
  • Revolutionizing Healthcare: How United AG Tripled in Size by Breaking the Rules

    In the podcast, Charles Ernst interviews Kirti Mutatkar, CEO of United AG, discussing the company's human-centered approach to healthcare. Kirti shares how United AG tripled in size by prioritizing personal connections and treating members as individuals, not just numbers. The company’s customer service philosophy ensures live representatives answer calls to provide real-time support during critical health moments. Kirti highlights the importance of cultural alignment in hiring, ensuring employees relate to the agricultural communities they serve. During the COVID-19 pandemic, United AG boldly offered free mental health services to members, reinforcing their commitment to human care. Lastly, Kirti explores the role of AI in healthcare, emphasizing how it can enhance efficiency without replacing the essential human touch.


    Welcome to HeyCharles, as a CEO, business owner, and entrepreneur, Charles helps create a game plan for ultimate success. 🚀

    Key Moments:

    1. Human-Centered Approach to Healthcare (00:01:06 - 00:02:29): Kirti explains United AG’s mission to put humans at the forefront of healthcare, emphasizing the importance of treating members as individuals rather than just numbers, which has led to the company's growth.
    2. Growth from Underdog to Industry Leader (00:01:26 - 00:02:10): Kirti shares how United AG tripled in size over the last ten years, growing from $80 million in contributions to $255 million, driven by their human-focused approach.
    3. Customer Service Philosophy (00:03:14 - 00:05:00): Kirti highlights how United AG’s customer service prioritizes personal connections, ensuring that a live person answers calls to avoid the frustration of automated systems, especially during critical health moments.
    4. Cultural Alignment in Hiring (00:05:00 - 00:06:13): United AG intentionally hires customer service representatives who relate to the agricultural industry and its cultural nuances, ensuring deeper empathy and understanding of the members’ needs.
    5. Mental Health Initiatives During COVID-19 (00:12:05 - 00:13:45): Kirti talks about United AG’s bold decision during the pandemic to offer free mental health services to its members, regardless of cost, to support the essential agriculture workers.
    6. The Importance of Teamwork for Success (00:09:12 - 00:10:01): Kirti emphasizes that United AG's success is due to the collective effort of the entire team, not just one person or department, fostering a culture of unity and shared goals.
    7. Exploring AI in Healthcare (00:18:12 - 00:20:36): Kirti discusses the potential of AI to augment healthcare services, focusing on how it can improve internal efficiencies while maintaining the human touch in patient care, without replacing it.


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    • Youtube - @HeyCharlesBiz

    money, business, ceo, investing, make money, business tips, get rich, money game plan, money mindset, podcast

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    22 分
  • Marriage and Business: The Honest Conversations You’re Afraid to Have

    In the podcast, Charles and Joanna Ernst discuss the challenges of balancing honesty in both their business and marriage. They emphasize the importance of defining clear roles within the business to avoid overstepping boundaries and causing unnecessary conflicts. Joanna admits that she sometimes holds back on sharing honest feedback with Charles, fearing that it might dampen his enthusiasm. They highlight how past business failures have taught them the value of open communication and accepting that not every idea will work out. To prevent misunderstandings, they schedule weekly meetings specifically for honest conversations without judgment. Ultimately, their commitment to open dialogue has strengthened both their marriage and business, positively impacting their personal and professional lives.


    Welcome to HeyCharles, as a CEO, business owner, and entrepreneur, Charles helps create a game plan for ultimate success. 🚀

    Key Moments:

    Balancing Criticism in Business and Marriage (00:01:00 - 00:02:07): Charles and Joanna discuss the challenges of being honest with your spouse about business matters without crossing personal boundaries, acknowledging that withholding criticism can lead to bigger issues.

    Defining Roles in the Business (00:07:35 - 00:08:15): They highlight the importance of clearly defining roles within the business to avoid overstepping each other's responsibilities and creating unnecessary conflict.

    The Fear of Sharing Honest Feedback (00:16:42 - 00:17:18): Joanna admits she sometimes holds back from sharing honest feedback about Charles's ideas because she doesn’t want to be negative or crush his enthusiasm, which is a common dynamic in partnerships.

    Learning from Business Failures (00:17:35 - 00:18:35): They talk about how past business failures have taught them to communicate better and how they've learned to accept that not every idea will work out, but open dialogue is essential.

    Balancing Personal and Professional Lives (00:14:31 - 00:15:20): Charles discusses the difficulty of keeping personal emotions out of professional conversations and how holding back on business feedback can cause tension at home.

    Scheduling Time for Open Communication (00:20:59 - 00:21:20): They share how scheduling weekly meetings specifically for laying out thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment has helped them address concerns and avoid misunderstandings.

    Strengthening Marriage Through Honest Communication (00:25:00 - 00:26:20): They conclude by emphasizing that their marriage and business have grown stronger by being completely honest with each other, which has positively impacted all aspects of their lives, from family to business.


