
  • #33 - 7 Keys to Recenter & Live Authentically - Access your Unique Way of Living

    Summer break usually brings a lot of questions. Holidays often mean a lot of time with family (or alone), facing conditioning, conflict (a lot of break ups after summer), reflecting on your life, job, etc. Do I like the life I am living? Am I happy in my relationship? Is it the right work for me? etc... And then the "Go back to work/school" brings pressure, stress and a lot of emotions.

    So, I thought it will be helpful to share with you : 7 Keys to Recenter, Live Authentically & Access your Unique Way of Living

    This episode is like the toolbox to pick up from to help you recenter, reconnect with your true nature, identify your emotional blockages, bring awareness on your conditioning to recalibrate your life, be able to live out your purpose, explore your full potential and create the life you desire. I am of course sharing personal stories from my recent move to France and its impact on my own family!

    Whether you're a Generator, Projector, Manifestor, or Reflector, there’s something in here for you.

    Here are just a few things you’ll discover:

    ✨ How to understand your energy type and use it to navigate life with less resistance

    ✨ Keys to making aligned decisions based on your unique Design

    ✨ Ways to manage your emotions and support your loved ones in theirs

    ✨ The importance of being in the right environment and how it impacts your well-being

    ✨ Practical tips to connect with your body’s messages and live more healthily

    ✨ And much more, including personal how to fulfil your life mission and live out your purpose

    Whether you're just starting with Human Design or deepening your understanding, this episode is full of insights and practical solutions to bring you back to your true self and live authentically.

    I hope you’ll find it as inspiring and useful as I’ve found putting it together. You can listen to the full episode on my Podcast or watch it on my YouTube Channel.

    And of course, if you are ready to discover your true nature and create the life you desire, I am offering sessions according to your needs and I am inviting you to contact me if that resonates.

    Lots of love.


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    42 分
  • #32 - Flowing Though Life with Human Design - We are Moving...Again!

    A very personal episode on how we use Human Design to move to…France! This is a story about my journey of being in three countries in less than a year before our daughter even turns 3 and how knowing and respecting your Design leads you to the right places, attracting the right situations and people into our lives without resistance to create your dream life. This journey also helped me to release a lot of fears, let go conditioning and old beliefs that didn’t serve me anymore. I am sharing private example on my Design to show you : . How knowing my design helped me become aware of emotions and situations instead of letting my mind take over and control my life. . Which tools you have access to be you true self alongside our society . How to make aligned decisions, . Understand your body intelligence and respect your needs without pushing ourselves above societal expectations. A special shoutout to my amazing family for their immense help and special Projector friend. Following your design will always lead you to the right place, right time and I am grateful for this life we are creating with my amazing partner. If this resonates with you, feel free to connect with me to explore your design. I would love to support you on your journey. If you liked this episode, please comment on it, like it, share it. You can find the episode on my YouTube channel or podcast. Lots of love your way.

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  • #31 - "Being vs Doing" - Who are you when you are not doing? Discovering your True Self & Breaking Free from Old Beliefs

    Who are you when you are not doing ?

    So, who are you when you are not doing you?

    Who are you when you are not playing at being you?

    This episode is a synthesis of a conversation I recorded in French with my friend Claire about "being" instead of "doing" . I believe this conversation can be helpful for you too as I can see it in most of my sessions.

    Discover how knowing your Design can support you in finding out who you truly are and how to get rid of conditioning.

    Your design shows you the real you, the non-conditioned being, your true self. Learning about your design, your partner's, and your kids' can help you avoid all the conditioning.

    In this episode, I share personal examples of how I have been conditioned and how I choose to navigate alongside our conditioned society. I use my Design to accept myself and break free from conditioning and beliefs that don't belong to me and don't serve me anymore.

    With practical examples, I am showing you how to empower yourself and to be your higher self. Of course, it goes much deeper in a session.

    I talk about the brain and its conditioned way of answering all the overwhelming questions of the world.

    I talk about the mind trying to drive and control your life.

