
  • A Mindset Reboot: Practical Tools For Emotional Healing

    Clarity and optimism CAN be found even in the most overwhelming and scary situations—such as a breast cancer diagnosis. A mindset reboot for emotional healing is possible, and grace and grit are powerful tools to transform your challenges into personal growth and empowerment!

    If you need to focus on Healing Your Emotional Wounds (Essential #4) and a mindset reboot, tune in to learn from the expert: Sara Corckran, a trauma-aware, positive psychology life coach. Take notes and listen a few times, as this episode is brimming with ancient wisdom, practical support, and modern inspiration.

    To start your transformation {for free!}, follow Sara on Instagram, and subscribe to The Heron’s Perspective newsletter. You will receive 12 weeks of positive psychology, resilience, tools, and coaching questions bundled into concise emails. Read it in line at the grocery store or with your morning cup of matcha.

    You got this; we’ve got you!

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  • Ancient Food Wisdom for Modern People

    Ancient food wisdom holds the key to transforming your health and reclaiming your vitality. Like many, Andrea Beaman once believed chronic illness was just a part of life—until she was diagnosed with an 'incurable disease' and decided to forge her own path. With a dedication to ancient food wisdom, her readings improved in just four months, and her symptoms disappeared within two years!

    Andrea Beaman is now a natural foods chef, holistic health coach, herbalist, and spends her time teaching ancient wisdom to modern people! Tune in to unearth her wisdom and discover how you can specifically take back your life by using food as medicine.

    Tune in to fill your mind with knowledge and body with a recipe from her latest book: Using Good & Herbs as Medicine: The 5 Vital Keys You’re Missing, for free!

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  • Breast Imaging Beyond the Surface

    “Breast imaging and radiology seems like a small part of the body, but yet it could really go a mile deep.” Dr. Lilian O. Ebuoma shared that poetic line on this podcast episode, and it beautifully sums up her life’s work and the reason she beautifully aligns with the 7 Essentials System®.

    She’s a Harvard-trained breast radiologist, certified physician executive, social entrepreneur, U.S. Navy Veteran, transformational speaker, and certified professional coach who goes a mile deep. Instead of just looking at the images alone to assist women in healing breast cancer, Dr. Ebuoma helps them discover health and wellness practices, provides easy access to screening tools, and even started a nonprofit in Nigeria that focuses on improving breast cancer morbidity.

    In short, Dr. Ebuoma is your breast’s best friend.

    Tune in for this eye-opening and inspiring conversation, and bring your notepad. You won’t want to miss a beat!

    Follow Dr. Ebuoma’s amazing career on Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, and make sure to get a free chapter of her book: Love Your Breasts, Love Yourself: A Comprehensive and Holistic Approach to Breast Care Inside and Out right HERE.

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  • Real Insights From A 30 Year Sugar-Free Expert

    Have you thought about going sugar-free on your healing journey? Sugar fuels cancer cells, plain and simple. If you want to stop the cancer, you need to stop giving it what it wants!

    However, that is oh-so-much easier said than done. Especially in the sugar-infested, highly processed world we live in.

    This is why I brought in the expert, Michael Collins. He has been completely sugar-free for over 30 years, is the founder of SugarAddiction.com, and is on the board of a Food Addiction Institute.

    From the dietary changes to the emotional relationship, Micheal pours out his sweet wisdom and practical solutions to help you embrace sugar freedom. Check out the replay of his most recent Quit Sugar Summit featuring 40 incredible speakers who inspire, educate, and empower audiences worldwide to kick sugar to the curb and reclaim their health.

    And while you are listening to this episode and reading his free book, enjoy one of the sweetly decadent desserts from the Healthy Breast Recipe Collection. These desserts are sugar-free (or extremely low in sugar), so you can enjoy a yummy dessert that also treats your body well!

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  • Breaking the Pain Cycle: New Hope for Breast Cancer Survivors

    If you are currently (or have in the past) suffering from persistent pain after breast cancer mastectomy surgery, chemo, or other treatments, you know it can be all-encompassing—physically and mentally. You are not alone. Breast cancer surgery has one of the highest rates of persistent pain, but there is hope for breaking the pain cycle and achieving a pain-free recovery.

