
  • Breastfeeding Registry without stress featuring Gigi

    In this episode, Gigi emphasizes the importance of preparing for postpartum, recommending adding doula services, lactation education, massage, and supplies like loose clothing and food delivery to registries. Gigi details her differing breastfeeding experiences with each child, from challenges latching her first to an anxious pumping routine with twins during the pandemic's isolation. Gigi advocates adding services over products to registries, suggesting doula support, belly binding lessons, and meal deliveries. Gigi recommends a few bottles in small sizes, nursing pads, nipple butter, and a haakaa, warning against fast flow nipples. Gigi stresses finding an IBCLC prenatally and educating grandparents to support breastfeeding, not undermine it with misguided bottle practices.

    Meet Gigi
    Gigi Vincent is a postpartum doula, newborn care specialist, and lactation educator who is committed to shifting the disparity between the amount of focus most families place on birth versus preparing for the fourth trimester. A strong advocate of preparing for postpartum by investing in maternal support instead of fancy baby equipment, Gigi empowers families so that once baby arrives, they can focus on resting and bonding, instead of researching and stressing. Knowing there isn’t one right way to have and raise a tiny human, Gigi works with parents as they find their way to thrive in the fourth trimester and beyond.

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    Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.

    Work with Bethany 1:1 with her Emergency 911 Lactation Support for 30 Days

    I now offer 24-hour support where you can text, send pictures, or voice messages. I promise to respond back to you in 24 hours or less. Usually a lot less but I do sleep a few hours a day...lol I will send you back a voice response because who doesn’t love a personal Mama touch rooting you on for success?!?

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    28 分
  • Stretch with Ashlea a Physical Therapy Assistant

    In this episode, Ashley detailed her experiences breastfeeding two children, including latching challenges with her first and pumping challenges with her second due to nasal issues. Bethany commended Ashley's use of different positions and pumping to maintain supply. Ashley outlined how stretching can relieve tightness and pain for breastfeeding mothers through increased flexibility, mobility, and blood flow while improving posture and sleep. Bethany related her experience with pain from hunching while feeding. Ashley recommended heat for tight muscles and ice for inflammation, suggesting heating pads and rice socks. Bethany clarified that ice, not heat, helps reduce clogged duct inflammation for faster relief.

    Meet Ashlea
    I live in North Carolina by the beach with my supportive and loving husband, two toddlers, and one fur-baby. I have been involved in the healthcare field for over twenty years, with physical therapy being the main focus. I have worked in all clinical settings however, I am passionate about helping postpartum moms because I know what they are going through. I have been there myself and have experienced the postpartum journey firsthand. While being pregnant with both of my children and then after delivery, I realized just how much my body went through. Having so much tightness in my low back that started during pregnancy, and upper body tightness from pregnancy and nursing, I knew I needed to do something about it. Especially, having mild scoliosis in my thoracic (upper spine) region is always something I need to be mindful of. So after transitioning to a stay-at-home-mom to take care of my newborn and toddler, I created Stretch With Ashlea to focus on gaining back mobility and being able to feel better throughout the day. Which is what I need because I am definitely staying busy being a mom of two toddlers, and taking care of all the 'extra stuff'. But I wouldn't change a thing!


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    Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.

    Work with Bethany 1:1 with her Emergency 911 Lactation Support for 30 Days

    I now offer 24-hour support where you can text, send pictures, or voice messages. I promise to respond back to you in 24 hours or less. Usually a lot less but I do sleep a few hours a day...lol I will send you back a voice response because who doesn’t love a personal Mama touch rooting you on for success?!?