    I discuss the most important conditioning aspects of our society, such as food and sleep, school, and how these factors influence us.

    I talk about burn out, diseases and illnesses when you are not listening to your Body's messages and living your true self;

    I am bringing you closer to your true self, uniqueness, and how your energy works for you. I am providing you the key you need to empower yourself, to give back your power, and not depend on anyone else but you. Your body has all the answers.

    Human Design doesn’t tell you where to go or what you will find or what the truth is. It gives you the tools to live as yourself.

    Everything is in your Design!

    I help you recalibrate your life and find a new framework for yourself.

    I am here to help you on your journey, so feel free to contact me if this resonates with you.

    In conclusion, be you, not try to do you.

    Have fun doing by being!

    Lots of love.


    Just to clarify, we are not talking about feminine or masculine energy here.

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  • #30 FR - Trouver sa mission de vie & Débloquer sa fertilité - Le parcours de F. pour se libérer des conditionnements

    Au coeur d'une séance de Design Humain - Découvre ce que tu peux apprendre au cours d'une session avec moi. Florine a eu une séance avec moi l'année dernière. Neuf mois plus tard, elle m'a contacté à la recherche de clarté sur son chemin professionnel. Après avoir confessé qu'elle venait de faire deux fausses couches, j'ai immédiatement su que la réponse se trouvait dans son Centre du Sacral.

    Le Centre du Sacral est le centre de la force de vie, de la force de travail, de la fertilité et de la créativité. Ce centre est lié aux ovaires et englobe les relations, le travail et l'argent. Florine avait un emploi très bien rémunéré et confortable, mais elle n'en était plus excitée, ce qui lui apportait beaucoup de frustration dans sa vie. Elle avait peur de quitter son emploi et voulait fonder une famille. En tant que Générateur Manifesteur, il est essentiel qu'elle soit excitée par ce qu'elle fait et qu'elle se sente épanouie dans son travail. Son père lui avait enseigné qu'il était safer de rester dans un emploi bien rémunéré, de ne pas démissionner et de s'engager, ce qui lui permettrait d'acheter une maison grâce à une prêt bancaire. La peur derrière ce centre était la perte de contrôle et la perte financière. Voici le conditionnement. Voici le blocage émotionnel. Son corps lui envoyait des messages auxquels elle avait refusé de prêter attention pendant longtemps. Sa fertilité et sa créativité en étaient affectées. Elle n'était pas satisfaite de son travail et était contrôlée par des peurs, l'argent et son père. Sa vie professionnelle était profondément liée à sa vie personnelle.

    Découvrez ce qu'elle a appris dans cet épisode ! De la prise de décisions alignées, du blocage émotionnel et des traumatismes, de la découverte du meilleur environnement pour elle et de l'alimentation qui soutiennent sa santé, à la découverte de ses talents et de sa mission de vie. Étape par étape, toutes les pièces du puzzle se sont assemblées pour Florine. Elle savait quel chemin l'attendait. Elle le savait avec un Centre Sacral sain, non conditionné par son entourage ou son esprit.

    Merci Florine. Ton voyage nous inspire à nous débarrasser des conditionnements, à lever les barrières émotionnelles et à créer des vies alignées avec notre véritable soi.

    Si vous êtes prêt à libérer votre potentiel, à dissoudre les blocages émotionnels et à embrasser le changement, je vous invite à me contacter.

    N'hésitez pas à partager cet épisode avec quiconque pourrait en bénéficier. Merci pour votre soutien.

    Bon épisode. Sarah

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  • #30 EN - Revealing Life's Work and Unlocking Fertility - Florine's Journey to Release Conditioning

    Discover what you may learn in a session with me.

    Florine had a session with me last year. Nine months later, she contacted me, looking for clarity on her professional path. After confessing she just had two miscarriages. I immediately knew the answer lay in her Sacral Center.

    The Sacral Center is the center of life force, work force, fertility, and creativity. This center is linked to the ovaries and encompasses relationships, work, and money.

