
  • 152: Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss with Dr. Kate White

    Around 1 in 4 recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage - and this number most likely is even higher because many women miscarry before they realize they are pregnant. But even though miscarriage or pregnancy loss is so common, it makes it no less painful because it's not common for you.

    Dr. Kate White, OB/GYN is on the podcast today to discuss this sensitive subject to bring understanding, compassion and hope to those who have experienced miscarriage or pregnancy loss. She is not only an OB/GYN that helps couples with this type of loss, but she is also a mom and a miscarriage survivor herself.


    To Dr. White's website: www.drkatewhite.com

    To get Dr. White's book: Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss


    About Dr. Kate White

    Kate White, M.D., M.P.H., OB-GYN, is an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Boston University School of Medicine and the vice-chair of academics in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Boston Medical Center. She is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and of the Society of Family Planning, and a member of the American Public Health Association. A board-certified OB-GYN, Dr. Kate has been caring for patients for more than 20 years, teaching them about their sexual and reproductive health and helping them navigate periods, family planning, childbirth, pregnancy loss, and every other stage leading up to menopause. She currently runs the BEACON family planning research unit, where she leads cutting-edge research studies into developing new birth control methods and discovering how doctors can better provide health care for all women. She is the author of the books Your Guide to Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss and Your Sexual Health.

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    29 分
  • 151: Changes to the Developmental Milestones: Why Did They Do That?
    Developmental milestones have changes for the first time in 20 years, specifically the timeframe that a child should meet them. Why did they do that? The answer isn't what you might think it is.

    In this episode, Dr. Martin Rosen and I discuss the importance of developmental milestones for your baby (what they are, when they should hit them, what it means if they're not reaching one). We also discuss some of the reasons why the CDC recently changed the timing of them and the negative effects this may have on our children's growth and development.

    My Guest:

    Dr. Martin Rosen is a 1981 summa cum laude graduate of Life Chiropractic College.  Since 1982 he has maintained a private practice in Wellesley, MA.  Besides his practice Dr. Rosen has traveled nationally and internationally teaching chiropractic technique, pediatrics, cranial adjusting, chiropractic philosophy and practice management. 

    His educational offerings include hands on and online workshops and seminars, guest lectures, instructional videos, written books and articles, published research papers and one on one interviews. He is dedicated to giving chiropractors the tools and skills necessary to take care of children and to inspire them to expand this branch of chiropractic.

    With his wife, Dr. Nancy Watson, they run the Peak Potential Institute offering premier educational programs for the chiropractic profession.  Their most recent book “It’s All in the Head”, published for the public, was written to inform and bring awareness of the implications that cranial distortions can have in the initial stages of childhood growth and development.


    To get Dr. Rosen's book for parents: www.ItsAllIntheHeadBook.com

    Seminars for Doctors: www.PeakPotentialProgram.com

    His practice in Massachusetts: www.wellesleychiro.com

    His website: www.drmartinrosen.com

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    40 分
  • 150: Recovering from Postpartum Incontinence-Happy Sneeze and Pelvic Floor PT

    Guest: Laura Vidal Borrell is the mom of two boys and the founder of HappySneeze, a team dedicated to creating digital solutions that radically increase access to quality pelvic and incontinence care for women.

    In this episode, we will cover:

    • what "Transitional Incontinence" is and how long the "window to recovery" from it is
    • what other common complaints/symptoms associated with persistent pelvic floor issues women suffer with (other than just leaking after jumping, coughing or sneezing) that women might not think are related
    • what 3 things you can do now to prevent incontinence problems after the birth of your baby
    • what pelvic floor PT methods have shown a 60-91% success rate with incontinence regardless of the amount of time that has passed after your last birth

    Resources mentioned in the conversation:

    • www.HappySneeze.com
    • Happy Sneeze on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehappysneezeprogram/

    About Laura Vidal Borrell:

    I am a Mom, Technologist, and Entrepreneur. I am the founder of HappySneeze, a team dedicated to creating digital solutions that radically increase access to quality pelvic and incontinence care for women.

    After having my two boys, I spent 6 years peeing my pants every time I sneezed, yelled (I do that more than I like to admit), or tripped (I am pretty good at that too). Working in technology, I was shocked that we could create self-driving cars and not have a friendly way for moms to recover postpartum.