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    ~ Buy Me a Coffee: https://bmc.link/BethanyALoo

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    16 分
  • A Breast Pump that Feels Natural Featuring Masha

    In this episode, Masha detailed her extensive breastfeeding research and largely positive experience, contrasting with challenges pumping posed due to inadequate technology. She resolved to improve pumps after frustration with pain and inefficiency hindering her independence. Masha recounted shock and self-doubt from her first traumatic pumping experience, likening the vacuum sensation to a household appliance. This spurred an obsession to find natural alternatives enabling the freedom and bonding of nursing away from your baby. After prototyping with 3D printing and validating strong demand, Masha persevered through multiple iterations informed by mom feedback, prioritizing tongue-like suction and adjustable sizing. Trials reinforced nature-aligned design was key to ease and efficiency. The pump's adjustable compression and motion mimicking a baby's tongue and palate were highlighted. This natural approach focused on relaxing let-down rather than forceful suction, working with hormonal processes to maximize comfortable, effective expression. While prepared through research, Masha wished to remind mothers challenges remain normal and temporary. Asking for help should be demanded!

    About Masha
    Masha Waldberg is the founder and VP of Product for Annabella, a first of its kind, FDA-cleared and patented breast pump. Masha founded Annabella after her experience breast pumping, which proved to be painful and time exhaustive. Frustrated by the options in-market, she created a breast pump that closely mimics the experience of breastfeeding, prioritizing speed and occurence of milk. While developing Annabella, Masha was juggling being a new mother and running the Waldberg Learning Center in Israel. Masha's mission is to support and empower breast pumping parents everywhere.

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    Get 10% off the Annabella pump with the code

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    Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.

    Work with Bethany 1:1 with her Emergency 911 Lactation Support for 30 Days

    I now offer 24-hour support where you can text, send pictures, or voice messages. I promise to respond back to you in 24 hours or less. Usually a lot less but I do sleep a few hours a day...lol I will send you back a voice response because who doesn’t love a personal Mama touch rooting you on for success?!?

    Enjoying the content but don't need breastfeeding help:
    ~ Buy Me a Coffee: https://bmc.link/BethanyALoo

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    22 分
  • Motherhood in ADHD Featuring Patricia

    In this episode, Patricia struggled with ADHD symptoms greatly after becoming a mother, leading to sleepless nights searching for support online. Though initially unwilling, she was later prompted by her faith to start a podcast supporting mothers with ADHD like herself. Both Bethany and Patricia discuss their personal experiences with postpartum depression and anxiety, with Patricia noting it took her 6 weeks to realize she needed help and 8 weeks to ask for it. Patricia explains dysphoric milk ejection reflexes (D-MER), where breastfeeding mothers experience sudden mood changes when milk lets down, and how discovering this was a physical issue rather than a personal flaw helped her cope. Bethany shares how as a first-time mother she constantly tracked feedings, sleep and milestones, worrying over her son's well being, as 10% of mothers face postpartum depression. Both speakers emphasize finding community for shared struggles, whether online or in-person. Asking partners, neighbors or professionals for help with tasks or child care provides needed breaks from constant responsibility. Patricia invites listeners to connect with her podcast and Motherhood IN ADHD community for strategies, solidarity and calm in difficult times. Long-term support is important as postpartum issues can last years.
    Meet Patricia:
    Patricia Sung helps moms with adult ADHD work with their unique brains and get their ish together one step at a time and feel confident running their family life. She hosts Motherhood in ADHD, a Top 5 Parenting podcast, encouraging mamas with practical strategies and relatable missteps. A midwesterner at heart, she reluctantly has adopted the word "y'all" and lives in Houston with her husband and two young sons. Connect on instagram @motherhoodinadhd, snag free resources, and get your crap together with other ADHD moms in Successful Mama Meetups at
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    Connect with Bethany at:

    Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.

    Work with Bethany 1:1 with her Emergency 911 Lactation Support for 30 Days

    I now offer 24-hour support where you can text, send pictures, or voice messages. I promise to respond back to you in 24 hours or less. Usually a lot less but I do sleep a few hours a day...lol I will send you back a voice response because who doesn’t love a personal Mama touch rooting you on for success?!?

