
  • If you feel like you don't have your sh*t together – you're not alone 🩷

    Today's episode brought to you by conversations I've had recently with women about not having our sh*t together – and my desire to share with you that everyone has some element of mess in their life.

    You are not alone.

    You're not the first to experience this thing you're in.

    And nothing is broken.

    Listen in for reassurance, if that's what you're craving right now.

    And if you're feeling relatively stable right now, please remind those around you that it's ok not to feel like they've got their sh*t together.

    Sending love x

    You can now send me a text! Just tap here.

    If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at nadeeguy.co

    Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

    Have a magical day x

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    14 分
  • 🎄 It's one thing we all need. Rest. How do you take yours? (PODMAS Series!)

    In another mini-episode, I was inspired to invite you to really (truly) give yourself permission to need rest.

    Not that you need permission, but so many people 'battle on' and 'stay busy', not allowing yourself even to acknowledge that you need rest.

    Today, that changes 😉

    You're human. It's natural to need rest. And there are as many ways to rest as there are humans on the planet.

    Hit play. Take inspiration 🌷

    You can now send me a text! Just tap here.

    If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at nadeeguy.co

    Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

    Have a magical day x

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    5 分
  • 🎄 The sweet 2 minute daily practice to nurture connection (PODMAS Series!)

    The 3 questions to ask when you want to deepen your relationship – with your child, your partner, or yourself.

    This sweet little practice takes just a couple of minutes, but it can also open up more conversation, if you'd like it to.

    It can also just remain a super short – yet potent – bookend to your day.

    I hope you love these PODMAS episodes as much as I enjoy creating them. 🥰

    You can now send me a text! Just tap here.

    If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at nadeeguy.co

    Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

    Have a magical day x

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    5 分
  • 🎄When you see a hearse driving down the highway (PODMAS Series!)

    Today’s episode was inspired by the moment I was driving down the highway at 110km per hour, listening to a podcast, mind far away, and was jolted back to reality by the sight of a coffin being transported in the car next to me.

    There’s nothing like the presence of death to illuminate what’s important in life!

    To your one wild and precious life.

    Sending love x

    If you’re drawn to the idea of calling more abundance into your life, you’re in the right place. My body of work is designed to support women to create more abundance, whether it be through their business or their life. As a women’s embodiment coach and a conversion-focused copywriter, I can support you to lovingly cast aside limiting beliefs that are holding you back, create embodied boundaries to protect what’s vital, magnetise more of what you want, or help you create sales pages, web copy and emails that create sales and abundance. Alchemising the gifts of embodiment and copywriting are at the heart of my work 💖

    You can now send me a text! Just tap here.

    If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at nadeeguy.co

    Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

    Have a magical day x

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    7 分
  • 🎄 It’s PODMAS Day 1! (But wait, wasn’t this supposed to be published on 1 Dec? 🤔)

    It’s PODMAS again! That magical time of year where I attempt to do a daily, short and sweet episode. 😆

    This episode was recorded with great intentions on December 1, but on a whim I decided to do video as well… and that’s when my tech challenge began! LOL Nevertheless, here you are.

    PODMAS Day 1 (a few days late in your queue)

    Going back to the roots of this podcast – like voice notes from your (messy) friend – these episodes will be a little gift in between your other podcast episodes to support you to stay present this silly season, live your one wild and precious life with intention, and celebrate the mess of life.

    Daily themes will depend on what’s most alive for me as it happens, but could involve mindset shifts, energy lifts, or gems and gifts! (See what I did there? 🤭)

    Whatever it is, I hope your day gets a little energetic boost from popping these episodes into your queue.

    Let’s celebrate this time of year, find ways to support ourselves and generally celebrate the magic in the mess of life!

    Sending love x

    Links mentioned:

    Nadee's Substack:
    The Magic Mess

    If you’re drawn to the idea of calling more abundance into your life, you’re in the right place. My body of work is designed to support women to create more abundance, whether it be through their business or their life. As a women’s embodiment coach and a conversion-focused copywriter, I can support you to lovingly cast aside limiting beliefs, create embodied boundaries, magnetise what you want, or help you create sales pages, web copy and emails that create sales and more abundance in your life. Alchemising the gifts of embodiment and copywriting are at the heart of this work 💖

    You can now send me a text! Just tap here.

