Midlife Mayhem

著者: joanne lee cornish
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  • Welcome to Midlife Mayhem, where we embark on an empowering journey through the world of midlife body composition transformation. In this space, we challenge the misconceptions surrounding aging and redefine what’s possible for those navigating the exhilarating terrain of midlife and beyond. Join me as we explore the science, mindset shifts, and practical strategies that can help you sculpt the body of your dreams, proving that age is no barrier to achieving peak vitality and confidence. Whether you’re seeking to shed excess weight, gain lean muscle, or simply feel more vibrant, this podcast is your trusted companion in the pursuit of a healthier, stronger, and more resilient you. Welcome to a new era of limitless possibilities in midlife body transformation. ”Hi I’m Joanne, and I have been coaching body composition for over 30 years. I’ve worked with household names that you know, and I have worked with thousands of people in my group coaching programs. I was a pro bodybuilder in the 90’s with a top 10 physique in the world, but I only knew how to be in shape and out of shape. That frustration led me on a fascinating path of self-study where I found all the answers I could have asked for and more. But I had to dig for the answers, and I have my own ideas on why those answers are not mainstream and why the weight loss industry fails you, but I will save that for a Midlife Mayhem episode. Author of ”When Calories & Cardio Don’t Cut It”New podcast weblog
    Copyright 2023 All rights reserved.
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Welcome to Midlife Mayhem, where we embark on an empowering journey through the world of midlife body composition transformation. In this space, we challenge the misconceptions surrounding aging and redefine what’s possible for those navigating the exhilarating terrain of midlife and beyond. Join me as we explore the science, mindset shifts, and practical strategies that can help you sculpt the body of your dreams, proving that age is no barrier to achieving peak vitality and confidence. Whether you’re seeking to shed excess weight, gain lean muscle, or simply feel more vibrant, this podcast is your trusted companion in the pursuit of a healthier, stronger, and more resilient you. Welcome to a new era of limitless possibilities in midlife body transformation. ”Hi I’m Joanne, and I have been coaching body composition for over 30 years. I’ve worked with household names that you know, and I have worked with thousands of people in my group coaching programs. I was a pro bodybuilder in the 90’s with a top 10 physique in the world, but I only knew how to be in shape and out of shape. That frustration led me on a fascinating path of self-study where I found all the answers I could have asked for and more. But I had to dig for the answers, and I have my own ideas on why those answers are not mainstream and why the weight loss industry fails you, but I will save that for a Midlife Mayhem episode. Author of ”When Calories & Cardio Don’t Cut It”New podcast weblog
Copyright 2023 All rights reserved.
    🎙️ Hello, everybody! Today, we’re diving into training, the toning myth, and a little heads-up for the next episode. But first... 🚨 👉 The next podcast is going to be all about cholesterol in midlife 🧬—because this topic has come up twice in the last week with female friends and clients. Their LDL (a.k.a. the "bad" cholesterol) is suddenly elevated, and they’re concerned about it. 💡 So, in the next episode, I’ll explain: ✔️ Why cholesterol changes in midlife 🕰️ ✔️ How to read your bloodwork 🩸 to assess real heart risk ❤️ ✔️ The advanced cholesterol tests 🏥 to ask your doctor for (they're simple, cheap, but not standard!) 🔜 That’s for next time. But today... let’s talk about the toning myth! 💪 🚀 Muscle is the New Sexy! I love that building muscle is finally fashionable! Young people want to be buff now, especially women, which is fantastic. But… there's still this old-school approach: 🗣️ "I’ll do light weight, more reps so I don’t get too big!" This used to be super popular—and still is among midlifers. Why? 🤔 Because many have spent most of their lives trying to lose weight and fear doing anything that might make them bigger. 🔎 But here’s the reality: A pound of muscle is about a third the size of a pound of fat 🥩—so if you gain five pounds of muscle, you’ll actually be smaller! 📏 🎯 The "Lightweight, High Reps" Trap People say: "I want to be lean and toned, so I do high reps with light weights." I get why they think that works, but here’s the truth bomb 💥—it doesn’t work the way they think. 💡 Let’s talk about hypertrophy. That’s the process of building and shaping your muscles. 📌 Key fact: Hypertrophy happens in a rep range of 6 to 30 reps—yes, even high reps can build muscle! But here’s the catch: ✔️ If you're doing lightweight, high reps, you still must go close to failure. 😮‍💨 ✔️ That means stopping with only 2-5 reps left in the tank. ✔️ Most people aren't doing that. Instead, they stop way too soon. 😬 Result? They spend forever in the gym ⏳ doing boring workouts 😴 and not getting the toned, sculpted body they want. 🚫 Why the Typical "Toning" Approach Fails Most people doing lightweight, high reps: ❌ Are using isolation exercises (inner thigh machine, tricep pushdowns, etc.) 🤦‍♀️ ❌ Are not going close to failure 🚫 ❌ Are not using compound movements like squats, deadlifts, or rows 🏋️‍♀️ 💥 And that’s why they’re not getting results! 💥 If you want a tight, lean, muscular body with definition—you need real resistance training. 🏋️‍♀️ What Actually Works? 👉 Heavier weights, lower reps (8-12 range), and lifting close to failure. And here’s the best part: You won’t get bigger! (Especially if you’re over 40.) 🚀 📌 Let’s bust another myth: If you lift heavier in that 8-12 rep range—but don’t eat excess calories—you won’t bulk up. The size comes from fat, not muscle. ✔️ If you want definition, lift in that 8-12 rep range 🎯 ✔️ Occasionally mix in 30-rep sets (but don’t rely on them!) ✔️ Avoid wasting time with endless, mindless reps. 🏆 Want Strength? Do This Instead If your goal is strength 🏆 (not muscle growth), you’ll want to: ✔️ Go SUPER heavy 🏋️‍♀️ ✔️ Train in the 3-5 rep range 🔥 ✔️ Take long rest periods (2-5 minutes) between sets 💡 That’s how powerlifters train! And guess what? Some of the strongest people out there are tiny—because strength ≠ size. 