
  • 142: Is Your Spiritual Practice Actually Enough?

    Feeling unspiritual because you missed your morning meditation? You're not alone. Join us on Mindfully Moody as Sara opens up about her own struggles with guilt and disconnection when her spiritual practices fall by the wayside. Together, we challenge the notion that spirituality must be tied to rigid routines. Just like health, our spiritual well-being should not be defined by stringent rules and self-imposed goals. Instead, we emphasize the power of intention and the importance of a compassionate, flexible approach to nurturing our spiritual selves.

    In this episode, we celebrate the significance of the small, everyday acts that contribute to our spiritual growth. From simple acts of kindness to genuine interactions, these moments of self-awareness often go unnoticed but are vital to our journey. We tackle the dangers of comparison and the feelings of inadequacy that arise when we measure ourselves against others' stringent practices. By creating personal guidelines that resonate with our unique needs and lifestyles, we can honor our own spiritual paths. Tune in and embrace a more compassionate view of your spiritual journey, free from guilt and comparison, and extend this perspective to those who might be struggling too.

    Wishing you a week full of love, light, and healing, beautiful souls.

    Sara & Hannah

    00:00 - Introduction: Overcoming Spiritual Guilt

    00:41 - Self-Love Formula Announcement

    02:01 - Sara’s Personal Experience with Spiritual Guilt

    03:55 - Different Aspects of Life and Perfectionism

    05:18 - Spirituality vs. Conditional Practices

    08:10 - The Impact of Self-Created Pressure

    09:59 - Finding Balance Between Practice and Self-Compassion

    10:44 - Early Stages of a Journey vs. Long-Term Integration

    13:31 - Embodying Spirituality in Everyday Life

    14:53 - Celebrating Small Wins and Natural Spirituality

    16:12 - The Influence of Comparison and External Expectations

    19:18 - Creating Your Own Guidelines for Success

    FOLLOW MINDFULLY MOODY ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to vibe with us and stay connected!

    SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS | Are you ready to overcome self-doubt and fall deeply in love with yourself? This is the course for you!

    THE AWAKENED WOMAN RETREAT | December 11-17, 2024 in the Jungle in Mexico (outside of Cancun) hosted by Sara Swanson and Danielle Sharkey!

    PASSION TO PROFIT FREE COURSE | Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

    FOLLOW HANNAH ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to activate your dream life!

    FOLLOW SARA ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to reclaim your femininity and highest self!

    Find more on Mindfully Moody at: https://www.mindfully-moody.com/

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    21 分
  • 141: Feel Like You Want To Give Up On Your Dreams & Goals? Listen to THIS.

    Have you ever felt like giving up on your dreams? Have you ever felt like you're running in place, putting in all the effort but not seeing any progress? Join us on this week's episode of Mindfully Moody as we open up about our own struggles with feeling stuck despite relentless work towards our dreams. Hannah and Sara get real about the emotional roller coaster of self-development, from the frustration of hitting walls to the small yet significant victories that often go unnoticed. Hannah talks about her recent battles with stagnation, while Sara shares her ongoing journey balancing health challenges and business goals. Together, we emphasize the importance of recognizing and celebrating every bit of progress, no matter how small it seems.

    In our reflective segment, we dive into how our goals and passions have evolved since graduating college and how crucial it is to stay aligned with our true selves. We discuss the pain of pursuing paths that don't resonate with our core values, drawing from personal experiences of career misalignment and the joy of building businesses fueled by passion. We offer insights on distinguishing between challenges that build character and signs of genuine misalignment. Remember, don't give up on your dreams. This episode is a heartfelt reminder to honor your soul's desires, to persist in your endeavors, and to find fulfillment in aligning your goals with your true self.

    Wishing you a week full of love, light, and healing, beautiful souls.

