our Savior and Lord, and the one who offers us forgiveness and new life.
    --Not just life with Him in the future, but life with Him now.

    2. Obedience is not optional
    --Faith and obedience go hand in hand with one another.
    --In a culture where evil is accepted, lauded and touted, how do we behave like followers of Jesus?
    --How do we discern what is right?

    --Ask yourself these questions:

    1. Does it help me?
    2. Does it control me?
    3. Does it hurt others?
    4. Does it glorify God?

    Scripture sources: 1 Samuel 15:22-23, 1 Corinthians 10:31, 1 Peter 1:1-2, Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Corinthians 6:12-13, 1 Corinthians 8:13.


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  • Ten Words - Week 9: Don't Steal!

    Scripture: Exodus 20:15, Joshua 6-7, James 1:17, Ephesians 4:28, Leviticus 9:13, 1 Timothy 6:17-18, 1 Peter 2:12, Philippians 2:4, Philippians 3:20, Ephesians 2:8-10

    This command is simple words, but words with great depth.

    What does “stealing” cover? It’s the taking of what’s not ours. Pastor shares a biblical demonstration from the story of the Israelites of the consequences of taking what is not ours and what the Lord has said not to take. There are consequences to disobeying God’s clear will and He has established moral law that’s be given to us for a purpose - It’s for the protection of society and for everyone.

    You Shall Not Steal
    ⁃ Ownership - there is personal ownership but this is not absolute ownership, because everything we have comes from God. God is the giver of all good gifts.
    ⁃ Stewardship - take care of what we have - use wisely what God has given us, and bless others with what we have.
    ⁃ Citizenship - Be a good citizen - we are part of a culture and called to be a blessing. The way we behave: integrity and honor can be seen by others and can bring them to knowing Jesus and the way we behave brings glory to God. We are called to look out for not only our own interests but also those of others. Our citizenship is in heaven and so we live that way. Citizens of this world but above all we are citizens of heaven through Jesus and what He has done for us and THAT calls us to live like we know that!

    ⁃ Legalism - thinking we’ve done so much better than others. Legalism destroys faith, destroys relationship with God and becomes the worship of self rather than worship of God.
    ⁃ Antinomianism - is the thinking that since Jesus died for me and paid for my sins, I can do whatever I like. That is not true and is a complete misunderstanding of what the Bible says. It doesn’t say sin doesn’t matter! Jesus DID die, DID pay for our sins, DID rise from the grave, IS returning AND BECAUSE WE BELIEVE THAT - we don’t want to do what we please. We want to do what pleases Him!

    When God gave the Ten Commandments - He did not say, “Do these (Ten Commandments) to be save.” He began these commands by saying, “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of bondage. I am the One who saves you. THEREFORE - now live this way: The Ten Commandments.”

    Ephesians 2:8-10: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

    So by faith we give thanks for Jesus and we desire to live lives that give God glory and bless others.

    Now What? Learn about God at https://www.awakeusnow.com EVERYTHING we offer is FREE.

    Check out the video from our website: https://www.awakeusnow.com/ten-words

    Check out the video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@AwakeUsNow/streams

    Watch via our app. Text HELLO to 888-364-4483 to download our app.

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  • Rescued by Truth: Week 9

    "Am I a good person?" Many in our culture have been taught to answer "Yes," but the Bible says "No" -- we are all born sinful, and our best efforts still fall far short of God's perfect holiness. Only salvation through Jesus Christ can make someone a child of God!

