Fluent Fiction - Korean

著者: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Korean listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Korean, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Korean and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to South Korea or North Korea? Maybe you want to speak Korean with your family from Seoul? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Korea.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Korean listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    오늘 우리의 한국어 이야기로 귀한 청취력을 향상시키세요!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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Are you ready to supercharge your Korean listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Korean, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Korean and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to South Korea or North Korea? Maybe you want to speak Korean with your family from Seoul? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Korea.

Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Korean listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

오늘 우리의 한국어 이야기로 귀한 청취력을 향상시키세요!
Copyright FluentFiction.org
  • His Soul on Canvas: A Family's Journey to Understanding
    Fluent Fiction - Korean: His Soul on Canvas: A Family's Journey to Understanding Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ko/episode/2025-03-08-23-34-01-ko Story Transcript:Ko: 봄바람이 살랑살랑 불어오는 어느 화창한 날, 민준은 국립현대미술관 앞에 서 있었다.En: On a sunny day when the spring breeze gently blew, Minjun stood in front of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.Ko: 미술관은 햇빛을 받아 환하게 빛나고 있었다.En: The museum shone brightly under the sunlight.Ko: 민준은 심호흡을 했다.En: Minjun took a deep breath.Ko: 오늘은 가족을 다시 만나는 날이었다.En: Today was the day he would meet his family again.Ko: 오랜만의 가족 모임이었다.En: It was a long-awaited family gathering.Ko: 민준은 미술에 대한 꿈을 포기하지 않았다.En: Minjun had not given up on his dream of pursuing art.Ko: 하지만 그의 아버지는 이를 달갑게 여기지 않았다.En: However, his father did not welcome this.Ko: 아버지는 민준이 가족 사업에 합류하기를 원했다.En: His father wanted Minjun to join the family business.Ko: 그럼에도 불구하고, 민준은 그의 꿈을 포기할 수 없었다.En: Nevertheless, Minjun couldn't abandon his dream.Ko: 그래서 가족들을 이곳으로 초대했다.En: So he invited his family here.Ko: 오늘 그의 작품이 전시되는 날이었다.En: Today was the day his artwork would be exhibited.Ko: 미술관 안은 사람들로 가득했다.En: Inside the museum, it was packed with people.Ko: 곳곳에 걸린 작품들이 봄 햇살 아래 빛났다.En: Artworks hanging everywhere shone under the spring sunlight.Ko: 민준의 마음은 설렜다.En: Minjun's heart fluttered.Ko: 오늘 가족이 그의 작품을 보게 된다.En: Today, his family would see his work.Ko: 그는 그들에게 본인의 열정을 보여주고 싶었다.En: He wanted to show them his passion.Ko: 조금 늦게 도착한 지은과 혜진이 먼저 민준에게 다가왔다.En: Jieun and Hyejin, who arrived a little late, approached Minjun first.Ko: "오빠, 정말 오랜만이야!" 