    Enjoying the content but don't need breastfeeding help:
    ~ Buy Me a Coffee: https://bmc.link/BethanyALoo

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    34 分
  • A Physical Therapist Point of View about a Tongue-tie Featuring Kristi

    In this episode, Kristi Hammerle introduced herself as a physical therapist and certified lactation consultant who owns Year One Wellness. She helps babies from birth to walking with issues like tongue-tie, flat head syndrome, and feeding difficulties. Kristi explained how tongue-ties restrict tongue mobility and can cause feeding issues. She assesses the tightness of surrounding neck and mouth tissues that connect to and restrict the tongue. Physical therapy treats these areas to improve range of motion before and after tongue-tie releases. Kristi detailed how motor skills develop from head to toe, so early restrictions from tongue-ties can delay skills. Babies compensate at first but struggle with higher skills like crawling and walking without optimal earlier development. Kristi emphasized physical therapists improve oral motor skills, neck flexibility, and breastfeeding positions. They collaborate with lactation consultants and other providers to set families up for breastfeeding success. Kristi sees babies before releases to address tissue tightness and ensure coordination for new mobility.

    Meet Kristi:
    Dr. Kristi Hammerle, PT, DPT, CBS is a pediatric physical therapist and certified breastfeeding specialist. She is the owner of Year One Wellness, an infant-specialty practice in Austin, TX where her team works with babies with feeding difficulties, torticollis, body tension, head flattening, and trouble with milestones. One of her passions is educating the community on the benefits of optimal development for all babies, so you can join her at her local baby play classes where she will share activities and strategies to promote purposeful play, healthy communication, and motor development throughout YEAR ONE and beyond! She also spends her extra time teaching at a doctor of physical therapy program, presenting on cutting-edge pediatric topics at professional conferences, and running her therapist mentorship program.

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    Connect with Bethany at:

    Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.

    Work with Bethany 1:1 with her Emergency 911 Lactation Support for 30 Days

    I now offer 24-hour support where you can text, send pictures, or voice messages. I promise to respond back to you in 24 hours or less. Usually a lot less but I do sleep a few hours a day...lol I will send you back a voice response because who doesn’t love a personal Mama touch rooting you on for success?!?

    Enjoying the content but don't need breastfeeding help:
    ~ Buy Me a Coffee: https://bmc.link/BethanyALoo

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    18 分
  • Being in Community with Other Women Featuring Ashley

    In this episode, Ashley the founder of Iron 31, shares how her journey from teaching led her to focus on helping women through difficult seasons by applying biblical wisdom. Bethany emphasized the importance of community for new mothers, sharing how breastfeeding support groups helped combat loneliness. Ashley described the Iron 31 community as a judgment-free space for women to learn, grow and support each other through various challenges using free resources like devotional guides. Ashley and Bethany stressed the importance of understanding one's identity beyond roles to avoid comparison, with Ashley sharing her experience with body image issues. Bethany cautioned against starvation diets that could impact milk supply. Ashley advised focusing on nourishment over appearance and consuming enough calories given the high energy demands of breastfeeding.

    Meet Ashley:
    Hey, I’m Ashley, and I feel a call on my life to help women restore back to their original design that God intended for them. With many years of coaching behind me, I found that most, if not all, women struggle with not feeling enough as a woman, so they search the world, their careers, their relationships, and their belongings to gain the value and worth they are searching for, only leading to dead ends, heartbreak, and a chaotic, comparison-filled life. Our resources are designed to reveal past roots, heal from generational cycles, and walk into what God intended for each one of us.

    Connect with Ashley:
    Iron 31 Sisterhood Circle

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    Connect with Bethany at:

    Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.

    Work with Bethany 1:1 with her Emergency 911 Lactation Support for 30 Days

    I now offer 24-hour support where you can text, send pictures, or voice messages. I promise to respond back to you in 24 hours or less. Usually a lot less but I do sleep a few hours a day...lol I will send you back a voice response because who doesn’t love a personal Mama touch rooting you on for success?!?