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  • Two Year Gospel Study Week 61
    Up To Jerusalem - Teaching 3 Scripture - Luke 19:11-27, John 12:1-11, Psalm 45:4, 6-8, Mark 14:10-11, Hebrews 1:8-9 Jesus has set his face toward Jerusalem and will carry out the heavenly Father’s will. People were expecting the Kingdom of God to appear suddenly - political deliverance - a great king to rule - but Jesus continued to emphasize the difficulties that lie ahead as well as the glory that would come in the future. Today’s teaching begins with the Parable of the Mina. A mina is equivalent to 3-4 months pay. The story tells of a king and 10 servants, each are given a mina, the king goes away and then returns asking for an accounting of the mines each had been given. In this parable - Jesus is trying to show how he too will go away. The kingdom of God is coming - but the final fulfillment is in the future - His second return. But while the king is away and we await His return - those of us that follow Him are called to wisely use what He has given us. As Jesus continues heading “Up to Jerusalem” He stops in the town of Bethany to dine with friends: Mary, Martha, Lazarus and others. Just weeks earlier Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead. During the meal, Mary pores expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet - perfume worth about 1 year’s wage. Judas speaks up that it was a waste of money that could have/should have gone to the poor, but Jesus speaks up in Mary’s defense saying, “You will always have the poor but you will not always have Me.” Anointing with perfume had remarkable application and significance for devout Jewish people in the 1st century. They were eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Messiah - Messiah means the Anointed One and now Mary anoints Jesus. She even wipes His feet with her hair - showing complete surrender - she gave Jesus everything, possibly even her life savings in this act of devotion. On the next day Jesus would be riding into Jerusalem on a donkey as their king to the cheers of Hosanna (Save Us!) - as Mary does the symbolic, prophetic act of anointing Jesus, she’s not just showing devotion to Him and not just preparing His body for death, she is announcing to all that He’s her King, she serves Him and that He is the fulfillment of the Scriptures. Judas is angered so much by Mary’s act that he goes to the chief priests to betray Jesus. These chief priests had seen the miraculous healings, they knew of Jesus raising Lazarus, and they knew what people were saying about Jesus, but their own hearts were hardened. They wanted to kill Jesus and Lazarus as well. Mere recognition of something being true doesn’t always change the heart and mind, only God changes them. Only when we encounter Jesus for who He really is are we then changed and that is an action of God. This is why we are called to be humble before God, to believe and repent and to follow him. The next day (Palm Sunday) Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey. Did He still smell of the perfume Mary had put on Him? He was hailed with Hosannas and the waving of palm branches. Riding in on a donkey was a symbol of peace. Something else was coinciding with Jesus coming into Jerusalem on this specific day. This was the 10th Day of Nissan for the Jewish people, which was the day that all the lambs that would be sacrificed for the Passover in 4 days were herded into Jerusalem. The very day that Jesus, the Sacrificial Lamb of God, also enters the city. This is not a coincidence.And 4 days later as the lambs were slaughtered for the Passover meals to celebrate their freedom from bondage to Egypt, Jesus would be hung on the cross shedding His blood for our freedom from sin’s bondage. Nothing here is coincidental. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Father has promised!! 3 Key Events that lead to Jesus’ arrest, death and crucifixion: ⁃ Resurrection of Lazarus ⁃ Anointing by Mary ⁃ Jesus in the temple courts These three incidents enraged the chief priests and were the final straw in their desire to get rid of Him earlier than originally planned. We will pick up next week with the cleansing of the temple. Our website – https://www.awakeusnow.com Watch the video from our website! https://www.awakeusnow.com/2-year-study-of-the-gospels-upper Watch the video from our YouTube Channel!! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTaaqrC3dMOzMkhPyiNWwlJRpV6Bwpu01 Up to Jerusalem is a study of the final weeks of Jesus' ministry concluding with His resurrection and ascension, using the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John together with material from ancient sources and recent discoveries. Up to Jerusalem is part four of our Two Year Study of the Gospels. Up To Jerusalem is the story of the plan of God to redeem the world, and the story of a Savior willing to obey the Father’s plan. As we study Jesus’ final days, we will be impacted as we discover the Love of God for each one of us. This study is great for large group, small group or home group ...
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  • Growing Gracefully: Training

    Despite the most rigorous physical exercise and training regimen, our bodies will age and, eventually, die. But there is a training - training in godliness - that lasts into eternity.

    The spiritual diet we eat, the spiritual exercise we do and the spiritual training we choose affects our ability to grow graceful as Jesus’ disciples.

    Training ourselves for godliness has benefits for today, tomorrow and for eternity. Spiritual training is timeless.

    Train to be godly - Christianity is not a spectator sport. We can’t be a couch potato. We must be in training to be godly. This is training with eternal rewards - a crown of life.

    Train yourself to be godly - What does godly training look like and how do we accomplish it?

    1. DIET - We are what we eat - this truth is both physical and spiritual. Concentrate on what is true, good, honorable and noble and be in God’s word. Fill up on the food that truly nourishes, the food of His Word. We are to seek Him with our whole heart and that begins with our diet, as we take in God’s Word and allow that word to fill us up for the work He has given us to do. How’s your diet? Fill up on the good things of God.

    2. EXERCISE - we need to exercise our faith, to practice what we preach, to live out what we believe, to put into practice what God has said. As we practice our faith we grow stronger. It’s like strength training with weights; the more we exercise and practice, the stronger we get. As we practice our faith we become stronger in our commitment to Christ: that is training in godliness.

    3. A TRAINER - A personal trainer can really help with preparing to participate in a race and God provides a personal spiritual trainer for each and every believer, that personal trainer is the Holy Spirit, our Advocate. The Holy Spirit, our Personal Spiritual Trainer, helps to strengthen, encourage and equip us for godliness.

    Why live a couch potato life as a follower of Jesus? Why be just a weekend warrior? Why not live as dedicated disciples, committed to Jesus and who are training ourselves in His strength for godliness? Let us finish the race well!

    Training in godliness is the natural follow-through for a follower of Jesus.

    Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3-8, 1 Timothy 4:7-8, John 14:26, 1 Corinthians 9:25, Ezekiel 33: 31-32


    Check out the video on our website https://www.awakeusnow.com/grow-gracefully

    Check out the video on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTaaqrC3dMOzmWz4WpphwSdlRo5rNy1nT

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