
  • Says who?!
    In this episode I unpack the stories we tell ourselves and the stress we put ourselves under. How would your life be if every way was just fine? What if we are the only ones stressing ourselves out? What if we could live in peace?
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    23 分
  • My Body Knows. I Just Need to Listen.
    After a big physical reaction to a minor incident, I was forced to look at the trauma that often needs to be healed but that we often ignore. What can your body be telling you? Will you listen?
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    24 分
  • Where the Hell Have I Been?!
    It's been awhile but I'm back to share where I've been and what I've been up to on my never ending journey of life.
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    22 分
  • What Do You Mean I Can't Levitate Yet?!
    What are we grasping at to feel better? How many failed new ideas do we need to try until we realize we are already here. Feel free to send me an email if you would like to connect at totalshiftshowpodcast@gmail.com or follow me on instagram @total_shift_show. Let's shift together!
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    34 分
  • It's OK to Be Lost (I Think)

    In this episode I share what has been happening over the past few weeks and I unpack what I can't seem to figure out. Feeling lost but being right where I'm supposed to be isn't always an easy feeling. Join me as I talk about the shifts that don't make any sense, yet make all the sense.

    Feel free to send me an email if you would like to connect at totalshiftshowpodcast@gmail.com or follow me on instagram @total_shift_show. Let's shift together!

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    29 分
  • When the Darkness Comes
    How do we handle the events in life that seem to derail our spiritual progress? How do we not get consumed by the darkness? Join me as I talk through ways to handle those times that we have decided are really difficult. It may be as easy as just putting your ass in a chair. Feel free to send me an email if you would like to connect at totalshiftshowpodcast@gmail.com or follow me on instagram @total_shift_show. Let's shift together!
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    32 分
  • I'll be happy when...

    Ahhh, the wonderful "I'll be happy when" beliefs that plague us all. But have we really thought about how many times a day we have that thought unconsciously? How can we begin to notice them and change them? We like to daydream about how much happier we will be when things change, but are we doing that in order to avoid the reality that the present moment is all we ever have? What happens if there is no happiness there? It feels safer to dream of possible joy but it isn't real and it will never bring the happiness we crave. Join me as I unpack this notion of the future will be "more, better, different" and what we can do to find peace in the now. I even give you a wacky way to keep your self more present in the every day motions. Enjoy!

    Feel free to send me an email if you would like to connect at totalshiftshowpodcast@gmail.com or follow me on instagram @total_shift_show. Let's shift together!

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    30 分
  • We don't always need sunshine up our ass!
    How many times, with the best of intentions, have we talked others out of how they are feeling in order to "help them feel better?" What if we became a space for each other for ALL the feelings that came up? What if it was normal for everyone to just feel and we stopped labeling emotions as "good" or "bad?" Join me as I unravel my own thoughts about this topic and share my resolve to be a better space for others. Feel free to send me an email if you would like to connect at totalshiftshowpodcast@gmail.com or follow me on instagram @total_shift_show. Let's shift together!
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    30 分