Patrick K. Porter, PhD. dedicated his life to studying neuropsychology. For years it was believed that we have a set number of brain cells, that our intelligence quotient is fixed, and that our brains do not change. Dr. Porter’s clinical experience and research told a different story, revealing that the human brain is, in fact, plastic, making it capable of change, improvement, and expansion.
Dr. Porter’s exploration sparked incredible transformation for thousands of people. In 2014, with the emerging Apple and Android mobile devices, he saw the opportunity to impact millions by leveraging these new mobile app platforms by founding the brain fitness company – BrainTap®.
Today I am honored to have a conversation with Dr. Porter to discuss what BrainTap is and how its brain fitness benefits extend far beyond sleep and stress reduction to help our brains function at peak performance and our bodies to reset to its natural rhythm.
I've been using BrainTap personally and with my clients for over 5 years and have seen the benefits first hand. My sleep improved, my memory, focus and concentration have all been enhanced using BrainTap daily
If you would like to experience the benefits of BrainTap for yourself Dr. Porter is extending Ryyst & Dwell listeners a 14 day free trial to the BrainTap app.
You will definitely want to take advantage of this exclusive offer for Ryyst & Dwell listeners.
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Dr. Porter discusses:
*The Brain Fitness Series is a great place to start with BrainTap.
*How often you should use BrainTap daily to maximum benefit.
10 minutes morning
20 minutes afternoon
20 minutes evening
*The benefits of pairing BrainTap with daily exercise (movement and breath).
*BrainTap's benefits increase by 30% with the BrainTap headset.
*For those with light sensitivity using earbuds at night is the best option to prevent being aroused by the visor light prior to bed.
*Dr. Porter has written two books that you'll want to read to improve your brain health and your understanding of just how easy it can be to Synchronize, Organize and Regulate your brain.
Awaken The Genius
Drive & Overdrive (you'll receive for free when you sign up for the free 14 day BrainTap app trial)