    • Instagram - @heycharles77

    • TikTok - @heycharles77

    • Twitter - @heycharles77

    • Youtube - @HeyCharlesBiz

    money, business, ceo, investing, make money, business tips, get rich, money game plan, money mindset, podcast

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    27 分
  • Love and Business: The Secret to Balancing Marriage and Entrepreneurship

    Love and Business: The Secret to Balancing Marriage and Entrepreneurship

    In his latest podcast, Charles Ernst and his wife, Joanna, discuss the challenges of balancing their marriage and business life. They emphasize the importance of setting clear boundaries to prevent business discussions from encroaching on their personal time, which can create tension in their relationship. The couple shares how they manage work-related stress by scheduling specific times for business conversations and shutting down distractions, like putting away their phones during family time. They also highlight the need for vulnerability and honest communication, especially when one partner is feeling overwhelmed. Despite their differing personalities, which sometimes clash, they find that these differences help balance both their business and personal lives. Charles and Joanna encourage other couples in business together to give themselves grace and remain flexible, as maintaining this balance is an ongoing effort.


    Welcome to HeyCharles, as a CEO, business owner, and entrepreneur, Charles helps create a game plan for ultimate success. 🚀

    Key Moments:

    The Challenge of Balancing Business and Marriage (00:01:10 - 00:02:21): Charles and his wife, Joanna, discuss the difficulties of maintaining boundaries between their business and personal lives, particularly when business discussions bleed into their personal time.

    Importance of Setting Boundaries (00:02:21 - 00:03:45): They emphasize the need for setting clear boundaries to separate work from personal life, acknowledging that failing to do so can create tension and affect their relationship.

    Shutting Down Work Conversations at Home (00:07:05 - 00:08:10): Charles shares how they've learned to treat work discussions like client meetings, by scheduling specific times to talk and shutting down distractions, such as putting their phones away.

    Dealing with Stress and Overwork (00:14:00 - 00:15:12): The couple discusses how stress and overwork have affected their sleep and health, leading to late-night conversations that disrupt their rest and overall well-being.

    Vulnerability and Honest Communication (00:16:03 - 00:17:12): They highlight the importance of being vulnerable and honest with each other, especially when one partner is struggling with balancing the demands of both the business and their personal lives.

    Navigating Type-A Personalities in Business (00:18:09 - 00:18:33): Charles and Joanna talk about how their differing personalities, with Charles being more intense, sometimes clash but ultimately help them balance each other out in both their business and marriage.

    Grace and Flexibility in Business and Marriage (00:19:11 - 00:20:05): They conclude by encouraging couples in business together to give themselves grace, recognizing that maintaining a balance between work and personal life is a constant effort that requires flexibility and ongoing adjustments.


    • Instagram - @heycharles77

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    • Youtube - @HeyCharlesBiz

    money, business, ceo, investing, make money, business tips, get rich, money game plan, money mindset, podcast

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    20 分
  • 3 Financial Mistakes That Can Sabotage your business

    In his latest podcast, Charles Ernst discusses three critical financial mistakes that can sabotage a business. He highlights the dangers of overoptimistic budgeting, urging business owners to take a conservative approach and include a cushion for unexpected expenses. Charles also emphasizes the importance of having a contingency fund and a credit line to manage unforeseen costs that could otherwise destabilize operations. He warns against using business funds as a personal piggy bank, which can hinder growth and complicate financial management. To ensure sustainable success, he recommends setting up a proper salary and profit distribution structure, keeping personal and business finances separate. Charles concludes by stressing the need for financial discipline, encouraging business owners to establish and follow financial rules to set their businesses up for long-term success.


    Welcome to HeyCharles, as a CEO, business owner, and entrepreneur, Charles helps create a game plan for ultimate success. 🚀

    Key Moments:

    Overoptimistic Budgeting (00:01:03 - 00:03:26): Charles emphasizes the dangers of being overly optimistic in budgeting, explaining that many businesses underestimate their expenses by 20-40%, leading to financial difficulties.

    The Importance of Being Conservative with Budgets (00:03:26 - 00:04:36): He advises business owners to adopt a conservative approach when planning budgets, including adding a cushion for unexpected costs and considering professional advice to avoid underestimating expenses.

    Lack of Contingency Funds (00:05:18 - 00:06:34): Charles discusses the risks of not having a contingency fund for unexpected expenses, such as sudden increases in insurance premiums or supply costs, which can destabilize a business.

    Establishing a Credit Line for Emergencies (00:07:14 - 00:07:33): He suggests setting up a credit line specifically for emergencies, which can provide a safety net when unexpected expenses arise and help maintain business operations.

