• Business and Entrepreneurship with KAJ

  • 著者: Khudania Ajay
  • ポッドキャスト

Business and Entrepreneurship with KAJ

著者: Khudania Ajay
  • サマリー

  • Explore the world of business and entrepreneurship with Khudania Ajay (KAJ). This series offers actionable insights and expert advice on everything from launching startups to scaling businesses, mastering leadership, and staying ahead in innovation and finance. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, this content equips you with the tools to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

    Join our vibrant community and start your journey to success. Explore collaboration and coaching opportunities at https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/services

    Support Quality Content:

    Become a member of our Spreaker Supporters Club and contribute to our mission of empowering the next generation of business leaders. Your support directly enables us to continue creating impactful and engaging content.

    🔗 Support Us: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support
    Khudania Ajay
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  • How to Master the $250K Milestone: Travis Greenlee's Secrets to Coaching Success
    Discover the secrets to building a thriving six-figure coaching business from industry pioneer Travis Greenlee. Learn proven strategies for overcoming common challenges, developing an abundance mindset, and designing world-class coaching programs. Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, this episode offers invaluable insights to take your coaching business to the next level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 EMPOWER YOUR JOURNEY! Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVlTREV6b21OMDJzRmszNkdodGdDNUVSYUVxUXxBQ3Jtc0tsZzRWeFpFM0g1WEI3dVByczR0eTBPX1I5YWJHdVNvcGdOSWhfOTNOcFZrNDZlSC1ZcjlaRDVVTVAyT2NQTFhmNUFiRXRNcHltX3diNXpPMTdNUzN4NVcxT0QwTTZ2TWlzQU5Fa0s0MzJ0bDVXanZRdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcalendly.com%2Fkajofficial&v=wY8TNtQRwdk. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmsyOE9FbjBubG5yMDFsQW9fcExEekZ5MTBTd3xBQ3Jtc0ttRnMzdWJGZF9wVURGVGFxLUhqbG5MWVAtZ2syOTJFRnF4aDgwdm51T0gtWVJ4ZDhzS0QyM0ZJbDhVaFZDVUc5NnpnVTlKUjdTVTlWRnBBa1liTzNZanNWZmlESVUwVHRyd1MxWmRvajJCejNRT1ZFUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thekajmasterclass.live%2Fbook-online&v=wY8TNtQRwdk. 💼 Business Inquiries: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com KAJ RECOMMENDS: (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1oxSERONVRyRHJBRGpSMGRLUXlCWWlkc3BSUXxBQ3Jtc0tseVh1N0xUb0M5Z0V2SlhvNG1iZExvQUszRjFHeHMtUGNKVkxHUmRLMU8teFVaUlVPZkUwTmZEXzNuTElBMDRVV3ZxX3dVclZoTnlBaW9haEZLSFBORU9NZjU3MHpiZ2FZTktHd3lkNVJ0Slo0dHduSQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fcoschedule.com%2Fi%2Fkaj-masterclass&v=wY8TNtQRwdk 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1pJUldwektFcy0zRXlFWEJYT1Awa0ExWkRyQXxBQ3Jtc0tsb1FoT0p6N3lOeVRIRHctVGxnX05pZlFkQXVoaUptdzdrUW1ucVY2VnI5b0JZX1hJa3lSM2Vxd0Yweld2UlI1b2dWRS0wVE05VFNuMXE4ZzRkMWFSWnpGakxHVG5kMmNCY3JpcW4wdjkzOGhleG5lRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.joinpodmatch.com%2Fkaj&v=wY8TNtQRwdk 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa094UzgyMm9iSGVBb3dWQTlKeXh3eERuWFV2d3xBQ3Jtc0tsUXV6VG15YjVpQmgxb0E0UkhYX1RzQkc1SEdaZW5rekZFSzdaRXB6S1lSWVRNcVAxR1RaR1ctRkhoN0g0NzBRd0FHUXM3R0xud1BEdDVqRVdyMDlwYkc2THlRVmd6cjFQNFp3SVMxVzFfejRkZjVUOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ethnicsland.com%2F&v=wY8TNtQRwdk SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS: Support us in creating the content you love! ☕ Buy Me a Kofi: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWVfZi1xbEVNTUhfRjFfcUd5TkZLRjJ2X3c1UXxBQ3Jtc0trZ05nRzY0YnBfWVpDNDhIN1FNRktCdExKWmk5WkFDeTYzOUNpUmJGaUNGOEV4djIwb0xYX1NYT1cxaGlNWUVfUVdMRzRaWWFzcDlDSVJMaUhBZXYwaG1fNzNQd1VUVnhrMzN0TEtzT1dwQ3lhVnhucw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fko-fi.com%2Fkajmasterclass&v=wY8TNtQRwdk 💸 Donate via PayPal: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE1yY2laXzdURTFERXRkbEVOV3VRd0FBbnFuUXxBQ3Jtc0tsZGNlSVpHNVhaNFNfLVZkXzNzRXFvZUs3emFCVnJjTkNxeEVVY1dZZldMcEJaN3k1aXF4QkZvdi1CRHU5MVlYd1NXYnJiNkFkZjFqUGhNQ3VscW5VS3N4b2Viak1oZ3pYZzFubXl0bU9YRE9jZ2pKTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fpaypalme%2Fkajmasterclass&v=wY8TNtQRwdk Every Kofi or donation helps fuel more great content. Thanks for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Proven methods to scale your coaching business to $250k+ in revenue. 2. The importance of crafting a strong online presence to attract clients. 3. How to develop a high-value coaching program tailored to your audience. 4. Effective use of social media marketing to expand your reach. 5. Networking and partnership strategies to grow your business exponentially. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST As a pioneer in the life and business coaching industry, Travis has spent the past 25 years helping heart-centered, passionate coaches to grow Thriving $250k+/yr Lifestyle Businesses while making a bigger impact, enjoying more personal freedom, and living the lives they truly love. Connect with Travis here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazd4U1UtT1NEaWtleEh0UFRIMDBoYUZ3VkF2Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuM0hyNWYtMTJsZlZ0T3dRYmZ5dTN5bkJnWjFtVXowWUNOeDFFNXM2UW0yaFh0T3UwTnBRYXBxNzNSUEFEQUQza2JicUVhSzRSVEp2SUdwVnVPRHh0N3B5bTdZb2g3X3gyM0RlQlJiZFJMNlB1UHdrMA&q=https%3A%2F%...
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    27 分
  • How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset for Success with Yusuf Khoja