    So I quit my nicely paid corporate job and put my product development experience to work to create HappySneeze. We team up with the birth community to raise awareness, educate, and empower moms to recover after birth with simple movement that fits into everyday tasks.

    When not cracking the code of the happy sneeze you will find me cooking, purging my kids’ drawers, or both. I live between San Diego, CA, and Barcelona.

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    34 分
  • 149: Birth Story: One Mom’s 4 Very Different Births
    Guest: Amy Bayer is a military wife and a mother of four young kids, as well as a barre instructor, nutritionist, and undercover copywriter. On this episode, she shares her journey of 4 very different births: from a 55 hour labor, to C-section, to VBAC with an epidural, to an unmedicated VBAC and everything she did to achieve that progress In this episode, we will cover:
    • what Amy learned about pelvic floor tightness from intense exercise that contributed to her first births being so difficult
    • what changes she made after her c-section to prepare for birth #3 that allowed her to experience a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section)
    • what her top recommendations are for all women that want to improve their next birth outcome (or make it a great one from the first birth!)
    Resources mentioned in the conversation:
    • www.CapWellnessCenter.com
    • To get in touch with Amy on Instagram: @cleaneatingwithamybayer

    About Amy Bayer:

    Amy Bayer is a military wife and a mother of four young kids, as well as a barre instructor, nutritionist, and undercover copywriter. She has her Master’s in Integrated Marketing Communications and loves helping leaders communicate and helping people be healthy and thrive. She’s a health foodie, a beach-lover, and a do-it-yourselfer, and when her kids are grown, she’s going to be a world traveler again!

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    1 時間
  • 148: Designing Your Nursery in a Safe, Non-Toxic Way with Deborah Dimare

    Guest: Deborah Dimare is a wellness & cruelty free interior designer who focuses on design that is non toxic, safe & designed for optimal mental & physical development. Today we'll talk about what chemicals, furniture and decor to look for and to avoid when creating a nursery or kids space. 

    In this episode, we will cover:

    • Safe, non-toxic considerations when choosing a crib mattress, furniture, rugs, wall paints, lighting, scents, etc for your baby's room 
    • What the GOTS and Naturepedic certifications are and why these 2 certifications are what you should look for on products that are going in your nursery
    • What the 3 most important features of your baby's room should have to make it a healthy, playful and relaxing environment for your child 

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    • to learn about her Online Nursery & Kids Room Design Course (discount code = FIFTYDRJAY for 50% off)
    • Her video "How to Choose a Safe Crib Mattress": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdStmAK3ocM&t=3s

    About Deborah Dimare:

    Deborah is a renowned interior designer, author, educator and pioneer of the ethical/wellness design movement. She has been executing beautiful living and sensory environments that contribute to the mental and physical health and well being of people and the protections of animals and the planet for nearly 20 years. Her company, DiMare Design, is the only 100% cruelty-free interior design firm specializing in the creation of organic, optimal spaces, and sourcing vegan textiles and sustainable furniture that bear zero-to-low toxins.

    Deborah also heads VeganDesign org, where she educates consumers and designers about humane & healthy design through virtual courses, a blog and a full online shop of cruelty free, vegan and low toxin furniture, décor & curated spaces.

    Deborah is showing the world that less toxic, healthier, durable and luxurious faux alternatives can easily replace wool, fur, leather & other animal derived materials. She believes in designing environments free from tragedy and despair. Only good, healthy, clean energy should be had in all spaces!

    Her design expertise has been featured in Architectural Digest, The Hollywood Reporter, Forbes, Better Homes & Garden, Real Simple, Dezeen, Live Kindly, Veg News and The Today Show to name a few. Deborah proudly serves on the board of Farm Sanctuary and is a PETA Approved Business.

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    36 分
  • 147: Carrying the Grief of Losing a Child

    Guest: Megan Hillukka is a bereaved mother, with 6 children, 5 who are still here. Through her experience of the death of her daughter Aria, she helps parents carry their grief instead of suffering with grief, and to truly learn how to walk side by side with both grief and joy.

