
  • Dealing With Conflict Within Our Team

    Ugh, conflict at work! Itmakes everything more difficult and can see you and your teamwalking on eggshells, spending time and energy worrying about the situation. What weknow is that your team will be watching you to see how you handle it so just ignoring it andhoping the issue will resolve itself and people will sort themselves out is not a solution.

    In this episode, Juliet and Kristy-Lee discuss how to deal with conflict between team members and how to deal with it when you are involved. None of this is easy but, as leaders, we need to deal with it and there are definitely approaches that can make this easier and more successful. We would love to hear from you about how you deal with conflict with in your team and how you bring yourself to the table when you are part of the conflict. You can share your experiences and ask questions at https://www.facebook.com/growyourinfluence/

    And if you would like to connect with us, including accessing free resources on this and other leadership challenges, you can do this at:

    Kristy-Lee Billet People Powered Business

    Juliet Robinson Big Goals

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  • Managing the Overwhelm of Keeping Up with Compliance Requirements

    At the time of recording this episode, we are in the midst of yet another round of legislative updates which employers are required to come to terms with. In fact, the last 2 years have seen the most significant changes in Industrial Relations legislation in Australia in more than 10 years. For employers, business owners, managers and leaders, this can easily become overwhelming to manage.

    In this episode, Juliet and Kristy-Lee discuss how to manage the overwhelm that can come with keeping up with your organisation’s compliance requirements.

    We would love to hear from you about how you deal with this with your team, how do you ensure you’re across your compliance requirements, without spiralling into overwhelm? You can share your experiences and ask questions at https://www.facebook.com/growyourinfluence/

    And if you would like to connect with us you can do this at:

    Kristy-Lee Billet People Powered Business

    Juliet Robinson Big Goals

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    15 分
  • When the Benefits We Offer Aren't What Our Team Want

    Remuneration packages often include non-cash benefits and, increasingly, we are hearing that these aren’t hitting the mark with teams. So often these are included in packages because the person including the benefits is interested in them. And we can be a bit scared of checking in with the team about what would be motivating for them in case they ask for more money or we create expectations we can’t meet.

    There are plenty of ways we can package up the salaries of our team members but, unless we understand what is important for them, we may find they don’t serve the purpose we intend. In today’s episode Juliet and Kristy-Lee explore how we tap into what our team

    wants and how important it is to make this a regular and open conversation.

    We would love to hear from you about how you deal with this with your team, the sorts of non-money motivators that work for them and how you have these conversations.

    You can share your experiences and ask questions at


    And if you would like to connect with us you can do this at:

    Kristy-Lee Billet People Powered Business

    Juliet Robinson Big Goals

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    18 分
  • Dealing with Pay Increase Requests (When There is No Budget for Increases)

    This time of the year can often herald performance reviews and expectations of pay rises, which may not be possible in the current climate. As leaders, we need to explain the context and manage expectations around what is a very personal and often difficult topic for our staff. There are plenty of non-monetary motivators we can offer our team when extra cash isn’t possible, and in today’s episode Juliet and Kristy-Lee explore how we use these. We would love to hear from you about how you deal with this with your team, the sorts of non-money motivators that work for them and how you have these conversations. You can share your experiences and ask questions at https://www.facebook.com/growyourinfluence/

    And if you would like to connect with us you can do this at:

    Kristy-Lee Billet People Powered Business

    Juliet Robinson Big Goals

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    24 分
  • Leading Through a Downturn

    We are hearing A LOT about how tough things are getting and, for our teams, the concerns about job security are real. When work is quiet, people can lose motivation as they focus on the cost of living pressures and inward on self-preservation. There are clear steps leaders can take to bring their teams through a downturn and in today’s episode Juliet and Kristy-Lee discuss how to deal with the anxiety a downturn in business can produce for our staff. We would love to hear from you about how you are dealing with this with your team. You can share your experiences and ask questions at https://www.facebook.com/growyourinfluence/

    And if you would like to connect with us you can do this at:

    Kristy-Lee Billet People Powered Business

    Juliet Robinson Big Goals

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    18 分
  • Dealing with the mid year motivation slump

    With the run-up to the end of the financial year for many in Australia, and the recent intense cold that tells us Winter is really here, you may be finding that both you and your team are running low on motivation.

    This isn’t uncommon but this year the layering of the global economic and political situations and the fact that fewer of us seem to be taking holidays and travelling to sunnier climes has certainly created a dip in motivation for a number of our client.

    In this episode Juliet and Kristy-Lee discuss how to lead both yourself and your team out of this slump and how the power of language and the words we use can make a difference.

    We would love to hear from you about how you approach this time of the year with your team, whether motivation seems low and, if so, how you deal with it as a leader. You can share your experiences and ask questions at https://www.facebook.com/growyourinfluence/

    And if you would like to connect with us you can do this at:

    Kristy-Lee Billet - People Powered Business

    Juliet Robinson- Big Goals

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    19 分
  • The Promises We Make

    Welcome to the Grow Your Influence podcast.

    In today’s episode of Grow Your Influence, Kristy-Lee and Juliet are talking about something that they truly believe every leader needs to hear about–the promises we make to our people.

    In this episode, Juliet and Kristy-Lee discuss the impact it has on our teams when we don’t follow through on the promises we make, and how this has a damaging effect on morale and our people’s commitment to us as leaders, their role and the organisation as a whole.

    We also discuss the consequences of the very small promises that we make but fail to keep with our people because so often it is about the things that aren’t said but are understood–the psychological commitments that are made when we lead people.

    How do you ensure you keep the promises and commitments you make to your people? We would love to hear from you. You can share your thoughts and ask questions at https://www.facebook.com/growyourinfluence/

    And if you would like to connect with us you can do this at:

    Kristy-Lee People Powered Business

    Juliet Big Goals

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    17 分
  • Are You Being Undermined by Your 2IC?

    Welcome to the Grow Your Influence podcast.

    In this episode of the podcast Juliet and Kristy-Lee are tackling the tricky situation we may find ourselves in at some stage in our leadership journey, and that is when we are being undermined by our 2IC, the leader below us who also has influence over our people and is a leader within the organisation.

    In our discussion we talk about the signs that you might see that help you identify you’re your 2IC might be undermining you. We also unpack some of the reasons you may be experiencing this, and share the experiences we have working with teams where this has happened.

    And finally we look at what you can do as a leader if you find yourself in a situation where you are being undermined by your 2IC.

    Is this something you have ever experienced? We would love to hear from you. You can share your thoughts and ask questions at https://www.facebook.com/growyourinfluence/

    And if you would like to connect with us you can do this at:

    • Kristy-Lee People Powered Business
    • Juliet Big Goals

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