FluentFiction - Slovak

著者: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
Copyright FluentFiction.org
  • When Snow Falls: Finding Strength in Team Collaboration
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: When Snow Falls: Finding Strength in Team Collaboration Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-14-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V malej útulnej kancelárii, na predmestí Bratislavy, sneh pomaly padá na strechy domov.En: In a small cozy office on the outskirts of Bratislava, snow slowly falls on the rooftops of houses.Sk: V tejto kancelárii, Lukáš pracuje na novom projekte.En: In this office, Lukáš is working on a new project.Sk: Je veľmi sústredený, no niečo ho trápi.En: He is very focused, but something troubles him.Sk: Termín projektu sa neúprosne blíži a technické problémy sa hromadia.En: The project deadline is relentlessly approaching, and technical problems are piling up.Sk: Lukáš sa neustále snaží vyriešiť chyby v kóde, ale stále to nejde.En: Lukáš continuously tries to fix errors in the code, but it's not working.Sk: Jeho obavy narastajú.En: His worries are growing.Sk: Vie, že projekt je pozadu.En: He knows the project is behind schedule.Sk: V myšlienkach sa zaoberá jednou otázkou: "Čo robiť?En: In his thoughts, he is occupied with one question: "What to do?"Sk: " Premýšľa o Zuzane, jeho kolegyni, ktorá je známa svojou kreativitu.En: He thinks about Zuzana, his colleague, who is known for her creativity.Sk: Ale aj keď vie, že by mu mohla pomôcť, váha.En: But even though he knows she could help him, he hesitates.Sk: Nechce ukázať, že má problémy.En: He doesn't want to show that he is having problems.Sk: Zuzana sedí vo svojej kancelárii o niekoľko ulíc ďalej.En: Zuzana is sitting in her office a few streets away.Sk: Počúva jemnú hudbu a zároveň kreslí nové návrhy na tablete.En: She listens to soft music while drawing new designs on her tablet.Sk: Jej kreatívna myseľ jej neustále prináša nové nápady.En: Her creative mind constantly brings her new ideas.Sk: Keď dostane od Lukáša správu, prekvapí ju to.En: When she receives a message from Lukáš, she is surprised.Sk: Napísal: "Môžeme sa dnes stretnúť?En: He wrote: "Can we meet today?Sk: Mám problém s projektom.En: I have a problem with the project."Sk: " Súhlasila.En: She agreed.Sk: Sedia spolu za stolom s počítačmi.En: They sit together at the table with computers.Sk: Lukáš vysvetľuje problémy, ktoré má.En: Lukáš explains the problems he is facing.Sk: Zuzana počúva pozorne a začnú spoločne premýšľať nad riešením.En: Zuzana listens carefully, and they begin to brainstorm solutions together.Sk: Po niekoľkých hodinách debaty a brainstormingov majú konečne nápad, ktorý by mohol fungovať.En: After several hours of discussion and brainstorming, they finally have an idea that could work.Sk: Vzduch je nabitý energiou.En: The air is charged with energy.Sk: Povedia si: "Toto je ono!En: They say to each other: "This is it!"Sk: " Sústredene kódujú celú noc.En: They code intently throughout the night.Sk: Projekt napreduje.En: The project advances.Sk: O niekoľko dní nato je hotový.En: A few days later, it is finished.Sk: Lukáš je nervózny, ale na prezentácii projekt uspeje.En: Lukáš is nervous, but the project succeeds at the presentation.Sk: Ich šéf je nadšený.En: Their boss is thrilled.Sk: "Dobre odvedená práca, tím!En: "Well done, team!"Sk: " povie s úsmevom.En: he says with a smile.Sk: Lukáš sa vracia domov so spokojnosťou.En: Lukáš returns home with a sense of satisfaction.Sk: Uvedomuje si, že spolupráca bola kľúčová.En: He realizes that collaboration was key.Sk: Vie, že požiadať o pomoc nie je prejav slabosti, ale