
  • How to Master the $250K Milestone: Travis Greenlee's Secrets to Coaching Success
    Discover the secrets to building a thriving six-figure coaching business from industry pioneer Travis Greenlee. Learn proven strategies for overcoming common challenges, developing an abundance mindset, and designing world-class coaching programs. Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, this episode offers invaluable insights to take your coaching business to the next level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 EMPOWER YOUR JOURNEY! Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVlTREV6b21OMDJzRmszNkdodGdDNUVSYUVxUXxBQ3Jtc0tsZzRWeFpFM0g1WEI3dVByczR0eTBPX1I5YWJHdVNvcGdOSWhfOTNOcFZrNDZlSC1ZcjlaRDVVTVAyT2NQTFhmNUFiRXRNcHltX3diNXpPMTdNUzN4NVcxT0QwTTZ2TWlzQU5Fa0s0MzJ0bDVXanZRdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fcalendly.com%2Fkajofficial&v=wY8TNtQRwdk. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmsyOE9FbjBubG5yMDFsQW9fcExEekZ5MTBTd3xBQ3Jtc0ttRnMzdWJGZF9wVURGVGFxLUhqbG5MWVAtZ2syOTJFRnF4aDgwdm51T0gtWVJ4ZDhzS0QyM0ZJbDhVaFZDVUc5NnpnVTlKUjdTVTlWRnBBa1liTzNZanNWZmlESVUwVHRyd1MxWmRvajJCejNRT1ZFUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thekajmasterclass.live%2Fbook-online&v=wY8TNtQRwdk. 💼 Business Inquiries: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com KAJ RECOMMENDS: (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1oxSERONVRyRHJBRGpSMGRLUXlCWWlkc3BSUXxBQ3Jtc0tseVh1N0xUb0M5Z0V2SlhvNG1iZExvQUszRjFHeHMtUGNKVkxHUmRLMU8teFVaUlVPZkUwTmZEXzNuTElBMDRVV3ZxX3dVclZoTnlBaW9haEZLSFBORU9NZjU3MHpiZ2FZTktHd3lkNVJ0Slo0dHduSQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fcoschedule.com%2Fi%2Fkaj-masterclass&v=wY8TNtQRwdk 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1pJUldwektFcy0zRXlFWEJYT1Awa0ExWkRyQXxBQ3Jtc0tsb1FoT0p6N3lOeVRIRHctVGxnX05pZlFkQXVoaUptdzdrUW1ucVY2VnI5b0JZX1hJa3lSM2Vxd0Yweld2UlI1b2dWRS0wVE05VFNuMXE4ZzRkMWFSWnpGakxHVG5kMmNCY3JpcW4wdjkzOGhleG5lRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.joinpodmatch.com%2Fkaj&v=wY8TNtQRwdk 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa094UzgyMm9iSGVBb3dWQTlKeXh3eERuWFV2d3xBQ3Jtc0tsUXV6VG15YjVpQmgxb0E0UkhYX1RzQkc1SEdaZW5rekZFSzdaRXB6S1lSWVRNcVAxR1RaR1ctRkhoN0g0NzBRd0FHUXM3R0xud1BEdDVqRVdyMDlwYkc2THlRVmd6cjFQNFp3SVMxVzFfejRkZjVUOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ethnicsland.com%2F&v=wY8TNtQRwdk SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS: Support us in creating the content you love! ☕ Buy Me a Kofi: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWVfZi1xbEVNTUhfRjFfcUd5TkZLRjJ2X3c1UXxBQ3Jtc0trZ05nRzY0YnBfWVpDNDhIN1FNRktCdExKWmk5WkFDeTYzOUNpUmJGaUNGOEV4djIwb0xYX1NYT1cxaGlNWUVfUVdMRzRaWWFzcDlDSVJMaUhBZXYwaG1fNzNQd1VUVnhrMzN0TEtzT1dwQ3lhVnhucw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fko-fi.com%2Fkajmasterclass&v=wY8TNtQRwdk 💸 Donate via PayPal: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE1yY2laXzdURTFERXRkbEVOV3VRd0FBbnFuUXxBQ3Jtc0tsZGNlSVpHNVhaNFNfLVZkXzNzRXFvZUs3emFCVnJjTkNxeEVVY1dZZldMcEJaN3k1aXF4QkZvdi1CRHU5MVlYd1NXYnJiNkFkZjFqUGhNQ3VscW5VS3N4b2Viak1oZ3pYZzFubXl0bU9YRE9jZ2pKTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fpaypalme%2Fkajmasterclass&v=wY8TNtQRwdk Every Kofi or donation helps fuel more great content. Thanks for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Proven methods to scale your coaching business to $250k+ in revenue. 2. The importance of crafting a strong online presence to attract clients. 3. How to develop a high-value coaching program tailored to your audience. 4. Effective use of social media marketing to expand your reach. 5. Networking and partnership strategies to grow your business exponentially. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST As a pioneer in the life and business coaching industry, Travis has spent the past 25 years helping heart-centered, passionate coaches to grow Thriving $250k+/yr Lifestyle Businesses while making a bigger impact, enjoying more personal freedom, and living the lives they truly love. Connect with Travis here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazd4U1UtT1NEaWtleEh0UFRIMDBoYUZ3VkF2Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuM0hyNWYtMTJsZlZ0T3dRYmZ5dTN5bkJnWjFtVXowWUNOeDFFNXM2UW0yaFh0T3UwTnBRYXBxNzNSUEFEQUQza2JicUVhSzRSVEp2SUdwVnVPRHh0N3B5bTdZb2g3X3gyM0RlQlJiZFJMNlB1UHdrMA&q=https%3A%2F%...
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    27 分
  • How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset for Success with Yusuf Khoja