    Sara & Hannah

    01:39 - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Fears
    02:10 - Building a Foundation for Success
    02:52 - Navigating Life's Ups and Downs
    03:09 - Facing Frustration When Progress Feels Slow
    04:38 - Balancing Effort and Results
    05:30 - Struggles with Health and Business Goals
    06:54 - The Trap of Moving the Goalpost
    09:55 - The Bamboo Tree Metaphor: Growth Takes Time
    10:07 - The Process of Unlearning and Relearning
    11:40 - Understanding Life Alignment and Personal Growth
    12:09 - The Importance of Getting into Alignment
    14:52 - Recognizing Misalignment in Pursuing Goals
    16:05 - Strategies for Realigning with Your True Desires
    18:45 - Focusing on Small Wins and Daily Habits
    21:12 - The Role of Self-Compassion in Goal Setting
    22:33 - How to Maintain Motivation Over Time
    23:47 - Re-evaluating Goals and Adjusting When Necessary
    26:15 - Setting Realistic Expectations and Milestones
    27:34 - The Importance of Celebrating Progress

    FOLLOW MINDFULLY MOODY ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to vibe with us and stay connected!

    SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS | Are you ready to overcome self-doubt and fall deeply in love with yourself? This is the course for you!

    THE AWAKENED WOMAN RETREAT | December 11-17, 2024 in the Jungle in Mexico (outside of Cancun) hosted by Sara Swanson and Danielle Sharkey!

    PASSION TO PROFIT FREE COURSE | Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

    FOLLOW HANNAH ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to activate your dream life!

    FOLLOW SARA ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to reclaim your femininity and highest self!

    Find more on Mindfully Moody at: https://www.mindfully-moody.com/

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    27 分
  • 140: How to Balance Masculine & Feminine Energy in Yourself: Real Talk With Our Own Struggles

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant pressure to achieve and succeed, only to find yourself drowning in stress and unhealthy habits? We know the feeling all too well. On this episode of Mindfully Moody, we share our personal stories of grappling with the overpowering dominance of masculine energy and how it led us down a path of anxiety, excessive drinking, and overeating. Discover how we've made a significant shift towards healthier routines like breathwork, ice baths, journaling, and mindful eating, allowing us to reclaim our feminine energy and foster a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

    Tune in as we explore the delicate equilibrium between masculine and feminine energies, especially for female entrepreneurs striving for personal well-being and professional success. We dive into the practical strategies we’ve adopted for achieving this balance, such as setting work boundaries and scheduling downtime to reconnect with nature and loved ones. Through our own experiences, we emphasize the importance of recognizing when you’re leaning too heavily on one side and offer actionable tips to adjust accordingly. Whether you’re navigating business, relationships, or daily life, this episode will guide you towards a more harmonious and fulfilling existence.

    Listeners are encouraged to tune into their bodies and recognize the signs of imbalance. For instance, if you find yourself constantly driven by a to-do list and feeling overwhelmed, it may be a sign that your masculine energy is taking over. In such cases, practices like breathwork, meditation, and journaling can help shift the balance back towards the feminine. The hosts also discuss the importance of keeping plans loose to allow for spontaneity and flow, which are key aspects of feminine energy.

    The episode wraps up with a reminder that achieving a balance between masculine and feminine energies is a continuous journey. It's about being mindful of where you are at any given moment and having the tools to adjust accordingly. The hosts invite listeners to join their community on social media and explore additional resources, including their self-love formula and upcoming retreats.

    Wishing you a week full of love, light, and healing, beautiful souls.

    Sara & Hannah

    FOLLOW MINDFULLY MOODY ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to vibe with us and stay connected!

    SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS | Are you ready to overcome self-doubt and fall deeply in love with yourself? This is the course for you!

    THE AWAKENED WOMAN RETREAT | December 11-17, 2024 in the Jungle in Mexico (outside of Cancun) hosted by Sara Swanson and Danielle Sharkey!

    PASSION TO PROFIT FREE COURSE | Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

    FOLLOW HANNAH ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to activate your dream life!

    FOLLOW SARA ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to reclaim your femininity and highest self!