múdrosti.En: He knows that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but of wisdom.Sk: Zuzana mu pomohla prekonať prekážky a obaja spoločne dosiahli úspech.En: Zuzana helped him overcome obstacles, and together they achieved success.Sk: Od tej chvíle, keď sneh pomaly padá na tiché predmestie Bratislavy, Lukáš si váži spoluprácu viac ako kedykoľvek predtým.En: From that moment on, as the snow slowly falls on the quiet suburbs of Bratislava, Lukáš values collaboration more than ever before. Vocabulary Words:cozy: útulnejoutskirts: predmestídeadline: termínrelentlessly: neúprosnepiling up: hromadiaerrors: chybyoccupied: zaoberácreativity: kreativituhesitates: váhasoft: jemnúdesigns: návrhytablet: tabletebrainstorm: premýšľať nad riešenímcharged: nabitýintently: sústredenethrilled: nadšenýsatisfaction: spokojnosťcollaboration: spoluprácawisdom: múdrostiovercome: prekonaťobstacles: prekážkyachieved: dosiahlisuccess: úspechvalues: vážiconstantly: neustálenew ideas: nové nápadymessage: správudiscussion: debatypresentation: prezentáciirealizes: uvedomuje si
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    14 分
  • Jozef's Journey: Stars Beyond the Science Fair
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Jozef's Journey: Stars Beyond the Science Fair Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-14-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V žiarivom svetle slnečných lúčov, ktoré sa predrali cez oblaky, sa rozprestieral príľahlý štvrtkový predmestský školský dvor.En: In the radiant light of the sun's rays breaking through the clouds, the adjacent suburban Thursday schoolyard was spread out.Sk: Zima bola v plnom prúde a ľadový vietor šepkal svoje piesne medzi listnatým stromami.En: Winter was in full swing, and the icy wind whispered its songs among the leafy trees.Sk: V školskom auditóriu sa zhromažďovali hlúčiky študentov.En: In the school auditorium, groups of students were gathering.Sk: Ich projekty boli vystavené na farebných výstavných nástenkách.En: Their projects were displayed on colorful exhibit boards.Sk: Bol to deň školskej vedeckej výstavy – udalosť plná očakávaní a miernej nervozity.En: It was the day of the school science fair—a day full of anticipation and slight nervousness.Sk: Jozef, tichý a zvedavý študent strednej školy, stál pri svojom stole.En: Jozef, a quiet and curious high school student, stood by his table.Sk: Hladkal si rukávy svojho fleecového svetra a hľadel na svoj projekt o exoplanétach.En: He smoothed the sleeves of his fleece sweater and gazed at his project on exoplanets.Sk: Nebol hlasný ako iní.En: He wasn't as loud as the others.Sk: Jeho spolužiaci ako Martina a Tomáš mali pozornosť a zdroje.En: His classmates like Martina and Tomáš had attention and resources.Sk: Martina pracovala na genetike rastlín a Tomáš mal model veterného mlyna s LED osvetlením.En: Martina was working on plant genetics, and Tomáš had a model of a windmill with LED lighting.Sk: Na ich stole ligotali sa drahé a presne zostavené komponenty.En: Expensive and precisely assembled components glittered on their tables.Sk: Jozef však mal len svoje staré knihy a niekoľko prekvapivo použiteľných dielov z bazáru.En: Jozef, however, had only his old books and a few surprisingly useful parts from a bazaar.Sk: Vedel, že jeho projekt nevyzerá tak upravene.En: He knew his project didn't look so polished.Sk: Napriek tomu cítil vnútorný plameň.En: Nevertheless, he felt an inner flame.Sk: Bolo v jeho rozhodnutí, využiť nekonvenčné materiály, nádej.En: There was hope in his decision to use unconventional materials.Sk: Veril totiž, že jeho myšlienky majú hodnotu, aj keď on sám