    Florine has a very well-paid and comfortable job, but she was no longer excited about it, which brought a lot of frustration into her life. She was afraid to quit her job and wanted to create a family. As a Manifesting Generator, being excited about what she does and feeling lit up by her work is essential. Her father had taught her that it is safe to stay in a well-paid job, not to quit, and to commit, allowing her to have a mortgage to buy a house.

    The fear behind this center was the loss of control and financial loss. Here was the conditioning. Here was the emotional blockage.
    Her body was sending her messages she had refused to listen to for a long time. Her fertility and creativity were off. She was not satisfied with her work and was controlled by fears, money, and her dad. Work life was deeply intertwined with her personal life.

    Discover what she learnt in this episode!

    From making aligned decisions, unlocking emotional blockages and trauma, learning which environment and food support her health, to discover her talents and life purpose.
    Step by step, all the pieces of the puzzle came together for Florine, She knew what path was waiting for her. She knew with a healthy Sacral Center, not a conditioned one, not with her mind either.
    Thank Florine. Your journey inspires us to shed conditioning, unlock emotional barriers, and create lives aligned with our truest selves.
    If you're ready to unlock your potential, dissolve emotional blocks, and embrace change, reach out.

    Feel free to share this episode with anyone who may benefit from it. Thank you for your support; you are amazing!

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    18 分
  • #29 FR - Fondation pour créer de nouveaux aspects de ta vie - Au coeur du Centre Sacral

    Dans cet épisode, nous explorons ton Centre du Sacral, énergie vitale, énergie de travail, ta vitalité, ta créativité, ta sexualité et ta fertilité. Gros programme !

    On passe du Centre Racine au Centre Sacral pour découvrir les relations en dehors de la famille qui satisfont tes besoins physiques personnels. Un Centre Sacral sain consiste à vivre ta vie sans être contrôlé par la vie extérieure.

    Que ton Centre Sacral soit défini (coloré dans ton Schéma) ou indéfini (blanc), tu as ta propre manière d'accéder à son énergie. En vivant dans un monde où 70 % de la population a un Centre Sacral défini (aka Générateur et Manifestant Générateur), on est conditionné par eux à travailler, travailler, travailler. Tu comprends donc pourquoi les relations sont importantes ici, et c'est ce que je partage dans cet épisode.

    Lorsque tu es conditionné par les autres, tu n'utilises pas la bonne énergie pour toi, tu t'épuises très rapidement ou tu tombes malade. Ton Sacral a sa propre façon de fonctionner, il te suffit de comprendre comment il marche. Lorsque tu as un accès consistent à ton Sacral, tu peux l'utiliser pour prendre des décisions facilement au lieu d'utiliser ton esprit. Il te dira toujours pour quoi tu as de l'énergie et te mènera vers le chemin avec le moins résistance pour toi. Huuuu Oui, huhu, Non, parfois ce n'est pas le bon moment pour demander, tu peux apprendre comment fonctionne le son de ton Sacral et développer une belle relation avec lui. Et je suis là pour t'aider avec cela bien sûr.

    Comme notre énergie Sacrale est le fondement de nos communautés, on explorera sa physiologie. Avoir un Sacral sain te permettra d'élargir ton énergie, ta créativité, ta sexualité et ta fertilité dans tous les domaines de ta vie et de créer la vie que tu désires. Je partage également plus sur le rôle génétique de ton Sacral et comment il peut affecter ta vie.

    Dans cet nouvel épisode, tu découvriras comment identifier les blocages émotionnels provenant des vies extérieures qui te controlent encore et qui ne te servent plus. Tu pourrais prendre conscience du conditionnement, te débarrasser des peurs de perdre et des anciens systèmes de croyances qui ne te servent plus (beaucoup à voir avec l'argent ici mais pas seulement), atteindre ton plein potentiel et créer la belle vie dont tu as toujours rêvé.

    Ton Centre Sacral est le fondement de la création de nouveaux aspects de ta vie alors es-tu prêt(e) à donner naissance à un nouvel aspect de la vie ?