    Using Business Funds as a Personal Piggy Bank (00:08:19 - 00:09:05): Charles warns against the common mistake of treating business funds like a personal piggy bank, which can hinder the business’s growth and complicate financial management.

    Setting Up a Proper Salary and Profit Distribution Structure (00:09:05 - 00:10:18): He recommends that business owners pay themselves a fixed salary and establish a structured profit distribution plan to keep personal and business finances separate and ensure sustainable growth.

    The Importance of Financial Discipline (00:10:47 - 00:11:09): Charles concludes by stressing the need for financial discipline, encouraging business owners to set rules, follow them, and avoid bad financial habits to set themselves up for long-term success​


    • Instagram - @heycharles77

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    • Youtube - @HeyCharlesBiz

    money, business, ceo, investing, make money, business tips, get rich, money game plan, money mindset, podcast

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    11 分
  • The Dark Side of Business Security: Danny Champness on Protecting What’s Yours

    In the podcast, Charles Ernst interviews Danny Champness, the founder of Virtus Security, who shares insights on enhancing personal and corporate security. Danny discusses his experience in law enforcement & private security, emphasizing the importance of ongoing training and situational awareness. He provides practical tips for improving home security, such as better lighting and door reinforcement, while also highlighting the rise in property crimes and the need for proactive measures. The conversation underscores the value of understanding human behavior and intuition in preventing security threats.


    Welcome to HeyCharles, as a CEO, business owner, and entrepreneur, Charles helps create a game plan for ultimate success. 🚀

    Key Moments:

    Danny's Background and Transition to Private Security (00:00:58 - 00:01:31): Danny shares his journey from law enforcement, where he served for 18 years, to becoming a private security consultant and the founder of Virtus Security, driven by a desire to make communities safer.

    The Role of Training and Special Forces Collaboration (00:02:58 - 00:03:14): Danny talks about the importance of ongoing training and how he collaborates with Special Forces annually to stay sharp and ensure the highest level of service for his clients.

    Corporate Security and Vulnerability Assessments (00:04:02 - 00:05:11): Danny discusses his experience in corporate security, particularly his work in conducting vulnerability assessments for companies, where he simulates break-ins and other security breaches to identify weaknesses.

    Importance of Situational Awareness (00:10:22 - 00:11:14): Danny emphasizes the importance of situational awareness in both personal and professional settings, noting that being aware of one's surroundings can significantly reduce the risk of being involved in dangerous situations.

    Simple Yet Effective Home Security Measures (00:14:00 - 00:14:46): He shares practical advice on improving home security, such as enhancing lighting, reinforcing doors, and ensuring proper visibility around the property, which can deter potential intruders.

    Common Security Threats and Crime Trends (00:17:35 - 00:18:00): Danny highlights the current trends in crime, particularly the rise in property crimes and burglaries, and discusses how these threats can be mitigated through proactive security measures.

    The Human Element in Security (00:18:26 - 00:19:31): He stresses the importance of understanding human behavior and intuition in security, explaining how recognizing subtle signs and trusting one's instincts can prevent many crimes before they happen​


    • Instagram - @heycharles77

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    • Youtube - @HeyCharlesBiz

    money, business, ceo, investing, make money, business tips, get rich, money game plan, money mindset, podcast

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    31 分
  • How To Create Wealth in 2024

    In his latest podcast, Charles Ernst discusses strategies for creating wealth in 2024, with a focus on acquiring existing businesses. He highlights the opportunity presented by small and medium-sized businesses owned by baby boomers who lack exit strategies and are looking to retire. Charles emphasizes the potential of using seller financing, where the buyer can learn the business and eventually buy it out over time. He also discusses alternative financing options like SBA loans and partnering with investors. Throughout the episode, Charles stresses the importance of preparation, goal setting, and doing thorough research before approaching business owners. He encourages listeners to seize the moment, as opportunities to acquire profitable businesses may not last long.


    Welcome to HeyCharles, as a CEO, business owner, and entrepreneur, Charles helps create a game plan for ultimate success. 🚀

    Key Moments:

    Encouragement to Start a Business (00:00:06 - 00:00:37): Charles emphasizes that one of the best ways to create wealth in 2024 is by going into business for yourself, even though it might not be the easiest path.

    Opportunity in Acquiring Existing Businesses (00:01:09 - 00:01:38): He highlights the potential of acquiring small and medium-sized businesses owned by baby boomers who lack an exit strategy, presenting a significant opportunity for motivated individuals.

    The Concept of Seller Financing (00:05:01 - 00:05:52): Charles introduces the idea of seller financing as a viable method to acquire a business without needing substantial upfront capital, allowing buyers to learn the business and buy out the owner over time.

    The Importance of Sweat Equity (00:07:52 - 00:08:13): He discusses the concept of sweat equity, where one works within the business, contributing to its growth while structuring a deal to eventually take ownership.