málo odvahy.En: He believed that his ideas had value, even if he himself had little courage.Sk: Sálou sa rozliehali hlasy a šum rozhovorov.En: Voices and murmurs of conversations filled the hall.Sk: Každý hovoril o svojich projektoch s hrdosťou.En: Everyone spoke of their projects with pride.Sk: Keď prišli rad na Jozefa, sudcovia sa zastavili.En: When it was Jozef's turn, the judges stopped.Sk: Na jeho projekt hľadeli so záujmom.En: They looked at his project with interest.Sk: Bolo to jednoduché, ale premyslené.En: It was simple but thoughtful.Sk: Rôzne farebné pásy predstavovali optické filtre, ktoré demonštrovali identifikáciu exoplanét na princípe svetelných odtieňov.En: Various colored strips represented optical filters demonstrating the identification of exoplanets based on light shades.Sk: "Je to veľmi kreatívne," povedal jeden z porotcov a pokýval hlavou.En: "It's very creative," one of the judges said, nodding.Sk: "Nesmierne inovatívne, ale chýba tu istá profesionalita.En: "Extremely innovative, but it lacks a certain professionalism."Sk: "Jozef cítil jemné sklamanie, ale zároveň aj hrdosť.En: Jozef felt mild disappointment but also pride.Sk: Nebolo prvé miesto, ale jeho úsilie nezostalo nepovšimnuté.En: It wasn't first place, but his effort didn't go unnoticed.Sk: Keď nakoniec ohlásili špeciálnu cenu za kreativitu, Jozefovo meno zaznelo s nadšením.En: When they finally announced the special award for creativity, Jozef's name was called with enthusiasm.Sk: Všetci mu zatlieskali, a on prvýkrát pocítil, že jeho nápady majú skutočne hodnotu.En: Everyone applauded him, and for the first time, he felt that his ideas truly had value.Sk: Cestou domov, po bielom chodníku, si Jozef uvedomil, že nielen vyhranie je spôsob, ako dosiahnuť svoje sny.En: On the way home, along the white sidewalk, Jozef realized that winning wasn't the only way to achieve his dreams.Sk: Vytrvalosť a kreativita majú tiež svoju vlastnú silu.En: Perseverance and creativity also have their own power.Sk: Pocit úspechu hrial viac ako klobúk, čo mu ticho kĺzal z hlavy.En: The feeling of success warmed him more than the hat quietly slipping from his head.Sk: V ten večer, pod nebom plným hviezd, si Jozef sľúbil, že bude veriť sám sebe a svojej zvedavosti.En: That evening, under a sky full of stars, Jozef promised himself that he would believe in ...
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    16 分
  • Snowy Semester Surprises: Jakub's Journey to Friendship
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Snowy Semester Surprises: Jakub's Journey to Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-13-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Jakub sedel na posteli vo svojej malej internátnej izbe.En: Jakub sat on the bed in his small dorm room.Sk: Po vianočných prázdninách sa do školy vrátilo množstvo študentov a internát bol plný energie.En: After the Christmas holidays, a lot of students returned to school, and the dorm was full of energy.Sk: Steny izby zdobili plagáty obľúbených filmov, s poznámkami rozvešanými nad stolíkom.En: The walls of the room were decorated with posters of favorite movies, with notes hanging over the desk.Sk: Na spoločnom stole sa kopili učebnice a otvorené notebooky.En: On the shared table, textbooks and open laptops piled up.Sk: Bola zima, a kým vonku padal sneh, Jakub cítil rastúci tlak nadchádzajúceho semestra.En: It was winter, and while snow was falling outside, Jakub felt the growing pressure of the upcoming semester.Sk: Jakub bol prvák.En: Jakub was a freshman.Sk: Bol nadšený, ale aj nervózny z toho, čo ho čaká.En: He was excited but also nervous about what awaited him.Sk: Triedne