    Discover how to optimize your personal and professional performance with insights from Yusuf Khoja, a seasoned leadership expert who has worked with world-renowned figures. Learn practical strategies for cultivating a growth mindset, building resilience, and overcoming procrastination. Whether you're an executive aiming to enhance your leadership skills or an individual seeking personal growth, gain valuable techniques to boost your mental health and achieve success in all areas of life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 EMPOWER YOUR JOURNEY! Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo.... 💼 Business Inquiries: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com KAJ RECOMMENDS: (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS: Support us in creating the content you love! ☕ Buy Me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kajmasterclass 💸 Donate via PayPal: paypal.me/kajmasterclass Every Kofi or donation helps fuel more great content. Thanks for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Understanding the critical role of a growth mindset in achieving long-term success. 2. Techniques to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. 3. Strategies for embracing continuous learning and staying adaptable. 4. How to turn failures into valuable lessons that propel you forward. 5. Practical tips for setting goals and seeking constructive feedback. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST Yusuf Khoja has dedicated 30 years to producing, organizing and presenting at international leadership and wellness events featuring renowned speakers such as former President Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Sir Richard Branson and Tony Robbins. During his career, Yusuf has delivered keynotes, workshops, and coaching programs to clients ranging from senior executives, entrepreneurs, human resource professionals, managers, sales and marketing leaders, and wellness champions. He delivers value-added sessions that engage, inspire, and empower his clients to new levels of professional growth and success! Connect with Yusuf here: https://www.resilientleaders.ca/ 👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: / ajaykhudania Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ BOOK KAJ: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZN #growthmindset #personaldevelopment #kajmasterclassBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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    27 分
  • Mastering Life's Challenges with Deshaun Jackson: Nutrition, Mindset, and Daily Habits
    Discover the blueprint for conquering life's challenges with life coach Deshaun Jackson. In this insightful episode, he shares his expertise on mastering nutrition, mindset training, and daily habits to overcome obstacles like grief, breakups, and weight gain. Gain valuable insights to lead a more fulfilling life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 EMPOWER YOUR JOURNEY! Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo.... 💼 Business Inquiries: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com KAJ RECOMMENDS: (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS: Support us in creating the content you love! ☕ Buy Me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kajmasterclass 💸 Donate via PayPal: paypal.me/kajmasterclass Every Kofi or donation helps fuel more great content. Thanks for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Nutrition Tips: Learn the essential foods and supplements that fuel Deshaun's athletic performance. 2. Mindset Mastery: Discover how to develop mental toughness and a winning mindset. 3. Daily Routine Insights: Get a glimpse into the daily habits that keep Deshaun on track. 4. Balancing Act: Tips for managing professional success and personal well-being. 5. Motivation Strategies: Techniques to stay inspired and focused in challenging times. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST (in his own words) The way DeShaun Jackson lives his life he doesn't miss period. He has found that when life happens, and you better believe it will happen to you. Grief and loss, relationship breakups and divorce, gained 30lbs, whatever it is DeShaun Jackson's program will help you conquer all that, but you need to get with someone who has the blueprint for success. Connect with Deshaun here: / psychrnfit 👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: / ajaykhudania Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ BOOK KAJ: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZN #peakperformance #dailysuccess #kajmasterclassBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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    17 分


Explore the world of business and entrepreneurship with Khudania Ajay (KAJ). This series offers actionable insights and expert advice on everything from launching startups to scaling businesses, mastering leadership, and staying ahead in innovation and finance. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, this content equips you with the tools to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Join our vibrant community and start your journey to success. Explore collaboration and coaching opportunities at https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/services

Support Quality Content:

Become a member of our Spreaker Supporters Club and contribute to our mission of empowering the next generation of business leaders. Your support directly enables us to continue creating impactful and engaging content.

🔗 Support Us: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support
Khudania Ajay

Business and Entrepreneurship with KAJに寄せられたリスナーの声