    Alternative Financing Options (00:09:40 - 00:10:14): Charles explores other financing methods, such as obtaining an SBA loan or partnering with investors, for those who prefer not to rely on seller financing.

    The Role of Business Brokers (00:13:10 - 00:14:08): He suggests working with business brokers as a starting point to find businesses for sale, noting that they can provide valuable insights and connections to potential deals.

    Importance of Preparation and Goal Setting (00:12:32 - 00:13:10): Charles stresses the need for thorough preparation and goal setting when approaching business owners, ensuring that you know what you want and are ready to present a compelling case for why they should sell to you


    • Instagram - @heycharles77

    • TikTok - @heycharles77

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    • Youtube - @HeyCharlesBiz

    money, business, ceo, investing, make money, business tips, get rich, money game plan, money mindset, podcast

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    19 分
  • From Failure to Fortune: Guide to Resilience in Business

    In this episode, Charles Ernst emphasizes that failure is an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial journey, occurring at various stages. He encourages entrepreneurs to embrace failure as a learning opportunity by analyzing the root causes and obtaining feedback from knowledgeable sources. Documentation of failures is crucial for reflection and future reference, aiding in continuous improvement. Maintaining a positive mindset is essential, viewing failures as temporary setbacks that contribute to progress. Ernst highlights the importance of practicing self-compassion and not being overly critical of oneself during tough times. Visualizing success, setting achievable goals, and using failures as catalysts for innovation and creativity are key strategies. Lastly, resilience and mental toughness are vital, along with leveraging a support network to navigate challenges and stay motivated.


    Welcome to HeyCharles, as a CEO, business owner, and entrepreneur, Charles helps create a game plan for ultimate success. 🚀

    Key Moments:

    00:00:00 - Introduction: Charles Ernst introduces the topic of overcoming failure in business and emphasizes the inevitability of encountering failures as an entrepreneur.

    00:00:37 - Embrace Failure: Discusses the importance of embracing failure and using it as a learning opportunity by analyzing and reflecting on what went wrong.

    00:02:14 - Document Failures: Highlights the significance of documenting failures to understand and learn from them accurately.

    00:03:28 - Practice Self-Compassion: Stresses the need for self-compassion and not being too hard on oneself when things don't go perfectly.

    00:04:11 - Visualize Success: Encourages entrepreneurs to visualize their success and set clear goals to stay motivated.

    00:05:05 - Innovate from Failure: Talks about using failure as a catalyst for innovation and problem-solving.

    00:06:20 - Take Risks: Emphasizes the necessity of taking risks and experimenting to grow and improve the business.

    00:13:18 - Encourage a Growth Mindset: Advises leaders to instill a growth mindset in their team by learning from failures and continuously improving.

    00:17:18 - Recognize Achievements: Highlights the importance of recognizing and celebrating team achievements to boost morale and motivation.

    00:20:00 - Closing Remarks: Charles concludes the podcast by reiterating the importance of resilience, mental toughness, and leveraging failures as stepping stones to success.


    • Instagram - @heycharles77

    • TikTok - @heycharles77

    • Twitter - @heycharles77

    • Youtube - @HeyCharlesBiz

    money, business, ceo, investing, make money, business tips, get rich, money game plan, money mindset, podcast

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    20 分
  • Why Customer Service Makes Me So Frustrated In My Business

    In the podcast episode, Charles Ernst discusses the frustrations and challenges of modern customer service. He describes how interactions with clueless employees and unresponsive companies often leave customers feeling frustrated and undervalued. Ernst emphasizes the importance of knowledgeable staff, effective communication, and responsiveness in providing a positive customer service experience. He expresses disappointment in the lack of improvements based on customer feedback and stresses that good customer service is crucial for business success. Ernst encourages businesses to listen to their customers, train their staff, and prioritize treating customers with respect. Ultimately, he advocates for raising the standards of customer service to ensure that customers feel heard and valued.


    Welcome to HeyCharles, as a CEO, business owner, and entrepreneur, Charles helps create a game plan for ultimate success. 🚀

    Key Moments:

    00:00:00 - Introduction and the main topic: customer service frustrations.

    00:01:00 - Description of common negative experiences in customer service.

    00:02:05 - Ernst's views on the importance of good customer service for business success.

    00:03:45 - Frustration with the lack of response and follow-up from companies.

    00:04:29 - Discussion on companies ignoring customer feedback and the implications.

    00:06:03 - Ernst's emphasis on the need for respect and responsiveness in customer service.

    00:07:00 - Conclusion and encouragement for businesses to improve customer service practices.


    • Instagram - @heycharles77

    • TikTok - @heycharles77

    • Twitter - @heycharles77

    • Youtube - @HeyCharlesBiz

    money, business, ceo, investing, make money, business tips, get rich, money game plan, money mindset, podcast

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    7 分