
  • Episode 009 Meal ticket and double standards.

    https://www.betterhelp.com/mam2 #sponsored #betterhelp #stress #anxiety #depression #overwhelmed #therapyisgood #seeatherapist

    Men are often referred to as "the mealticket" and the world today has so many double standards, it's crazy. Yes, there are some still floating around against women, but this is a podcast about how men are mistreated too. Today's sponsor, Betterhelp, is a great resource for anyone to use if they feel like the stress is just building too much. It really is okay to seek help. Betterhelp is a much cheaper, easier online option than anything else I have ever found in my life. Instead of hundreds of dollars per session, in person, with no way to reach out during the day and actually get a response if it's not in session, Betterhelp provides a better route - online, over the phone, video chats, live typing chats, and even a journal you can type in if you want and you can share that with your therapist (again, if you want). And it is MUCH more affordable. And if you can't afford even their prices, you can apply for financing! It is INCREDIBLE!!!! Check out my link https://www.betterhelp.com/mam2 for 10% off!!!

    ** If you would like your story in a future episode, feel free to email viaamanda2010@gmail.com ** No soliciting ** Names will be changed for to protect everyone's privacy.

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    27 分
  • Podcast 008 Bottling up Emotions & Suicide

    Men live shorter lives than women do, and a lot of it has to do with stress. And stress comes from how they are conditioned to be "men", with everything on their shoulders, a massive chunk of consistent responsibility, and they get depressed. Then they aren't allowed to be emotional or open up or they are targeted, mocked, betrayed, and made to feel like sub-humans. That isn't always the case, but it is a good chunk of the time, across the globe! And men who are stressed, depressed, suffer from anxiety and high blood pressure due to such, who aren't allowed to open up and they have to bottle up their emotions, die younger of heart attacks, strokes, and aneurisms - and if that doesn't get them, then the levels of stress and depression cause them to commit suicide instead.

    ** If you would like your story in a future episode, feel free to email viaamanda2010@gmail.com ** No soliciting ** Names will be changed for to protect everyone's privacy.

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  • Podcast 007 Listener Story "Rad"

    Welcome back everyone! This is a listener story segment. The listener is referred to as "Rad" to protect his identity. There are 4 stories in this episode, all from him and the things he has gone through. If anyone has any advice or would like to send supporting words to him, you can email them to me and I'll make sure he gets them.

    *** If you have a story of your own that you want discussed in a future episode of Men are mistreated too, feel free to email me at viaamanda2010@gmail.com ** No soliciting ** Like and subscribe/follow to catch future episodes! You can also find these episodes on YouTube!

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    19 分
  • Podcast 006: It's okay, as long as you're a female

    We all know a female or thirty that have preferences when it comes to the dating scene. And men have preferences as well. But it's acceptable for a female to voice her preferences while men are not allowed to. Why??

    *** If you have a story you want in a future episode, email viaamanda2010@gmail.com - names will be changed for privacy reasons **

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    17 分
  • Podcast 005: Father's Day & Abortion

    Happy Father's Day to all of the MEN out there! Today's episode is for you guys as well as discussing a requested topic - abortion. Why don't men have a say in abortion? Why can women, alone, choose what to do to that baby before it's even born without the consent of the man that fathered the baby in the first place? And why do single mothers think they can celebrate father's day when they ARE NOT men?? This was a fun episode.

    ** If you have a story you want told on this podcast, feel free to email me at viaamanda2010@gmail.com ** NO soliciting **

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    13 分
  • Podcast 004 Listener Story "Billy"

    This particular episode is about a man named Billy going through a rough divorce and custody battle with his ex wife. He thought they had a good relationship, then out of no where, just through her words alone, his entire life was turned upside down in less than a year. Here it is, June of 2022, and he hasn't seen his daughter in 6 months. She went from being someone he thought he could rely on and build with, after being together for 8 years at the time everything negative started, to being a horrible, nasty woman, abusing him, slandering him, and preventing him from spending time with his daughter. **** If anyone, after listening to this episode, has ANY advice, tips, thoughts you want conveyed to Billy, anything else, feel free to email me. If you also want your story told on this podcast, you can email me that too. viaamanda2010@gmail.com **** Thanks for tuning in!

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  • Podcast 003 "Family" Court

    We've all heard and been a part of our fair share of "family" court horror stories. Once again, "family" court is definitely a prime example of men being mistreated. They always seem to side with the female, regardless of the situation, even if there is abuse happening to the children in the situation. This episode discusses my best friend going through his divorce from his ex, with children, through family court, and how long it took for the court to finally do something about the visitation and abuse.

    **** If you have your own story you want out there, feel free to email it to me at viaamanda2010@gmail.com **** All names will be changed in the official recording to protect everyone's privacy - including the bad guys in the story - but I will credit you for sending it to me if you want me to use a specific nickname or your username perhaps. Let me hear it guys! And woman too, if you have witnessed similar situations of men being mistreated too, you are welcome to send in submissions too!

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    23 分
  • Podcast 002 Knowing an abused man

    How many of you out there know a man who has suffered from domestic violence or abuse from their partner? Did they manage to escape the situation? Did they ever recover from it? Or are they still suffering directly or indirectly? Unfortunately, I know a few abused men, one of which is my best friend. I'm here to tell you a bit about his story and how he is today, 15 years after escaping the abuse from his ex-wife.

    * If you know an abused man, currently suffering or a past victim, and you want their story out there, feel free to email me a viaamanda2010@gmail.com - I know I said otherwise in the actual recording, but please don't have real names in order to protect their privacy and avoid potential slander. Use nicknames for them and others in the story, including the abuser. I'll pick a few stories for my next podcasts to read out loud. I might edit portions for a smoother reading of it aloud, depending on how you type and grammatical or spelling errors if there are any.

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