    If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at nadeeguy.co

    Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

    Have a magical day x

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    10 分
  • How can feminine energy support your business? 🌹

    Would you like your business to feel more pleasurable, creative, spacious, intuitive, and connected? 🪸 These are feminine gifts, and they're available to your business just as much as to your life!

    Today's episode is for you.

    Masculine energy is great for structure, process, logic, strategy and forward momentum – and our businesses definitely need these. But how would it feel to make more space for the feminine in your business?

    Today's episode is first an example of how I'm calling on the feminine in my business, and second a walkthrough of several ways to infuse these gifts into your business.

    You can start today!

    I talk about:
    🌹 Collaboration and community
    🌹 Honouring your body and the earth
    🌹 Depth before direction
    🌹 Creativity
    🌹 Pleasure and sensuality in business

    During this episode I also let you in on my offering of Potent + Pleasurable Accountability Coaching.

    Great for you if you:

    • have a heap of projects and a hefty to-do list that has you feeling all over the place
    • feel like you’re spinning and stumbling in any direction
    • struggle with prioritising and staying organised, and focused

    Check out my minimal sales page on Google Docs here ;)

    Sending love x

    Other links
    Potent + Pleasurable Accountability Coaching
    Email: hello@nadeeguy.co

    My IG

    Get my newsletter!

    Check out 1-1 Embodiment Coaching

    You can now send me a text! Just tap here.

    If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at nadeeguy.co

    Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

    Have a magical day x

    続きを読む 一部表示
    28 分
  • How masculine energy can support your business ⚡️

    What if there was a better, more deeply nourishing way of creating a business that lights you up (and creates abundance)?

    Masculine and Feminine energies show up in all areas of life, and business is no different.

    ⚡️Not getting the results you want in your business?
    ⚡Feeling out of alignment in your business, that something’s not right?
    ⚡️Get the sense that you’re serving your business, rather than being in balance with it?
    ⚡️Just feeling plain depleted in business?

    Pop those ear buds in and give this episode a listen, you may find some inspiration and a different way of thinking about your business - and the gifts that masculine energy has to offer you.

    During this episode I also let you in on my offering of Potent + Pleasurable Accountability Coaching.

    Great for you if you:

    • have a heap of projects and a hefty to-do list that has you feeling all over the place
    • feel like you’re spinning and stumbling in any direction
    • struggle with prioritising and staying organised, and focused

    Check out my minimal sales page on Google Docs here ;)

    Sending love x


    Get Potent + Pleasurable Accountability Coaching

    Steph Crowder’s Year on the Wall

    My IG

    Get my newsletter!

    Check out 1-1 Embodiment Coaching

    You can now send me a text! Just tap here.

    If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at nadeeguy.co

    Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

    Have a magical day x

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    26 分
  • Why would anyone want to combine embodiment and copywriting? 🤔

    Once we get past the cringe-y intro, today’s topic is super close to my heart because it combines two of my passions - feminine embodiment and conversion copywriting.

    How!? You might wonder.

    It’s a valid question. I actually wondered the same thing. Lol.

    One of them is body-based, inner world-focused and a way of being.

    The other is strategic, mind-focused, logical and is all about conversions.

    But through my explorations and play, I’m finding beautiful fertile ground for infusion of the two. Masculine + Feminine. A gorgeous new modality.

    If you’re a creator, today’s episode may inspire you to look at things differently.


    If you’ve considered, or are considering, combining two seemingly unrelated skillsets or offerings into one beautiful beast, today’s episode may also inspire you to proceed. In fact, I truly hope it does.

    Let’s play.

    Sending love x

    As a Feminine Embodiment coach for women, I am dedicated to helping them establish unshakeable self-love, self-trust, and self-understanding resulting in confidence and freedom to live a beautiful life, filled with magic and pleasure.

    Links from the episode:

    8 minutes to embodied expression - your free guided visualisation

    My IG

    Get my newsletter!

    Check out 1-1 Embodiment Coaching

    Schedule a 20 minute coffee chat

    You can now send me a text! Just tap here.

    If you'd like to get in touch you'll find me over at nadeeguy.co

    Or you can DM me on IG :) @nadeeguy

    Have a magical day x

    続きを読む 一部表示
    27 分