    Find more on Mindfully Moody at: https://www.mindfully-moody.com/

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    34 分
  • 139: The Law of Detachment: Effortlessly Attract More Abundance

    Are you unknowingly repelling the very things you want to manifest? This week, Sara and Hannah reveal the transformative power of mastering the law of detachment. By sharing their personal journeys, they illustrate how letting go of an intense grip on your desires can invite those very desires to flow more freely into your life. Discover why being overly attached to outcomes can sabotage your manifestation efforts and how practicing detachment can heal fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs, ultimately empowering you on your spiritual and entrepreneurial path. The law of detachment is a powerful key in unlocking your manifestations.

    Dive deep into the balance between manifesting your dreams and surrendering to the process. We'll challenge common misconceptions that manifesting requires obsessive control, and instead, spotlight the significance of enjoying the journey and trusting the universe. The law of detachment can help you on your journey. Through exploring the role of gratitude and present-moment fulfillment, we emphasize how detaching from external validation opens doors to inner peace and abundance. Sarah and Hannah offer practical insights to shift your perspective, allowing you to celebrate current achievements and reduce the pressure of future aspirations. Join us to learn how to transform your life by embracing the law of detachment.

    00:00:00 : Mastering the Law of Detachment
    00:00:43: Intro to Mindfully Moody
    00:01:15: Self Love Formula
    00:02:30: Why attachment doesn’t support your goals
    00:04:57 : Letting Go of attachment
    00:05:55 : what is the law of detachment
    00:08:01 : letting go of control of your manifestations
    00:10:01: why attachment pulls you out of your ability to get what you want
    00:11:39 : Releasing Attachment and Embracing Detachment
    00:12:50: example of being attached
    00:13:30: why attachment is ego based
    00:15:30 why we are so attached to things we want
    00:17:59: how to master the law of detachment
    00:19:40: how to recognize the things you already how to shift your mindset and focus

    FOLLOW MINDFULLY MOODY ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to vibe with us and stay connected!

    SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS | Are you ready to overcome self-doubt and fall deeply in love with yourself? This is the course for you!

    UNLOCK FREEDOM & DISCOVER YOURSELF FREE RESOURCE | Our FREE 3 step formula to unlock freedom and inner peace + a free FREEDOM meditation

    THE AWAKENED WOMAN RETREAT | December 11-17, 2024 in the Jungle in Mexico (outside of Cancun) hosted by Sara Swanson and Danielle Sharkey!

    PASSION TO PROFIT FREE COURSE | Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

    FOLLOW HANNAH ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to activate your dream life!

    FOLLOW SARA ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to reclaim your femininity and highest self!

    Find more on Mindfully Moody at: https://www.mindfully-moody.com/

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    23 分
  • 138: Letting go of past versions of yourself, full moon reflections, + forgiveness

    Unveil a new level of self-awareness and healing in this powerful solo episode, where I, Sara, dive deep into the transformative journey of self-compassion and release.

    As the full moon in Aquarius approaches, I find myself at a pivotal moment of reflection, ready to shed the patterns and habits that no longer serve me. My ego has been roaring, but I’m embracing the challenge of letting go and stepping into a more authentic version of myself.

    Join me as I share my raw and honest experiences, discussing the non-linear path of personal growth and the importance of releasing past behaviors to create space for self-worth and harmony. This episode is a gentle reminder that healing is a journey, not a destination, and that it’s okay to honor where we’ve been while also looking forward to where we’re going.

    Connect with me as we explore the power of self-compassion and the courage it takes to break old patterns. Together, we’ll embrace the ebb and flow of growth, finding strength in our shared experiences.

    Don’t miss out—join our supportive community on social media, and if this episode resonates with you, please leave a review. We cherish your feedback and love hearing how these conversations impact your life.

    Wishing you a week full of love, light, and healing, beautiful souls.

    Sara & Hannah

    FOLLOW MINDFULLY MOODY ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to vibe with us and stay connected!

    SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS | Are you ready to overcome self-doubt and fall deeply in love with yourself? This is the course for you!