🔥 The Biggest Gym Mistakes 🚫 People waste decades doing the wrong type of training for their goals. 🚫 They don’t know their body type (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) 🧬 🚫 They don’t adjust nutrition for their specific body type 🍽️ For example: ⚠️ Ectomorphs (naturally lean) shouldn’t be fasting 🚫 ⚠️ Endomorphs (easier weight gain) can do carb cycling 📌 And guess what? If your body proportions aren’t suited to certain exercises, you might be wasting time on movements that don’t work for YOU. 🎯 Bottom Line: Train SMART, Not Just Hard! 🏋️‍♀️ If you want a defined, strong, sculpted body, you need: ✔️ A proper training plan 📊 ✔️ The right rep range for your goal ✔️ Smart nutrition based on your body type ⏳ Stop wasting time. Get specific. Follow a plan that works. And make training fun! 🚀 Muscle Month Starts Soon! Join Me! 💥 March 16th - April 12th 💥 👉 This is for people who want to: ✅ Build muscle and stay lean ✅ Learn specific training strategies ✅ Actually understand how to train for THEIR body 📢 All sessions are recorded 🎥 and available for 6 months—so you don’t have to attend live! 🔥 Join me at MuscleMonth.com! I’m in my element coaching this program, and I’d love to have you there!
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    16 分
    Metabolism, Muscle Loss, and My Coaching Approach Muscle Month starts on March 16 - April 12 - click the link for full details www.musclemonth.com Metabolism and Weight Loss: The Nuances We’ve all heard the old adage that metabolism drops with weight loss. There’s a lot of truth to that, but today I want to dig into the nuances—because it’s not just about eating less and burning fewer calories. There’s why it happens, how it happens, and what you can do about it. If you lose weight too fast, your metabolism will downshift. I’ve seen this time and time again. I have a machine that measures metabolic rate, and I’ve watched as competitors who went through extreme dieting ended up with much lower metabolic rates than their training partners who didn’t restrict as aggressively. I’m talking about a 1,000-calorie-a-day difference—huge. And this applies to those on weight loss medications too. The body does not like rapid, prolonged restriction. But let’s start with the basics. What Is Metabolism? Metabolism is the total energy your body burns per day. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR)—or resting metabolic rate (RMR)—is the number of calories your body needs to function at rest. This is before exercise, before walking around, before any activity. For the average woman, this is around 1,400 calories per day. If you have more muscle, your BMR is higher. Muscle is metabolically active tissue—it’s like leaving your car engine running all the time. It constantly burns energy, even at rest. Fat, on the other hand, is mostly metabolically neutral. It doesn’t require much energy to exist. That’s why losing muscle directly lowers your metabolic rate. This is also why men typically have higher metabolic rates than women—they have more muscle. And it’s why protecting your muscle is crucial during any fat loss phase. Why Does Metabolism Drop with Restriction? If you restrict calories too hard for too long, your body compensates. Around weeks four to six, I can actually measure a noticeable drop in metabolic rate. And if the restriction continues, it keeps dropping. This is why I designed my Peak Week five-day shred program—to take advantage of short, aggressive fat loss phases without triggering long-term metabolic adaptation. Your body can handle a brief period of restriction. But if you stay there for months? Your body will fight back. We’ve seen this in the fitness industry for years—people dieting down to 800 or 1,000 calories a day, doing hours of cardio, and suddenly... they stop losing weight. Why? Their metabolic rate has adapted. The Role of NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) One of the biggest reasons for metabolic downshifting is a drop in NEAT—Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. NEAT is all the movement you do that isn’t intentional exercise. Tapping your footFidgeting with your fingersShifting from one leg to anotherAdjusting in your chair It’s unintentional calorie burn. And it adds up—big time. Some people naturally do more NEAT than others. You’ll notice ectomorphs (those naturally lean, high-energy people) fidget a lot. They can eat more without gaining weight because their bodies burn hundreds of extra calories through movement they don’t even think about. When someone is in chronic restriction—whether from dieting or weight loss meds—NEAT plummets. The body subconsciously conserves energy. I see this all the time—people who were once high-energy start moving less. They stop tapping their foot, they don’t fidget as much, they sit more. The body is saving calories. This is how the body protects itself during long-term calorie restriction. It reduces muscle (to save energy) and reduces movement (to burn fewer calories). Protecting Your Metabolism During Weight Loss In all my programs, I include two, two-hour windows per week where clients can eat whatever they want. Why? Because strategic breaks in restriction signal to the body that food is available—it reduces metabolic adaptation and keeps leptin (your hunger hormone) in check. If you’re going to restrict, you must do two things: Keep your protein intake high. If you don’t, you’ll lose muscle fast.Take strategic breaks. Give your body a surge of calories so it doesn’t panic and downshift metabolism. And those extra calories should come from carbs. A refeed meal that’s just protein and salad won’t work. If you want to reset leptin and keep your metabolism firing, you need carbs. Starting at a Deficit: Why That’s Okay I hear this all the time when people start my Muscle Month program: ❌ “I’m so weak.” ❌ “I used to be leaner.” ❌ “I can’t believe how much muscle I’ve lost.” Listen—everyone starts at a deficit. That’s why you’re starting. If you already had the results, you wouldn’t be here. Starting at a deficit is not a bad thing—it’s just a starting point. Your feelings about where you are today don’t define your potential. Your ...