    In this episode, we will cover:

    • Megan's own story of losing her child, Aria, was like for her and how she learned to cope with the sadness, depression, anger, PTSD and fear that she experienced because of it
    • What the common experiences are of grieving process, for mothers, for fathers, for siblings
    • What the most important thing a friend or family member can do for a grieving parent that makes the biggest difference

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    • link to her website: www.meganhillukka.com
    • FB group for support for bereaved mothers: www.facebook.com/groups/cultivatedfamily
    • Megan's Mini-Program to help parents who have experienced child loss: www.stoptalkingstartfeeling.com

    About Megan Hillukka:

    Megan Hillukka is a bereaved mother, with 6 children, 5 who are still here. Megan encourages and supports grieving mothers that though the worst thing has happened to them, their life is not over. She also experienced PTSD from finding her daughter Aria when she died, and has done the work to find healing in her brain and her life. From this, Megan wants everyone to know that PTSD is not a life sentence, and that healing is possible. 

    Through her experience of the death of her daughter Aria, Megan has learned tools and ways of shifting grief so that it can become just a little bit lighter, and easier to live with. Because Megan has done the deep work of grief, made space for her grief and time for her grief, she now has room for joy, laughter, hope, and so much fun in her life. She will never forget her daughter Aria and they talk about her often as a family. She helps her clients carry their grief instead of suffering with grief, and to truly learn how to walk side by side with both grief and joy.

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    41 分
  • 146: 13 Things Strong Kids Do with Amy Morin

    Guest: Amy Morin, the critically renowned author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do and popular TEDx speaker. On this episode we talk about her newest book, 13 THINGS
    STRONG KIDS DO: THINK BIG, FEEL GOOD, ACT BRAVE which empowers tweens, teaching them how to think, feel, and act stronger than ever. 

    In this episode, we will cover:

    • Why it's so important, especially THIS YEAR, for our kids to learn how to be resilient in the face of strength stress and how we as parents can help them become stronger each day
    • The unexpected and surprising feelings kids are having now that things are opening up once again this year (back to school, being able to socialize with other kids again, etc.) and what signs to look for

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    • link to Amy Morin's website: www.amymorinlcsw.com
    • her book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Kids Do, can be purchased wherever books are sold

    About Amy Morin:

    Amy Morin is a licensed clinical social worker, instructor at Northeastern University, and psychotherapist. She is the author of the international bestseller 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do, and 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do. Amy is a regular contributor to Verywell, CNBC, Forbes, Business Insider, and Psychology Today.

    She gave one of the most viewed TEDx talks of all time and
    was named the “self-help guru of the moment” by The Guardian. She lives in Marathon, Florida. 13 Things Strong Kids Do is her fourth book.

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    28 分
  • 145: Perinatal and Pediatric Care-Interview with Dr. Jay Warren by Care Messer

    On today's episode, the mic is getting turned around and Dr. Jay is the one that is going to be interviewed! Care Messer of the Birth Education Center is the guest host and she will sit down with Dr. Jay and pick his brain about perinatal and pediatric care and the work he does as a chiropractor working with pregnant women and infants.

    In the episode, we will cover:

    1. Is chiropractic safe in pregnancy and for infants?
    2. How the Webster Technique helps prepare a woman's body for birth and how to find a specially trained chiropractor in your area
    3. What the most common reasons why parents bring their baby to a chiropractor and how they are able to be helped

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    • Dr. Jay's website: www.drjaywarre.com
    • Dr. Jay's online courses for pregnant women and for new dads: www.drjaywarren.com/courses
    • Care Messer's website: www.birtheducationcenter.com
    • How to find a Webster Trained Chiropractor in your area: https://icpa4kids.com/find-a-pediatric-chiropractor

    About Dr. Jay Warren:

    Dr. Jay Warren has been a prenatal and pediatric chiropractor for 20 years. He is also the Wellness Care Coordinator at the CAP Wellness Center in San Diego, CA where 90% of his practice is pregnant or postpartum women and babies under one year old. Dr. Jay now serves as an instructor for the ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) teaching an online course called “Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy from the Baby’s Perspective”.

    Dr. Jay is the host of two popular podcasts “Healthy Births, Happy Babies”, interviewing experts on perinatal care issues and “The Dadhood Journey”, where he shares real-life lessons and practical tools to support new dads in navigating their parenthood experience.

    Dr. Jay has also created two online programs:
    “Connecting with Baby” guides pregnant women through processes to strengthen maternal bonding in-utero so that she is more confident as a parent and better able to soothe and connect with baby when they arrive.
    And the “New Dads Class” helps men navigate their transition into fatherhood and provides support through the last trimester, birth and beyond so that they can be the best dads they can be.



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    1 時間 8 分