    Discover how to optimize your personal and professional performance with insights from Yusuf Khoja, a seasoned leadership expert who has worked with world-renowned figures. Learn practical strategies for cultivating a growth mindset, building resilience, and overcoming procrastination. Whether you're an executive aiming to enhance your leadership skills or an individual seeking personal growth, gain valuable techniques to boost your mental health and achieve success in all areas of life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 EMPOWER YOUR JOURNEY! Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo.... 💼 Business Inquiries: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com KAJ RECOMMENDS: (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS: Support us in creating the content you love! ☕ Buy Me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kajmasterclass 💸 Donate via PayPal: paypal.me/kajmasterclass Every Kofi or donation helps fuel more great content. Thanks for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Understanding the critical role of a growth mindset in achieving long-term success. 2. Techniques to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. 3. Strategies for embracing continuous learning and staying adaptable. 4. How to turn failures into valuable lessons that propel you forward. 5. Practical tips for setting goals and seeking constructive feedback. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST Yusuf Khoja has dedicated 30 years to producing, organizing and presenting at international leadership and wellness events featuring renowned speakers such as former President Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Sir Richard Branson and Tony Robbins. During his career, Yusuf has delivered keynotes, workshops, and coaching programs to clients ranging from senior executives, entrepreneurs, human resource professionals, managers, sales and marketing leaders, and wellness champions. He delivers value-added sessions that engage, inspire, and empower his clients to new levels of professional growth and success! Connect with Yusuf here: https://www.resilientleaders.ca/ 👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: / ajaykhudania Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ BOOK KAJ: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZN #growthmindset #personaldevelopment #kajmasterclassBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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    27 分
  • Mastering Life's Challenges with Deshaun Jackson: Nutrition, Mindset, and Daily Habits
    Discover the blueprint for conquering life's challenges with life coach Deshaun Jackson. In this insightful episode, he shares his expertise on mastering nutrition, mindset training, and daily habits to overcome obstacles like grief, breakups, and weight gain. Gain valuable insights to lead a more fulfilling life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 EMPOWER YOUR JOURNEY! Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo.... 💼 Business Inquiries: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com KAJ RECOMMENDS: (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS: Support us in creating the content you love! ☕ Buy Me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kajmasterclass 💸 Donate via PayPal: paypal.me/kajmasterclass Every Kofi or donation helps fuel more great content. Thanks for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Nutrition Tips: Learn the essential foods and supplements that fuel Deshaun's athletic performance. 2. Mindset Mastery: Discover how to develop mental toughness and a winning mindset. 3. Daily Routine Insights: Get a glimpse into the daily habits that keep Deshaun on track. 4. Balancing Act: Tips for managing professional success and personal well-being. 5. Motivation Strategies: Techniques to stay inspired and focused in challenging times. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST (in his own words) The way DeShaun Jackson lives his life he doesn't miss period. He has found that when life happens, and you better believe it will happen to you. Grief and loss, relationship breakups and divorce, gained 30lbs, whatever it is DeShaun Jackson's program will help you conquer all that, but you need to get with someone who has the blueprint for success. Connect with Deshaun here: / psychrnfit 👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: / ajaykhudania Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ BOOK KAJ: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZN #peakperformance #dailysuccess #kajmasterclassBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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    17 分
  • How To Tap into The Hidden Job Market with Sarah JanTausch