    Enjoying the content but don't need breastfeeding help:
    ~ Buy Me a Coffee: https://bmc.link/BethanyALoo

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    34 分
  • Infertility & Secondary Infertility with Jazman

    In this episode, Jazman pursued birth work after feeling called by God, leaving her career in clinical psychology to help prevent traumatic births through doula work. She expanded into fertility support after sharing her own infertility journey. Bethany detailed her extensive testing and treatments over several years including Clomid, IUIs, IVF, an ectopic pregnancy, and unexplained infertility diagnosis, ultimately conceiving through her final IVF attempt after multiple losses. Jazman recommends addressing lifestyle, diet, hormones, toxins and electromagnetic exposures as fertility root causes through testing, detoxing, and home/body optimization to establish a healthy foundation for conception and pregnancy.

    Meet Jazman:
    Jazman Allen is a wife, dog mama, and certified fertility health coach who is passionate about helping married couples overcome infertility. She is also the owner of Eden’s Nurturary, a nurturing sanctuary of hope for married couples experiencing fertility challenges. Her path to becoming a fertility health coach comes from her own journey to overcome polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and male-factor infertility. She is passionate about helping couples uncover and holistically address the root causes of health imbalances to restore whole body harmony and optimize their opportunities to conceive. What fuels her work is the deep compassion that she feels as she supports a couple in discovering their unique path to fertility and having their victory baby!

    Connect with Jazman:

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    Connect with Bethany at:

    Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.

    Work with Bethany 1:1 with her Emergency 911 Lactation Support for 30 Days

    I now offer 24-hour support where you can text, send pictures, or voice messages. I promise to respond back to you in 24 hours or less. Usually a lot less but I do sleep a few hours a day...lol I will send you back a voice response because who doesn’t love a personal Mama touch rooting you on for success?!?

    Enjoying the content but don't need breastfeeding help:
    ~ Buy Me a Coffee: https://bmc.link/BethanyALoo

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    31 分
  • My Baby had Trouble Breathing with Dr. Nina

    In this episode, Nina shared her challenging breastfeeding journey with their first child who had breathing issues, experiencing painful sucking for months before their nursing relationship improved. Nina emphasized the importance of perseverance and not feeling like a failure. Nina recommended seeking lactation support early and learning that every child and journey is different. Bethany related her experience with her son's tongue-tied journey requiring myotherapy and supported mothers' choices in duration and method. Mama’s can reach out to Bethany for 1:1 lactation help.

    Meet Dr. Nina:

    Nina Farzin, an Iranian-American, faced early life challenges but excelled academically, earning a Ph.D. from Howard University and thriving in the pharmaceutical sector. She invented a unique baby care product that is patented, founded oogiebear, and achieved significant business growth, further boosted by her successful appearance on Shark Tank. Dedicated to philanthropy and balancing family life, Nina also encourages aspiring female entrepreneurs to embrace resilience and the learning opportunities in failure.

    Connect with Dr. Nina:


    Product Suggestions:
    oogiebear Baby Booger Picker
    oogiebear 360 Teether
    oogiebear 360 Toothbrush

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    Connect with Bethany at:

    Think your child may have a tongue-tie? Grab my freebie Do You Have Pain When Breastfeeding Your Baby? Where I share signs and symptoms of both Mama and Baby where your baby might have a tongue-tie.

    Work with Bethany 1:1 with her Emergency 911 Lactation Support for 30 Days

    I now offer 24-hour support where you can text, send pictures, or voice messages. I promise to respond back to you in 24 hours or less. Usually a lot less but I do sleep a few hours a day...lol I will send you back a voice response because who doesn’t love a personal Mama touch rooting you on for success?!?

    Enjoying the content but don't need breastfeeding help:
    ~ Buy Me a Coffee: https://bmc.link/BethanyALoo

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    15 分