    THE AWAKENED WOMAN RETREAT | December 11-17, 2024 in the Jungle in Mexico (outside of Cancun) hosted by Sara Swanson and Danielle Sharkey!

    PASSION TO PROFIT FREE COURSE | Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

    FOLLOW HANNAH ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to activate your dream life!

    FOLLOW SARA ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to reclaim your femininity and highest self!

    Find more on Mindfully Moody at: https://www.mindfully-moody.com/

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    24 分
  • 137: Why Core Values Matter for Lasting Relationships + Partnerships

    In this episode of Mindfully Moody, we're diving into the heart of what makes relationships truly flourish—core values! Ever wonder why some relationships just click while others feel like a constant struggle? It’s all about aligning on the things that matter most.

    We are both in different relationship phases in our life, Sara is married, Hannah is single and dating in Austin, so we both have unique perspectives to this!

    Have you ever been so swept off your feet that you missed the warning signs? Well, we've been there, too. We both share her own story of how love and attention can sometimes cloud our judgment, leading us to overlook the importance of aligning values with our partner. Spoiler alert: it didn’t end well. But, as they say, every experience is a lesson, and these lessons showed us the critical role of having common values in a relationship.

    We’ll dive deep into how core values are formed—whether through the influence of our parents, life experiences, or the journey of self-discovery. Knowing your values is like having a compass that guides you in relationships, helping you avoid getting lost in the fog of infatuation. But here’s the kicker: before you can expect someone else to match your values, you’ve got to make sure you’re living up to them yourself. Hannah talks about taking radical responsibility—because when you’re clear on what you stand for, you attract the kind of love that aligns with who you truly are.

    From understanding the importance of a growth mindset, loyalty, and emotional security to embracing playfulness and gratitude, this episode is a roadmap to creating relationships that stand the test of time. Whether you’re single, dating, or in a long-term partnership, you’ll walk away with practical insights and a fresh perspective on what really makes love last. Tune in and let’s get real about why core values matter!

    Sara & Hannah

    FOLLOW MINDFULLY MOODY ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to vibe with us and stay connected!

    SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS | Are you ready to overcome self-doubt and fall deeply in love with yourself? This is the course for you!

    THE AWAKENED WOMAN RETREAT | December 11-17, 2024 in the Jungle in Mexico (outside of Cancun) hosted by Sara Swanson and Danielle Sharkey!

    PASSION TO PROFIT FREE COURSE | Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

    FOLLOW HANNAH ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to activate your dream life!

    FOLLOW SARA ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to reclaim your femininity and highest self!

    Find more on Mindfully Moody at: https://www.mindfully-moody.com/

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    27 分
  • 136: Why Hitting Rock Bottom Is The Biggest Blessing: Cancer, Death & Divorce

    Struggling with the aftermath of hitting rock bottom? Discover how to transform those lowest moments into powerful catalysts for growth and healing. In our latest episode, we share why experiencing a "dark nights of the soul," or rock bottom moment whether through personal loss, illness, or other life challenges, can actually be a turning point for profound self-discovery and transformation. Through our own stories, we offer tools and insights to help you find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

    We delve into the inspiring journey of Wim Hof, who used cold therapy to overcome personal trauma, emphasizing the lessons that come from fully experiencing and acknowledging pain. We highlight the power of choice in navigating toxic relationships and self-destructive behaviors, advocating for self-awareness and the pursuit of healthier, more fulfilling lives. Additionally, we explore the transformative impact of somatic release techniques like breathwork and yoga in processing and releasing stored trauma, aiding both emotional and physical healing. Join us as we discuss how to turn life's lowest points into opportunities for growth and empowerment.

    Whether you're in a rock bottom moment or experiencing a dark night of the soul. Remember you can make it though.