    Feeling stuck or burnt out in your career? Discover how to tap into the hidden job market and land your dream role through Sarah Jantausch's revolutionary Values-Based Career method. In this eye-opening session, career expert Sarah unveils a step-by-step system to identify your professional passion, craft a compelling career narrative, and find work that aligns with your core values and life goals. Whether seeking a career transition or just starting out, you'll get Sarah's roadmap to sustainable career fulfillment and success on your own terms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 EMPOWER YOUR JOURNEY! Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo.... 💼 Business Inquiries: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com KAJ RECOMMENDS: (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS: Support us in creating the content you love! ☕ Buy Me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kajmasterclass 💸 Donate via PayPal: paypal.me/kajmasterclass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Learn the importance of networking to access unadvertised job opportunities. 2. Discover effective strategies for expanding your professional connections. 3. Gain tips on leveraging personal contacts for job leads. 4. Understand how to craft personalized and impactful outreach messages. 5. Maximize your online presence to connect with hidden job opportunities. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST Sarah JanTausch is the Founder of SRJ Coaching and Consulting and creator of the Values-Based Career method. This method helps individuals to unlock the hidden job market and ditch burnout while creating a career move that is rooted in your core values, ideal work style, and goals. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ohio Wesleyan University and a Master of Science degree in Management and Leadership from Western Governors University. Connect: https://www.valuesbasedcareers.com/up... 👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: / ajaykhudania Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ 🔥 CHAPTERS & TIMESTAMPS00:00 Introduction 00:31 Meet Sarah JanTausch 03:15 Values-Based Method 05:26 Mistakes in Job Search 07:59 Signs for Job Change 10:18 Exploring Hidden Jobs 12:39 Effective Networking 1 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ BOOK KAJ: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZN #jobmarketinsights #networkingsuccess #kajmasterclass Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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    18 分
  • How Portrait Photography Can Transform Your Confidence with Elizabeth Snyder
    Discover how to radiate confidence both in front of the camera and in life with Elizabeth Snyder, award-winning women's portraiture artist. Learn powerful techniques to overcome fear, find your purpose, and embrace your authentic self. This episode offers transformative insights on self-image, personal branding, and the art of portraying your best self – essential for every woman looking to reclaim her worth and power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 Empower your journey! (Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... KAJ RECOMMENDS: (Note: I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.) 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS: Support us in creating the content you love! ☕ Buy Me a Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/kajmasterclass 💸 Donate via PayPal: paypal.me/kajmasterclass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Learn how portrait photography can help you rediscover your confidence and self-worth. 2. Understand how capturing personal stories through portraits can empower and highlight intrinsic value. 3. Get inspired by Elizabeth Snyder's journey of finding her purpose through helping others. 4. Discover how art and photography can be therapeutic tools for healing and self-assurance. 5. Gain practical advice on embarking on a journey of self-discovery and confidence-building through creative outlets. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST Elizabeth Snyder is a women's portraiture artist, confidence expert, and workshop leader passionately committed to helping women feel their best. She specializes in women's portraiture, branding, and headshots because it is her mission to help women feel their worth in any situation. Elizabeth has decades of photography experience and has won many awards for her artistry. These awards include The Portrait Masters competitions, the Castellani Art Museum's 20/20 Vision: Women Artists in Western New York exhibition, the WeddingWire Couples Choice award, and the top 10 photographers in Buffalo through Expertise. Connect: https://www.elizabethsnyderphotograph... / espllc1 / elizabeth-snyder-089a14141 👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. 🔥 CHAPTERS & TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Introduction 01:04 Elizabeth's Photography Journey 03:44 Women vs. Men in Photography 07:01 Preparing for a Photoshoot 11:21 Common Mistakes 13:06 Authenticity in Headshots 19:05 Finding Confidence 23:24 Changing Profile Pictures 26:00 Tips for Partners 29:00 Photographer's Struggles 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZNBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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    31 分