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    37 分
  • The Truth about Muscle & Weight Loss
    In this episode, I dive deep into one of the most misunderstood aspects of health and fitness: muscle. As a former professional bodybuilder who has been lifting since the age of 14, I’ve been waiting for muscle to become a mainstream topic—and now that it finally is, I’m frustrated by the fear-mongering around it. There’s so much panic over muscle loss, especially with weight loss medications, yet very few people are offering real solutions. That’s what we’re going to fix today. I’ll explain why muscle is not just about aesthetics (though it does make you look amazing), but also about longevity, metabolic health, and strength as we age. Plus, I’ll share practical, actionable steps to maintain and build muscle at any age. Key Takeaways: Muscle Month March 16 - April 12 Muscle Loss & Fear-Mongering There's a lot of finger-wagging and shaming around muscle loss, particularly for those on weight loss medications, but not enough coaching on how to prevent it. Muscle is a skill—you don’t just build it by going to the gym and lifting random weights. Like learning golf or a new language, it requires knowledge and structure. The older we get, the harder it is to build muscle, making proper training even more critical. Why Muscle Matters More Than You Think Muscle is the largest storage site for nutrients like carbohydrates—without it, your body has fewer places to store sugar, increasing fat gain and insulin resistance. It’s one of the strongest predictors of longevity and healthspan—more so than even body fat percentage. Grip strength is a better predictor of longevity than blood pressure. If you struggle to open a jar, that’s a major warning sign. Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) is inevitable, but how fast you lose muscle is within your control. Women & Muscle Loss Women already have less muscle than men, making them more susceptible to age-related loss. After menopause, muscle loss accelerates dramatically due to declining estrogen, which plays a role in muscle repair. Women over 50 can lose up to 3% of muscle per year if they’re not actively working to maintain it. Building & Maintaining Muscle: The Essentials Protein: Aim for 1g per pound of goal body weight (minimum 130g for women, 180g for men in my Muscle Month program). Protein intake should hit the leucine threshold (at least 35g per meal) to trigger muscle growth. Strength Training: Lifting light weights for high reps works, but only if you push to failure. Progressive overload (gradually increasing weight or intensity) is essential for continuous improvement. Form matters—most people in commercial gyms have poor form, which can lead to injury and wasted effort. Muscle & Metabolism: Muscle acts like a glucose sponge, helping manage blood sugar without the need for insulin. More muscle = higher metabolism = easier weight maintenance. Strength training improves hormonal balance, including testosterone and growth hormone, which affect fat distribution, energy, and libido. Muscle & Independence: Weak leg muscles = higher risk of falls, fractures, and loss of mobility. If you can’t stand up from a chair without using your hands, that’s a problem—one that resistance training can fix. Common Myths About Muscle Building Women won’t “bulk up” accidentally. Muscle growth is intentional and takes effort. Cardio won’t give you a toned body. Strength training is key for definition. You don’t need hours in the gym. Just 45 minutes twice a week can make a significant difference if done correctly. Muscle Month Program If you’re serious about gaining strength, getting lean, and staying strong for life, my Muscle Month program is for you. Live coaching starts March 16 - April 12, but you can purchase it anytime as a self-study course. Includes: 10 live Zoom calls, in-depth training videos, 5 different workout plans, meal plans, and everything you need to build muscle effectively. Not a bulking program—this is about getting leaner while building strength. By the end of this program, you will know more than 90% of personal trainers about muscle building. Join Muscle Month: www.musclemonth.com For questions, email me at joe@theshrinkshop.com Final Thoughts: Muscle isn’t just about looking good (though that’s a valid reason too). It’s the foundation of longevity, health, and independence. Stop fearing it. Start training for it. And if you want real coaching, I’m here to help. Subscribe & Share: If this episode resonated with you, share it with a friend who needs to hear it! Don’t forget to subscribe for more science-backed, no-BS fitness advice.
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    28 分

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