    Sara & Hannah

    00:01 - 2:00 Intro

    2:01 - 3:30 Intro to the topic, we talk about why rock bottom moments are the biggest blessings, sharing a bit about what rock bottom/ what a dark night of the soul is

    3:45 - 9:51 Our personal experience at rock bottom, Sara experiencing cancer as a child, Hannah going through a divorce

    9:51 - 11:00 Gratitude for the rock bottom moment and why it was a positive change

    11:00 - 13:50 - Why the low moments bring gratitude

    13:50 - 19:00 Experiencing rock bottom and seeing the lessons from it, victim mode and experiencing your emotions

    19:00 - 30:00 How to create practice to get out of a rock bottom moment, tools, tips and methods to build yourself back up

    FOLLOW MINDFULLY MOODY ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to vibe with us and stay connected!

    SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS | Are you ready to overcome self-doubt and fall deeply in love with yourself? This is the course for you!

    THE AWAKENED WOMAN RETREAT | December 11-17, 2024 in the Jungle in Mexico (outside of Cancun) hosted by Sara Swanson and Danielle Sharkey!

    PASSION TO PROFIT FREE COURSE | Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

    FOLLOW HANNAH ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to activate your dream life!

    FOLLOW SARA ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to reclaim your femininity and highest self!

    Find more on Mindfully Moody at: https://www.mindfully-moody.com/

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    30 分
  • 135: How to Activate Self-Love, Break Free from Anxiety, + Embrace Confidence

    Have you ever felt paralyzed by self-doubt and anxiety, wondering if you could ever break free? Maybe you went out last night and you have massive hangxiety, but you know the root of your anxiety is deeper than your drunk escapades. Maybe you struggle with imposter syndrome but can't figure out how to push past it.

    WE HAVE BEEN WHERE YOU ARE and now we're giving you the tools on how we healed our self-doubt, anxiety, and fearful minds to arrive to the empowered girlies we are today. This episode takes you on our deeply personal journey from the clutches of low self-esteem to the liberating embrace of self-love.

    Do you want our EXACT formula on how we made the powerful shifts in our lives? We give it to you here for 50% off...SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS!!

    By sharing our own stories of struggle and transformation, we reveal how recognizing and addressing the root causes of our anxieties can lead to profound personal growth. We go into our own stories of when we've experienced anxiety that literally held us back from even approaching strangers in public!! Tune in for our funny story about our European hostel vacay.

    Fast forward to today, where we have stepped into our power, we've cultivated self-acceptance and self-love, and we're no longer held back from the anxiety that trapped us in the past.

    We discuss how to confront these uncomfortable situations head-on, turning them into opportunities for growth. By examining the recurring negative feelings that often haunt us, we uncover their origins and work towards healing. We'll guide you through our experiences in becoming more self-aware, offering insights and practical steps to help you tackle similar challenges in your own life.

    From the anxiety of engaging without distractions to the fear of rejection rooted in childhood, we cover it all, encouraging you to nurture curiosity about these emotions rather than avoiding them.

    We also get into the importance of setting boundaries on our healing journeys, which can be incredibly empowering, yet it often triggers anxiety. We share our journey of learning to respect ourselves and maintain boundaries, discussing the initial discomfort and the rewarding sense of empowerment that follows.

    Join us for a heartfelt episode filled with healing, growth, and the pursuit of self-love.

    Sara & Hannah

    FOLLOW MINDFULLY MOODY ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to vibe with us and stay connected!

    SELF-DOUBT -> SELF-LOVE IN 30 DAYS | Are you ready to overcome self-doubt and fall deeply in love with yourself? This is the course for you!

    THE AWAKENED WOMAN RETREAT | December 11-17, 2024 in the Jungle in Mexico (outside of Cancun) hosted by Sara Swanson and Danielle Sharkey!

    PASSION TO PROFIT FREE COURSE | Go here to get access to Hannah's FREE course to learn how you can create a business doing what YOU love.

    FOLLOW HANNAH ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to activate your dream life!

    FOLLOW SARA ON TIKTOK + INSTAGRAM to reclaim your femininity and highest self!

    Find more on Mindfully Moody at: https://www.mindfully-moody.com/

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    44 分