  • The Power of Conscious Communication: Transform Your Life from Within with Martine Cohen
    Discover how to harness the power of your inner dialogue with expert Martine Cohen. Learn practical strategies to revolutionize your self-talk, enhance your communication skills, and unlock personal freedom. Explore how conscious communication can transform your mental health, decision-making, and overall life quality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 Empower your journey! (Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... 💼 BUSINESS INQUIRIES: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO - How a life-altering accident led Martine Cohen to inner transformation - The importance of exploring and dismantling hidden fears and limiting beliefs - Techniques for conscious communication with oneself - The role of mindset and awareness in shaping experiences - Practical tools to navigate thoughts and foster inner peace 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST Martine has been an attorney for over 25 years with a love for everything strategy. A pivotal turning point in her life catapulted her onto an extraordinary journey of profound awareness, self-discovery, and freedom. In the process, she gained a unique understanding of the inner workings of the brain, which ultimately led her to successfully heal herself energetically – from the inside out. Martine is also a Certified Life Coach (CCF), Reiki Master, ThetaHealing Practitioner, Energy Codes® Facilitator, an inspirational speaker, and the upcoming author of “No More Layers - Discover Your Inner Power and Reclaim True Freedom From the Inside Out“ Now, Martine supports executives, coaches and other successful leaders with potent and personalized insights, life strategies, brain hacks, and tools to enhance their personal and professional life experiences so that they can truly thrive rather than just survive. Connect: https://www.martine@martinecohen.com/ 👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: / ajaykhudania Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ 🔥 CHAPTERS & TIMESTAMPS 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ Book KAJ: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... Follow YouTube: / @kajmasterclass for podcast tips! Leave a comment with your podcast struggles. Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZN #consciouscommunication #innertransformation #kajmasterclass --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kajmasterclass/messageBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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    28 分
  • Mastering Impact: Secrets to Building an Authentic Brand with Rich Kozak
    In this episode of KAJ Masterclass LIVE, join Rich Kozak, CEO of Rich Brands, as he unveils the secrets of creating an impact-driven brand. Discover essential strategies to align your brand with authenticity and clarity, empowering you to resonate deeply with your audience and achieve meaningful results. Don't miss out on this transformative discussion that will revolutionize your approach to branding! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 Empower your journey! (Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... 💼 BUSINESS INQUIRIES: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Understand the true essence of branding as the perception others have of your business. 2. Learn how congruence with your brand's values enhances authenticity and trust. 3. Discover practical strategies to maintain consistency across all brand communications. 4. Explore the power of unique language in shaping a memorable brand identity. 5. Gain insights into aligning your brand strategy with customer expectations for maximum impact. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST Rich Kozak is the visionary founder and CEO of RichBrands, guiding people today in "Making Your Brand Come Alive, and Accelerating Your Impact!". Rich's deep background in marketing and branding reflects in his exciting career of nearly two decades becoming a global branding executive with partners in 21 countries, guiding companies to evolve and re-shape their brands. During his 40+ years of experience including sales and marketing for a Fortune 50 company, marketing research, product management, business development, then deep immersion in branding and re-branding, Rich has passionately shaped brands and their language for companies across hundreds of industries. Connect: https://richbrands.org/ 👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: / ajaykhudania Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ Book KAJ: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... Follow YouTube: / @kajmasterclass for podcast tips! Leave a comment with your podcast struggles. Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZN #BrandImpact #AuthenticBrand #kajmasterclass --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kajmasterclass/messageBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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  • How To Outsource Your Way to Business Success with Kara Barnes