지은이 밝게 인사했다.En: "Oppa, it's been so long!" Jieun greeted brightly.Ko: 혜진도 고개를 끄덕이며 웃었다.En: Hyejin nodded and smiled.Ko: 민준은 그들을 반갑게 맞이했다.En: Minjun welcomed them warmly.Ko: "기다려줘서 고마워. 어서 들어가자."En: "Thank you for waiting. Let's go in."Ko: 그들 세 사람은 함께 전시장을 돌았다.En: The three of them toured the exhibition together.Ko: 세련된 느낌의 작품들이 어우러져 있는 속에서 민준의 작품이 보였다.En: Amidst sophisticated pieces, Minjun's artwork stood out.Ko: 그것은 그의 가족을 표현한 그림이었다. 생동감 있는 색채와 강렬한 감정이 담겨 있었다.En: It was a painting expressing his family, filled with vibrant colors and intense emotions.Ko: 이때, 그의 부모님이 나타났다.En: At that moment, his parents appeared.Ko: 아버지는 무뚝뚝하게 인사했다. "작품이 좋군."En: His father greeted him curtly, "The artwork is good."Ko: 민준은 다소 긴장했지만 웃으며 말했다.En: Minjun was somewhat nervous but smiled as he spoke.Ko: "아버지, 이 작품은 우리 가족을 생각하며 그린 거예요."En: "Father, I painted this while thinking about our family."Ko: 아버지의 얼굴이 차츰 바뀌었다.En: His father's expression gradually changed.Ko: 눈길은 작품에 고정되었고, 그는 작품을 다시 자세히 바라보았다.En: His eyes were fixed on the piece, and he looked at it more closely.Ko: 표정에서 감정이 읽혔다.En: His emotions were visible on his face.Ko: 그도 아들의 마음을 이해하기 시작했다.En: He began to understand his son's heart.Ko: 잠시 뒤, 아버지가 말했다. "민준아, 네가 어떤 걸 하고 싶은지 이제 알겠구나.En: After a short while, his father said, "Minjun, I understand now what you want to do.Ko: 네 작품에는 깊은 감정이 담겨 있구나.En: I see that your work contains deep emotions.Ko: 앞으로 네 선택을 존중하겠다."En: From now on, I will respect your choices."Ko: 민준은 가슴이 벅차올랐다.En: Minjun felt overwhelmed with emotion.Ko: "정말요? 감사합니다, 아버지."En: "Really? Thank you, father."Ko: 그들은 서로의 마음을 이해했고, 따뜻한 포옹으로 모두의 마음이 이어졌다.En: They understood each other's hearts and shared a warm embrace, connecting all their feelings.Ko: 그날, 민준은 자신의 꿈을 위한 길에 믿음을 더할 수 있었다.En: That day, Minjun could add more faith to his path toward his dream.Ko: 가족의 격려와 지지 덕분이었다.En: It was thanks to his family's encouragement and support.Ko: 가족은 미술관에서 햇살과 함께 그들의 새로운 시작을 ...
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  • Unexpected Adventure: Seoul Tower's Scenic Surprise
    Fluent Fiction - Korean: Unexpected Adventure: Seoul Tower's Scenic Surprise Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ko/episode/2025-03-07-23-34-02-ko Story Transcript:Ko: 서울타워 엘리베이터 앞은 사람들로 북적였습니다.En: The area in front of the Seoul Tower elevator was bustling with people.Ko: 지수, 혜진, 민수는 함께 타워를 오르기로 했습니다.En: Jisoo, Hyejin, and Minsu decided to ascend the tower together.Ko: 바깥에는 봄기운이 물씬 풍기고 있었고, 벚꽃이 만개할 시기가 가까운 듯했습니다.En: Outside, the air was filled with the essence of spring, and it seemed the time for the cherry blossoms to fully bloom was near.Ko: "지수, 높이 올라가면 어때?" 