    Bon épisode et n'hésites pas de t'abonner pour en savoir plus sur ton Centre Sacré dans les prochaines semaines à venir.


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  • #29 EN - Foundation to Create New Aspects of your Life - Sacral Center Insights

    In this episode, we are exploring your Sacral Center, life force energy, work energy, your vitality, creativity, sexuality and fertility. Big program!

    We are shifting from the Root Centre to the Sacral Centre to discover relationships outside family that satisfy personal physical needs. A healthy Sacral Centre is about living your life without being controlled by external life.

    If you don't know it yet, your Sacral Center is the circle above the Root Centre at the bottom of your Chart (If you don’t have your Chart yet, feel free to contact me and I will send it to you for free). And as a Motor center, it's extremely powerful.

    That your Sacral Center is defined (coloured in your Chart) or Undefined (white), you have a specific way to access its energy. Living in a world with 70% of the population has a Sacral Center defined (aka Generator and Manifestor Generator), we are conditioned by them to work work work. So you understand why relationships are important here and this is what I am sharing in this episode.When you are conditioned by others, you are not using the right energy for you, burnt out very fast, or get sick.Your Sacral has its way to function, you just need to understand how it works.

    When you have consistent access to your Sacral Center, you can use it to make your decision making easy instead of using your mind.

    Your Sacral Centre will always tell you what you have the energy for and lead you to the least resistance path for you.

    Huuu yes, huh no, sometimes it's not the right time to ask, you can learn how your Sacral sound works and build a beautiful relationship with it. And I am here to help you with it of course.

    As our Sacral energy is the foundation of our communities, we will explore the physiology of the Sacral Center. Having a healthy Sacral Center will allow you to expand your energy, creativity, your sexuality and fertility in all areas of your life and create the life you desire. I am also sharing more about the genetic role of your Sacral and how it can affect your life.

    In this new episode, you will discover how you can identify emotional blockages from being controlled by external lives that don't serve you anymore. You may become consciously aware of conditioning, get rid of fears of losing and old belief system that doesn’t serve you anymore (disclaimer, a lot to do with money here but not only), reach your full potential and create the beautiful life you have always dreamed of.

    Your sacral Centre is the Foundation for creating new aspects into your life so are you ready to give birth to a new aspect of life?

    Enjoy the episode and don’t forget to subscribe to learn more about your Sacral Centre in the next coming week.

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  • Join me to Celebrate YOU and the first year of the Podcast - Q&A episode - Send your questions, stories & feedback

    It's been a year since I released the first episode of the Podcast and we just hit the incredible milestone of 1000 plays on the Podcast! THANK YOU!
    A Special episode entirely dedicated to YOU! I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than by honoring YOU who have supported me and the Podcast since the beginning and every step of the way.
    This special episode will be the chance for you to ask all the burning questions you have been wanting to ask in a Q&A Episode.

    Here is your chance, please ask me all the questions you never dared asking before, about your Design, your Family Design, your health or about any subject in Human Design you have always wanted to know.
    Send through your questions , email me, dm, a voice note, what is simpler for you.
    And also, I would like this episode to be about Your stories, your experiences and your invaluable feedback on the impact of the podcast on your life and learning about your unique Design and its value on your self discovery journey, your relationship, your children, your work, your life mission and of course your health.
    So, to share your questions, stories, incredible adventure, you can :
    - Send an email to humandesignwithsarahjhean@gmail.com
    - Direct Message me : If you prefer, you can send a direct message to my social media @humandesignwithsarahjhean
    - Voice Note : for a more personal touch,
    Your choice, what is easier for you! Short or long messages, I will take them all before the end of April !Of course, I won't share your name.
    I am so looking forward to hearing from you!
    The podcast has been such a turning point for me and is even now available on my Youtube Channel. Sharing with you practical skills to bring awareness in your life, for you to thrive in any area of your life is an absolute honour and transformative experience.
    Thanks for being part of this amazing journey with me.

    Here's to many more episodes.

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