    In this episode of KAJ Masterclass LIVE, we dive into the world of fractional leadership and backstage operations with Kara Barnes, Founder and CEO of Backstage Ops. Learn how outsourcing can help you focus on business growth and achieve extraordinary success. Kara shares invaluable insights on managing your team, prioritizing strategic tasks, and maximizing your business potential. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your operations! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 Empower your journey! (Book a FREE 15-min consultation with me Host KAJ to get personalized guidance and discover how you can start your own podcast, enhance your skills, or even appear as a special guest on my show! Schedule on my calendar at Calendly: https://calendly.com/kajofficial. Ready to take it further? Explore my full podcast coaching services at my website: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... 💼 BUSINESS INQUIRIES: For partnerships, speaking engagements, or personalized coaching, contact kajmasterclass@gmail.com SUPPORT KAJ MASTERCLASS 🌟 Elevate your content creation game with Headline Studio! Unleash the power of attention-grabbing headlines and optimized content to stand out from the crowd: http://coschedule.com/i/kaj-masterclass 🎙 Elevate your podcast journey on PodMatch! Sign up and unlock a FREE 30-min session with me: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj 👗 Shop Indian handloom sarees at Ethnics Land with 15% off: https://www.ethnicsland.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 THINGS YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS VIDEO 1. Understanding Fractional Leadership: Learn what fractional leadership means and how it can benefit your business. 2. Outsourcing Backstage Operations: Discover how outsourcing operational tasks can help you focus on growth. 3. Strategic Partnership Benefits: Gain insights into how a fractional COO can become a strategic partner in your business. 4. Effective Team Management: Understand the importance of systems and structures in managing your team. 5. ROI of Fractional Leadership: Learn how to assess the return on investment when hiring a fractional COO. 💡 ABOUT THE GUEST Kara Barnes has met countless creatives who are chasing their dreams with passion and determination, only to find themselves weighed down by endless small tasks and the burden of managing support staff.. Kara is a firm believer that there is creative potential in all of us, and she’s found her calling in helping speakers optimize their day-to-day operations so that they can realize their authentic vision. A Certified Director of Operations, she has honed her operations skills in a variety of service-based businesses over the last decade. Connect: https://www.backstageops.com/👑 ABOUT THE HOST Your host, Khudania Ajay (KAJ), is a seasoned content entrepreneur, podcast host, and independent journalist with over two decades of media industry experience. Having worked with prestigious organizations like CNBC (India), Reuters, and Press Trust of India, Ajay is dedicated to helping you succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated from hosting over 1200 podcasts, Ajay brings unparalleled expertise and insights to every episode. Connect with Ajay: LinkedIn: / ajaykhudania Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ 🔥 CHAPTERS & TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Introduction 01:00 What Is Fractional? 03:00 Strategic Partnership 06:00 Team Management 11:00 ROI Explained 14:00 Onboarding Process 18:30 Passion for Ops 21:08 Connect with Kara 🌐 CONNECT WITH KAJ 📺 YouTube: / @kajmasterclass 🎧 Podcasts: https://pod.link/thekajstudio 📖 Blog: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/blog 💻 Website: https://thekajmasterclass.live/ Book KAJ: https://www.thekajmasterclass.live/bo... Audio Credits: "Misfits (Instrumental)" by RYYZN #FractionalLeadership #outsourcing #kajmasterclass --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kajmasterclass/messageBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/business-and-entrepreneurship-with-kaj--6217536/support.
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