혜진이 장난스럽게 물었습니다.En: "Jisoo, how do you feel about going up high?" Hyejin asked playfully.Ko: 그녀는 지수가 조금 클럼지한 걸 알고 있었으니까요.En: She knew that Jisoo was a bit clumsy.Ko: "괜찮아, 잠깐만 올라가면 되잖아." 지수는 가볍게 대답했지만, 속으로는 조금 불안했습니다.En: "It's fine, we just have to go up for a moment," Jisoo replied lightly, though internally, he felt a bit anxious.Ko: 그들이 엘리베이터에 들어섰을 때, 메탈릭한 벽이 눈에 들어왔습니다.En: When they stepped into the elevator, the metallic walls came into view.Ko: LED 화면은 층수를 표시하며 천천히 올라가기 시작했습니다.En: The LED screen began to slowly indicate the floors as they rose.Ko: 그러다 갑자기 엘리베이터가 멈췄습니다.En: Suddenly, the elevator stopped.Ko: "이게 대체 무슨 일이야?" 혜진이 걱정하며 물었습니다.En: "What on earth is going on?" Hyejin asked worriedly.Ko: 좁은 공간이 그녀를 불안하게 만들었습니다.En: The cramped space made her uneasy.Ko: "괜찮아, 내가 방법을 찾을게." 민수가 침착하게 대답했습니다. 그는 곧바로 비상 전화를 사용하기 시작했습니다.En: "It's okay, I'll find a solution," Minsu responded calmly, promptly using the emergency phone.Ko: 엘리베이터 안은 조용히 긴장감이 맴돌았습니다.En: A quiet tension hovered inside the elevator.Ko: 지수는 혜진의 불안을 덜어주고자 농담을 하기 시작했습니다.En: To ease Hyejin's anxiety, Jisoo started to joke.Ko: "아, 내가 이렇게 케이블 방송 스타가 될 줄이야! 촬영장소: 엘리베이터 안." 지수의 농담에 혜진은 잠시 웃음을 터트렸습니다.En: "Ah, who knew I'd become a cable TV star this way! Filming location: inside an elevator." Jisoo's joke made Hyejin burst into laughter for a moment.Ko: 잠시 후, 엘리베이터가 다시 움직였습니다.En: Shortly after, the elevator moved again.Ko: 하지만 그들이 도착한 층은 예상 밖이었습니다.En: But the floor they arrived at was unexpected.Ko: 벚꽃 테마 의상을 입은 관광객들이 가득한 층이었습니다.En: It was filled with tourists dressed in cherry blossom-themed outfits.Ko: 모두 이리저리 바쁘게 움직이고 있었습니다.En: Everyone was busily moving around.Ko: "여긴 어디야?" 민수가 놀랐습니다.En: "Where is this?" Minsu was surprised.Ko: 살짝 혼란스러웠지만, 세 사람은 결국 옥상 전망대로 올랐습니다.En: Slightly bewildered, the three eventually made it to the rooftop observatory.Ko: 거기서 바라보는 서울의 봄 풍경은 더욱 특별하게 보였습니다.En: The view of Seoul's spring scenery from there seemed even more special.Ko: "드디어 도착했네." 지수가 덤덤히 말하며 주위를 둘러보았습니다.En: "We finally made it," Jisoo said calmly, looking around.Ko: 그는 이제 두려움을 조금 넘어서 있음을 느꼈습니다.En: He felt he had somewhat overcome his fear.Ko: "오늘 기억 남겠다, 그치?" 혜진이 웃으며 말했습니다.En: "Today will be memorable, right?" Hyejin said with a smile.Ko: 민수도 고개를 끄덕였습니다.En: Minsu nodded in agreement.Ko: 지수는 미소 지으며 생각했습니다. 친구들과 함께라면 어떤 두려움도 이겨낼 수 있겠다고.En: Jisoo smiled, thinking that with friends, any fear can be overcome.Ko: 그들은 벚꽃을 배경 삼아 사진을 찍으며 금방 잊을 수 없는 하루를 마무리했습니다.En: They captured the day by taking photos with the cherry blossoms as their backdrop, wrapping up an unforgettable day. Vocabulary Words:bustling: 북적였다ascend: 오르다essence: 기운clumsy: 클럼지한anxious: 불안cramped: 좁은solution: 방법emergency: 비상tension: 긴장hover: 맴돌다observatory: 전망대overcome: 극복하다memorable: 기억 남을backdrop: 배경unforgettable: 잊을 수 없는metallic: 메탈릭한indicate: 표시하다internal: 속으로LED screen: LED 화면unexpected: 예상 밖bewildered: 혼란스러운dimension: ...