plány a zoznamy potrebných učebníc ho však zasiahli ako šok.En: The class schedules and lists of necessary textbooks hit him like a shock.Sk: Knihy boli drahé a jeho rozpočet praskal vo švíkoch.En: Books were expensive, and his budget was bursting at the seams.Sk: Zuzana, Jakubova spolubývajúca, zbadala jeho starosti.En: Zuzana, Jakub's roommate, noticed his worries.Sk: "Jakub, neboj sa," povedala s úsmevom.En: "Jakub, don't worry," she said with a smile.Sk: "Nájdem pre teba dobré ponuky na internete. Sľubujem, že nebudeš musieť minúť celý svoj majetok."En: "I’ll find you good deals online. I promise you won’t have to spend your entire fortune."Sk: V tú chvíľu vošiel Marek, ďalší kolega z chodby.En: At that moment, Marek, another colleague from the hallway, walked in.Sk: Zdal sa vždy sebavedomý a pripravený.En: He always seemed confident and ready.Sk: Marek bol presne ten typ človeka, ktorého Jakub zároveň obdivoval aj mu závidel.En: Marek was exactly the kind of person whom Jakub both admired and envied.Sk: „Čau, Jakub, Zuzana, ako sa máte?“ pozdravil Marek.En: "Hi, Jakub, Zuzana, how are you?" greeted Marek.Sk: Jakub len prikývol a Zuzana prikývla.En: Jakub just nodded, and Zuzana nodded.Sk: Potom mu povedala, s čím Jakub zápasí.En: Then she told him what Jakub was struggling with.Sk: "Som rád, že som ťa stretol," pokračoval Marek.En: "I'm glad I ran into you," Marek continued.Sk: "Zvyknem kupovať použité knihy v online bazároch. Mám dobrý kontakt, ak chceš."En: "I usually buy used books on online marketplaces. I have a good contact if you want."Sk: Večer sedeli Jakub a Zuzana pri Zuzaninom laptopu.En: In the evening, Jakub and Zuzana sat by Zuzana's laptop.Sk: Spoločne našli použité učebnice za prijateľnú cenu.En: Together they found used textbooks at an affordable price.Sk: Jakub cítil úľavu, ale jeho pokoj netrval dlho.En: Jakub felt relief, but his peace didn't last long.Sk: Prišli zoznamy povinných úloh, ale knihy ešte neprišli.En: Lists of mandatory assignments arrived, but the books had not yet come.Sk: V prvý deň chýbajúcej učebnice musel Jakub urobiť odvážne rozhodnutie.En: On the first day without the necessary textbook, Jakub had to make a bold decision.Sk: Šiel za Marekom a opýtal sa: „Môžem si od teba požičať učebnicu na tento týždeň?En: He went to Marek and asked, “Can I borrow a textbook from you for this week?Sk: Moje knihy prídu trochu neskôr. Pomôžem ti s iným predmetom, ak budeš potrebovať.“En: My books are arriving a little later. I'll help you with another subject if you need it.”Sk: Marek sa usmial.En: Marek smiled.Sk: „Samozrejme, Jakub. Pomoc sa vždy zíde.En: "Of course, Jakub. Help is always welcome.Sk: Môžeme spolupracovať.“En: We can work together."Sk: Jakub si prvýkrát uvedomil, že požiadať o pomoc nie je hanba.En: Jakub realized for the first time that asking for help is not a shame.Sk: Spolu s Marekom prežili prvý týždeň bez problémov a stali sa neočakávanými priateľmi.En: Together with Marek, they got through the first week without problems and became unexpected friends.Sk: Marek sa tiež naučil od Jakuba niečo nové.En: Marek also learned something new from Jakub.Sk: Keď dorazili Jakubove knihy, obaja chlapci vedeli, že vzájomná podpora je kľúčom k úspechu.En: When Jakub's books arrived, both boys knew that mutual support is the key to success.Sk: Jakub sa naučil, že v spolupráci možno nájsť silu a skutočné priateľstvo.En: Jakub learned that in cooperation, one can find strength and true friendship. Vocabulary Words:dorm: internátdecorated: zdobilipiled: kopilipressure: tlakfreshman: ...
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FluentFiction - Slovakに寄せられたリスナーの声