    This is why Dr. James Khan, a world-renowned expert on pain management and breast cancer, is on the show. His esteemed resume includes serving as the Director of the Persistent Breast Cancer Pain Clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital, a national expert in the implantation of Peripheral Nerve Stimulators, Research Lead for the Division of Pain Medicine at the University of Toronto, Co-Director of Research for the Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute, and the list of accomplishments continues. In short, he’s a man with proven solutions.

    Tune in to hear Dr. Khan shed light on the holistic strategies that help breast cancer thrivers reclaim comfort and control. To stay updated with his research, please follow him on Instagram.

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  • The Revolutionary Healing Powers Of Molecular Hydrogen

    Molecular hydrogen, the first element on the periodical table, is finally getting long-overdue recognition for its unique ability to permeate into every cell of your body for maximum bioavailability and benefit.

    From cancer to metabolic diseases and even chronic systemic inflammatory disorders, molecular hydrogen is an emerging biomedicine, and Dr. Mike is leading the charge. Dr. Mike is a best-selling author, expert biohacker, world record holder, Medical Director at HydroHeal, and a man on a mission. In this episode, we dive deep into molecular hydrogen’s impressive benefits for healing breast cancer, including programming cell death even when your body is in a state of emergency, inflammation, and disease.

    If you are curious about learning more and unleashing your healing superpowers with molecular hydrogen, schedule a FREE 20-minute strategy session with Dr. Mike.

    Ready to take control of your health? Molecular hydrogen is part of the 7 Essentials System® we use in our coaching programs. It can align with Essential #3: Balance Your Energies, offering profound cellular benefits. Our coaching programs teach you how to incorporate this and other natural healing strategies into your life. Learn more about molecular hydrogen and other healing tools by booking a coaching session today at https://breastcancerconqueror.com/private/.

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  • How to Heal Breast Cancer with Joy & Integrative Therapies

    Joy Lechner, MSOM, L.Ac., boasts an impressive list of professional accolades, from earning a Master’s in Oriental Medicine to participating in the Metabolic Terrain Health Institute Advocacy Program Cohort (learn more about metabolic oncology here). However, it is her personal story that truly sets her journey apart.

    Initially, Joy began her career as an acupuncturist, dedicating herself to helping women struggling with infertility. Everything changed, however, in May 2022 when she was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer (HER2 negative, ER/PR positive). This pivotal moment marked a profound shift in her path, leading her to discover her true calling.

    Determined to heal, Joy strategically combined integrative therapies—ranging from chemotherapy to high-dose vitamin C IVs—and successfully cleared cancer from her body.

    Her remarkable story underscores the transformative power of integrating natural and conventional approaches, a philosophy we wholeheartedly embrace at Breast Cancer Conqueror. Similarly, through our online coaching program, we empower women across the globe to embark on their healing journeys using both natural and integrative methods. Learn more about our program at www.breastcancerconqueror.com/private.

    So pour yourself an energizing and healing Matcha Ginger Aide and tune into our girlfriend-to-girlfriend chat about hope, health, and healing!

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  • Kick Out Chemo Symptoms With Fitness

    Learn how to kick out chemo symptoms with fitness led by Carly Fauth of Fit Fun Carly. “Fit Fun Carly” has taught over 4,000 fitness classes of all types and has dedicated her life to EVERYbody find joy and fun in fitness. And then, in February, she was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

    She pushed through 16 weeks of aggressive chemo (and started her podcast: "Chemo Coffee Coffee Talk" on Spotify right from the chemo chair!) and discovered just how much exercise can kick out miserable chemo symptoms—even when it’s the last thing you want to do!

    Tune it in to learn how to be “fit for the fight” and discover joy in movement!

    For more tools to support your healing journey, grab a copy of Heal Breast Cancer Naturally—a comprehensive guide that includes supportive supplements and holistic processes for healing, including insights for Triple Negative Breast Cancer like Carly experienced. Or explore our Matcha Green Tea or DIM supplements, specifically chosen for their ability to support detoxification and hormone balance during recovery.

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