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  • Cherry Blossoms and Dreams: Minseo's Festival Journey
    Fluent Fiction - Korean: Cherry Blossoms and Dreams: Minseo's Festival Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ko/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-01-ko Story Transcript:Ko: 봄바람이 살랑이는 어느 고등학교, 분홍 벚꽃이 만개했습니다.En: On a breezy spring day at a high school, pink cherry blossoms were in full bloom.Ko: 학생들은 벚꽃 축제를 준비하느라 분주하게 움직이고 있었습니다.En: The students were busily preparing for the cherry blossom festival.Ko: 그 중심에는 민서가 있었습니다.En: At the center of it all was Minseo.Ko: 민서는 늘 행사를 주관하는 성실한 학생이었고, 올해도 맡은 바를 충실히 수행하고 있었습니다.En: Minseo was always a diligent student in charge of events, and this year, too, she was faithfully carrying out her assigned tasks.Ko: 하지만 민서의 마음 한구석에는 숨겨 둔 꿈이 하나 있었습니다.En: However, in one corner of Minseo's heart, there was a hidden dream.Ko: 그 꿈은 바로 축제에서의 공연이었습니다.En: That dream was to perform at the festival.Ko: 늘 행사만 준비하느라 창의적인 활동은 마음껏 즐기지 못했죠.En: She had always been so busy organizing events that she couldn't fully enjoy creative activities.Ko: 하지만 이번에는 달랐습니다.En: But this time was different.Ko: 민서는 축제를 완벽하게 만들고, 동시에 무대에 서고 싶었습니다.En: Minseo wanted to create a perfect festival and simultaneously stand on stage.Ko: 물론 두 가지를 모두 해내기에는 너무 힘들었습니다.En: Of course, accomplishing both was very challenging.Ko: "민서야, 무슨 생각해?En: "Minseo, what's on your mind?"Ko: " 같은 반 친구 지수가 걱정스러운 눈으로 물었습니다.En: asked her classmate Jisoo with a concerned look.Ko: 민서는 잠시 망설였지만 마음속 고민을 털어놓기로 결심했습니다.En: Minseo hesitated for a moment but decided to share her inner thoughts.Ko: "지수야, 사실 나는 이번 축제에서 공연도 하고 싶어.En: "Jisoo, the truth is, I want to perform at this festival.Ko: 하지만 준비할 게 너무 많아.En: But there's just so much to prepare."Ko: "지수는 고개를 끄덕이며 이해했습니다.En: Jisoo nodded in understanding.Ko: "그러면 우리 도와줄게.En: "Then we'll help you.Ko: 현우도 함께 할 거야.En: Hyunwoo will join us too.Ko: 우리가 준비를 도울 테니 넌 공연 연습해.En: We'll help with the preparations so you can practice for the performance."Ko: "지수와 현우의 도움 제의를 받자, 민서는 마음이 한결 가벼워졌습니다.En: With the offer of help from Jisoo and Hyunwoo, Minseo felt much lighter at heart.Ko: 친구들의 도움 덕분에 민서는 공연 준비에 집중할 시간이 생겼습니다.En: Thanks to her friends' help, she had time to focus on preparing for her performance.Ko: 며칠이 지나 드디어 축제 날이 다가왔습니다.En: A few days passed, and finally, the day of the festival arrived.Ko: 학교 마당은 벚꽃으로 가득했고, 학생들은 활기차게 자신이 맡은 부스를 준비했습니다.En: The school yard was full of cherry blossoms, and students energetically prepared their assigned booths.Ko: 축제는 성공적이었습니다.En: The festival was a success.Ko: 모두들 웃으며 즐거운 시간을 보냈고, 특히 민서가 준비한 이벤트는 큰 호응을 얻었습니다.En: Everyone had a joyful time with smiles on their faces, and the events Minseo prepared received a great response.Ko: 그리고, 무대 타임이 시작되었습니다.En: Then, it was showtime.Ko: 민서가 무대에 올라서자 모두가 놀랐습니다.En: When Minseo stepped onto the stage, everyone was surprised.Ko: 민서는 한 번도 무대에서 공연한 적이 없었기 때문입니다.En: She had never performed on stage before.Ko: 민서는 마음속 깊이 품고 있던 음악을 연주하며 노래했습니다.En: Minseo played music and sang a song she had cherished deeply in her heart.Ko: 그녀의 목소리는 벚꽃이 흩날리는 봄바람처럼 부드럽고 아름다웠습니다.En: Her voice was soft and beautiful, like the spring breeze scattering the cherry blossoms.Ko: 관중들은 놀라움과 감동으로 가득 찬 채 박수를 보냈습니다.En: The audience was filled with surprise and emotion, and they applauded with enthusiasm.Ko: 축제가 끝난 후, 민서는 친구들에게 고마움을 전했습니다.En: After the festival, Minseo expressed her gratitude to her friends.Ko: "도와줘서 정말 고마워.En: "Thank you so much for your help.Ko: 덕분에 내 꿈을 이룰 수 있었어.En: Because of you, I was able to achieve my dream."Ko: "지수와 현우는 환하게 웃으며 민서를 축하했습니다.En: Jisoo and Hyunwoo congratulated Minseo with ...
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Fluent Fiction - Koreanに寄せられたリスナーの声
